Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

Rated A, I was in doubt if add the + because it was a great episode, better than the last ones :)

Nelly Furtado was stunning, and I liked her.
But AGAIN, Stella involved with unlucky women... :rolleyes:

Danny was HOT and funny, yay!!!
But Adam was the big surprise, he had a lot of space in this episode. We know now he was beaten up by his father :(

Hawkes on this case about secret society... it made me laugh. You know about Hill being in the movie The Skulls?
There he was a student into journalism, finding out about the secret society. And guess how he ended up... :p

Love the scenes between Mac and Reed. I start loving the kid :rolleyes:

Great, great episode! :D
Pretty good ep. I liked the Mac/Reed interaction, but there didn't seem to be a lot of Mac/Stella interaction which is my absolutely favorite part of any CSI:NY ep.
I'm missing Lindsey, but I'm very glad they haven't put another young woman character into the show while she's gone. BTW, does anybody know if Anna Belknap has had her baby yet? If so, what did she have?
I'm a little confused, in the promo it had flack getting in some suspects face and saying somthing about them playing god, did i miss it or was it in a different episode?
togofan01 said:
I'm a little confused, in the promo it had flack getting in some suspects face and saying somthing about them playing god, did i miss it or was it in a different episode?

That was from an episode earlier on this season..that promo showed some scenes from previous episodes for some reason.
As quick as I am to rail against CSI:NY, I have very little to complain about. The shoplifting case was rickety, and I'd eat my shorts if it wasn't all a setup for the last scene, where Stella played agony aunt to Nelly Furtado. I give kudos to the writers for heeding continuity for Stella-something they have steadfastly ignored for Flack and Danny-but this constant reaching out to women in even remotely similar circumstances is overkill, and to me, it doesn't ring true. The possession of a vagina does not correlate to instant empathy.

Violence against women is disgusting in any circumstance and regardless of frequency or duration, but I don't see how Stella can claim tangential sorority in this case. Frankie hit her once before she popped a cap in his ass; Mr. Lifter subjected his wife to years of chronic physical and emotional abuse. Those are incidents of vastly different magnitudes, and I'm not sure if Stella can understand such a situation. Not when she ended the abuse so emphatically and finally when it started. She may want to, but desire and ability are two different animals.

The maze case was fantastic, and for all my howling about Mac's hypocrisy, I couldn't really fault him here. No, he shouldn't have been processing the scene of Reed's beating, but I think he handled himself admirably throughout, and his distinctly Mackian concern for Reed endeared him to me for at least a week. It was paternal but guarded, and I don't think Mac is sure just how far he is allowed to go with Reed. Even after Reed hugged him at the funeral, it took Mac several seconds to respond in kind, and he was ginger, as though touching such a tangible reminder of Claire was painful.

I would like to interrupt this bit of analysis to implore the CSI:NY writers not to resurrect Claire Conrad Taylor from the dead during sweeps or mid-S4. It would be incredibly cheap and slimy, and don't think I didn't see the trapdoor for it that you so cack-handedly inserted into the episode. Mac has enough angst to fill a garbage barge as it is, and The Wife Who Faked Her Death Because She Was Unhappy in Her Marriage or Working Undercover For the CIA screams turgid soap opera cliche. Stop it. At once.

I do like Reed, however. Clearly, his adoptive parents raised him to be an empathetic, gentle young man, and him reaching for stuffy, awkward Mac in the midst of his own hurt was a lovely moment, even if the grumpy part of my brain screamed that once again, it was all about Mac's woe and not the pain of a son who has just learned that there isn't even a grave to visit.

The interrogation scene with Flack and the idiot med student breathed new life into my guttering hope that Flack's Daddy issues will be explored at some point. That "Excuse me?" when Mr. Med got his whine on that "no one would understand what it's like" to be expected to follow in his uber-successful father's footsteps was awfully quick. It might've been because he sniffed a confession, but I sensed that there was also a bit of, "My ass, I don't know what that's like, asshole," in there, too.

On a purely shallow note, was anyone else perving over the perfect shots of Flack's ass as he prowled around the table? Just me?

And no, it did not go unnoticed that without the soggy, useless D/L drama to eat valuable screen time, the show was much stronger, and Danny was, well, Danny. The only pity is that the writers refuse to leave well enough alone, and rather than develop other characters further, they're going to peddle this insipid, steaming romance patty by sending Danny to Montana while the lab is already a man down. Yes, that's certainly plausible given what we know of protocol and Mac's disposition. Jesus Christ. Maybe Anna Belknap will decide she prefers motherhood to acting, and Lindsay will disappear, along with this nauseating storyline.

In regards to the previews for next week, it appears that Frankie Mala's sister is the one that gets her crazy on in the interrogation room. Unless Stella has killed someone else's brother offscreen. Whether Medea Mala, Thrower of Chairs, is the source of the contaminated blood remains to be seen, though that's the sort of painful irony for which the show is known.
Not sure where that's coming from, I don't see anything about a sister of Frankie's in the synopsis and credits in the spoiler thread.
Well, excuse me for the moment of speculation...

The way the promo was spliced together, it looked like the crazy woman was screaming, "She killed my brother" at Stella.
In the spoilers Frankie's sister throws a chair through the glass towards Stella saying YOU KILLED MY BROTHER.
I swear if she does something bad to Mac's Stella (unfortunatelly, She doesnt belong to me. fortunatelly she belongs to Mac) Ill be so bad.
Stella was very sweet in Some Buried Bones, I always have the feeling that she is like so likable and cool.
Love her. :D :devil:
La_Guera said:
I give kudos to the writers for heeding continuity for Stella-something they have steadfastly ignored for Flack and Danny-but this constant reaching out to women in even remotely similar circumstances is overkill, and to me, it doesn't ring true. The possession of a vagina does not correlate to instant empathy.

I agree with you to a certain extent. I didn't mind the sympathy, but I thought it was unrealistic and overkill to offer the shoplifter her card in case she needed someone to talk with. Just because Stella has been attacked by an ex does not make her an expert to help this woman deal with her issues. A referral to a counseling service would have been much more appropriate.

I would like to interrupt this bit of analysis to implore the CSI:NY writers not to resurrect Claire Conrad Taylor from the dead during sweeps or mid-S4. It would be incredibly cheap and slimy, and don't think I didn't see the trapdoor for it that you so cack-handedly inserted into the episode.

From your lips to the writers'/producers' ears.
^^Why? I don't see why there would be any question about whether Claire died in 9/11 or not. What basis would she have to "pretend" to be dead? She and Mac were clearly in love so why would she stay away from him?

I wouldn't buy that she had amnesia or something because with the technology today, somebody would have figured out who she was. It would be a huge mistake if TPTB tried to pull that one over on us and a direct slap in the face to those who lost loved ones in 9/11.

As for Stella giving Ava her card. If you've been through something tragic and someone else has to, you might not be an expert, but you know what they're going through and trust me, victims of the same situation find comfort in talking to someone who's "been there" too.

Now back to the episode:

I really liked the episode. It was a breath of fresh air to see more screen time for Hawkes and Adam in Lindsay's absence. What can I say about Reed..I just love him. Seeing him come to Mac, calling him family, giving Mac a's just so sweet. I certainly hope he will be back. I would love to see some bonding between Reed and Mac. I felt so sad for him when Mac told him they never found her body.

Danny seemed back to his old self. That was refreshing seeing him not be weighed down with Lindsay. She clearly needs developed on her own when she returns (although I don't see that happening). Danny and Stella work so well together, I just love to watch them onscreen.

Flack..can I have your babies? IMO, Flack might not get enough screen time but what he does get, it's well worth it. I loved when Mac motioned for Flack to check out the boy and see if he had the "brand" on his shoulder. Snarky!Flack is great. I loved when the guy stood up and Flack pushed him back into his seat. Flack is so underused.

I give this episode an A - it was good to have a Lindsay-free episode and no mention of her for once.

I liked the little insight into Adam's background. Knowing his father was a bully maybe explains why he acts the way he acts.

I enjoyed how Mac and Flack weren't intimidated by the little punk whose "Dad knows the Governor." Mac's reply was priceless: "Here, I'll dial the number for you." He wasn't taking any crap. :) I also loved protective Mac. Nobody messes with Claire's son or his stepson! Also, the Mac-Reed interaction was phenomenal. Kyle Gallner's providing first-rate material.

Mac and Flack are back working like there was never any tension in the first place. Bravo. :D

Question: if the shoplifter left her original clothes in the first store, why couldn't Danny and Stella derive DNA from them? First words out of my mouth: "Ooh, they've got her DNA!" Alas, it never came to pass; I guess it would have been too easy. Plus, they needed to save the DNA for the ring switch. I guess I'm watching too much CSI. :lol:

Nelly Furtado did what she was supposed to do: lent her name and star-power to a show for sweeps. :rolleyes:
Stella should work with Mac more, they havent worked together for a long time, I hope he is there for her on the next episodes even though Peyton is there.
Did anyone see the look on Peyton's face in the spoiler for "Heart Of Glass" when she said what the cause of the death was, and how she was looking at Mac.
Reply and Please reply to my topic. :)
Okay, just some random thoughts I had in no particular order:

All right! Character development for Adam!

I thought the whole "student gets an automatic 4.0 if roomie dies" was just an urban legend.

The Mac/Reed scene should have been the final scene of the episode in my opinion.

I seriously doubt that they'd bring Claire back from the dead, let's not panic here. The writers aren't that crazy.

Was it just me or was the camera work in the interrogation scene(at the police station) with the Kings and Shadows kid pretty crazy? Were they using a handheld or something? And what was up with all the zooming? I usually don't pay attention to such things but for some reason it really stuck out this time.

Nelly still does serious more convincingly than Anna. Whom I didn't miss in the slightest I must add.

Next week's promo looks cool. I'm looking forward to it.

The plus thing about watching this show on is that there are no commercials. The downside is that it keeps freezing, and sometimes there's sound but the picture's stuck, and one time the audio was coming out in super slow motion which made the characters sound really weird and made the dialogue immpossible to understand.