Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

I loooved the ending. Poor Mac *sniffle* *hugs him* How do you fit what Mac said tonight with what he said in Blink? I still hold to my fanwank about Claire being sick or injured sometime before she died and being hospitalized...hence Mac's comment about sitting with her. *Has fic idea now...several of them*

Good to see some other character backstory anyway...kinda sad the "Adam's dad was a bully" part. But Danny's line was funny. "I hope you got some shoes to go with that bag" LOL

So excited about next week!

As for CSI:Q, I think I'm wierd, it almost never blows the ending for me, don't know why I don't pick up on it.

A I'd give it.
I have to join Faylinn in the Adam love. He was great tonight. Coulda used more Sid.
I also enjoyed the college case more than the shoplifter case. But that might be partly because the shoplifter case was spoiled by CSI: IQ. I hadn't given a thought to either of the other suspects, but as soon as I saw the possibilities, the ending was spoiled.
I'm not sure how I felt about Stella being so sympathetic toward the shoplifter.
The scene where Mac tells Reed that Claire's body was never found was touching, but it reminded me of a supposed spoiler from way back. After the first season (I think), I read somewhere that it was going to turn out that Claire didn't die in 9/11. Was tonight a foreshadowing?

If they had Claire be alive, it would be a very bad choice in my opinion. I can see Mac hoping, or Reed hoping, but to have her be alive would cheapen the inclusion of 9-11 in Mac's backstory. If you ask me, her body not being found simply deepens the heartache--not even being able to have a burial, which so many families experienced firsthand after 9-11.
I totally agree.
I thought this episode was pretty good. Loved Adam in the episode I'd like to see more of him in throughout the show.

I really like the shoplifting storyline very good.

I'm wondering that about too goldnhart. It would be interesting to twist if she didn't die on 9/11.
If they had Claire be alive, it would be a very bad choice in my opinion. I can see Mac hoping, or Reed hoping, but to have her be alive would cheapen the inclusion of 9-11 in Mac's backstory. If you ask me, her body not being found simply deepens the heartache--not even being able to have a burial, which so many families experienced firsthand after 9-11. :(

I'm not sure how I felt about Stella being so sympathetic toward the shoplifter.
You know, I could have enjoyed that scene if they'd had more interaction between them and Stella slowly discovered her story. Also, if the actress playing Eva had been better (Nelly is a good actress when you consider that she's a singer, but overall, not so much), it might have sold the scene more and gained more sympathy from the audience.

Did they say earlier on that the main recipients of the drug were victims of domestic abuse? I didn't think they did, but maybe I missed it...

Yeah, I didnt catch what Adam's dad used to be... Could someone fill me in?
Like MacsGirlMel said, Adam's father was a 'bully.' :( Poor woobie
I really liked this ep! Both cases had intriguing concepts with enough twists & turns to make it fun. I did like the college/secret society case the most though. Loved seeing Mac/Flack interrogating the two different suspects, they rocked together! And Adam...sweet Adam. *sigh* :( Poor Adam's dad was a bully, who knew? Nice bit of backstory for our favorite lab guy. Glad to see so much of him tonight.

And I loved the scene between Mac/Reed at the funeral, interesting to see that, after keeping his emotional distance every time he has been with Mac, this time it was Reed who actually reached out first and hugged Mac, I loved it. And re: not finding Claire, I don't think there will be anything about her turning out alive somewhere. I think that Mac simply meant that she wasn't buried anywhere because they never found her body, but they're still find her body, or at least to have it identified somewhere down the line among the remains, etc.

Love seeing how appalled Danny always gets when faced with the extravagant cost of women's clothing :lol: He cracked me up tonight.

All in all, good episode! Rated an A, from me.
And re: not finding Claire, I don't think there will be anything about her turning out alive somewhere. I think that Mac simply meant that she wasn't buried anywhere because they never found her body, but they're still find her body, or at least to have it identified somewhere down the line among the remains, etc.
That's what I think as well. (They just found new remains at Ground Zero recently, didn't they?) What I meant by 'hoping' was that Mac or Reed might hope that there being no body would mean that she wasn't dead. I'm sure anybody who has lost a loved one knows how it feels to not want to accept it. But I don't think the show would have Claire be alive for a number of reasons.

Love seeing how appalled Danny always gets when faced with the extravagant cost of women's clothing He cracked me up tonight.
Oh yeah, that's always great. But what's with these guys and motorcycles? First Flack in "What You See is What You See" and now Danny in this episode, talking about motorcycles. :lol:
I agree...despite the one or two amnesia victims that showed up later, I think it would cheapen the story as well.

And yes they did have new remains found a few months back, in a sewer or something. My mind went to Mac right away...I'm helpless that way sometimes, just can't stop it lol
I loved the episode. I liked the college story the best. The maze was cool. You think they made that up or does it really exist in New York? I thought Nelly Furtado was pretty good. Danny knocking on the pregnant belly was kind of stupid. All in all I thought this was one of their best episodes. I missed Lindsey though. Definitely worth an A.
catey1234 said:
Yep, they used Maneater. You called it Jorja!

Holy crap. I am like, a physic(sp?) :eek:. I'm actually listening to the song right now on itunes too. I predict that the next new episode will be called Heart of Glass.

Seriously though I had to tivo the episode 'cause of the damn Canucks hockey game. And they lost too. F*cking bs :mad:.
I have to agree the best stuff was the Mac and Reed interaction. More Adam is always good especially when we get back story. When he said that about his dad I wanted to say that if '(Danny) you ever hurt Adam I will kick your butt' and then wanted to hug Adam. Flack is always great. And I did find it odd that Stella got all concerned for Nelly's character it just didn't seem like her. But I guess they had to get her to do it since Lindsay wasn't there.
I also realized that what Mac said kinda negates parts of the Blood on the Sun novel...he made it sound last night like there was no grave. Unless it was a empty grave-memorial thingy and he knew it wouldn't meen anything to the kid...But not having one makes Mac's issues make sense, like someone else said. Kinda hard to find closure when there's not even a body to bury :(
^Stella's character has a history of showing compassion for people she feels have been victimized, in fact it was a trait established during the first season. I don't recall Lindsay ever showing compassion unless we're talking about her scenes with dead female bodies.

What I loved about this episode was the cohesive feel, the seamlessness of it, the fact that it didn't feel interrupted by the unnecessary or the tension halted by the unconvincing. I wonder what brought on the change . . . ;)
Great Episode last night!
Not really into Nelly, but still liked the story. CSIQ is also starting to irrate the hell out of me.

Poor Adam, though it's nice to see them devolp his character.

the other case was also pretty interesting, and Gary's scenes with Reed (can't rember what the actor's name is) were great to watch. Especially at the end.