Loved both cases--it's been a while since the writers were able to churn out a good story line, FINALLY they have arrived at something, hope they won't lose it though...
So Nelly Furtado's character was suppose to be played by Christina Aguilera? Well, she did a good job at that and she was able to pull it off. I don't see much "guest stars" show much acting prowess
(example in point Sacha Cohen) unless they portray themselves
(another example Kidd Rock) but in my opinion, Nelly did okay. Wish that they showed much more of her though instead of nabbing stuff then rushing through her character's development in the end. Stella's interaction with Ava shows that she's got a lot of heart even if she was sympathetic to a criminal with "good intentions"
(is there such a thing?!?)
Kings and Shadows case was cool, I know of someone who does those taking exams for someone else--called him up after the eppie and said, "See you could end up dead, dude." His reply? "That's why I don't go to college in NYC..."
Loved Reed when he said, "I told them I was family..." and Mac accepting it without hesitation. Great acting on Gary's part, you could practically touch the tension when he told Reed that Claire's body wasn't found which was exemplified when Reed hugged him, you could see the confusion then the acceptance like Mac was conveying,
"Yeah, we're in this together now--the walking wounded..."
Talk about awkward moments when Adam admitted his dad was a bully--loved his soliloquy about the reflectors and the
"Imelda Marcos ghost, but I don't know if she's dead" oh and LMAO when he scanned Danny's back! :lol: