*Mo waltzes into the thread, giddy about NWILL..."Love is in the Air, everywhere I look around! Love is the air, every sight and every sound!" * 
Yay, yay, yay! The hugs, the looks, the love...I love this eppy, I love this couple, I love my buddies! Heehee!
*Mo giggles...again!* Fluff SO rocks!
Cute as a button fluffer nutter Stuffy winked:
*giggles* Only you Mo darlin'. Only you
*Mo shrugs and winks!* What the only one who'll admit to that you mean? Yeah, but you KNOW you all were thinking the same thing! :devil: :lol:
And the week before the premiere is SD.
Sweet!! I was wondering if they were going to do that! I like that they do that, get us back "in the mood" for this new season! Like we need any more help "getting in the mood"...I pretty much think about D/L and I'm good! :lol: But I definitely won't complain...any chance to watch D/L get it on, is good with me! :lol: :devil:
Darling food fight fluffy bud Chell laughed:
MO! your 'Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed' title is sooo good!!! just fits perfectly!
***Chell-Bell smooshes Mo's fave coconut creme pie in her face, and squirts her with chocolate sauce before runing away to find Delia!***
Heehee, thanks hon, yeah I kinda like that title!

And as for the other...
*Mo grins and looks around innocently before smooshing a big fatty fudge layer cake in Chell's face and sprinting away!* :lol:
Lucky duck travel bunny Carolina grinned:
BTW I just came back from holidays in Egypt and in the hotel they had an 8 Ball Bar - coincidence? I dont think so
Seriously? That is SO awesome! D/L is everywhere! :lol: I love it!

And can I just say, I'm so jealous...traveling to Egypt would be AWESOME! I would love to go there sometime!
Spoiler queen and info emperess Catey dear shrugged:
I just always liked Aud's idea of it, and this is the third time that title has come up.
Yeah that's what I was thinking too
Catey! I don't have any objection to it because it was said at one time by Aiden, I just think it's a fun title!
Fluffy bud who will soon be flying the skies Chell-belle said:
(But its the first time i wil have flown in the whole 24years of my life!! - maybe Mo will let me sneak Danny on board... **Flutters eyelashes at MO** )
Wow, seriously you have NEVER flown before? Wow! Hmmmmm...
*Mo pretends to ponder long and hard...* :lol: Of course you can use Danny to hold onto while you experience your first every airplane ride! Have fun! And if he starts telling his and his Montana's "Mile High Club" stories...well yeah...like I said, have fun! :lol: :lol:
Stuffy hon, those pics are LOVE!! I LOVE this eppy and I can't wait to watch it for the millionth time!
Oh and I narrowed down our thread title options! So let's keep voting! We're moving pretty quick so I've limited our title options more than I normally would...so yeah, vote, vote, vote...again!
Del hon, you out there to start this thing we're ready??
Aud my wub...I went shoe shopping...finally! And I got the cutest brown wedge sandals...you would love them!
Okay I'm off to go enjoy our D/L wub...
*Mo pictures the hug and swoons a little!* Heehee! Night y'all!
*Mo grins and shimmers off in a giddy haze of fluffy fog!* :lol: