Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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JenP, I'm sorry about the names thing, I was actually thinking of that when I was typing, that was why I first referred to her as HHH. Anyway, you're right, so from now on I will make sure to clearly specify which Jen I am mentioning or talking to.

They sure do anything to be closer, and they are smart enough to find the best excuses to do what they want :p I mean, even if Danny weight was not exactly the same as the suspect or Linds' weight was not the same as the victim, neither of them would bring that up, they would just pretend it was all good. The science...Hm, they would deal with that later. No, kidding, they are good professionals, but you know what I mean :p And as Lindsay is smart, and D/L are perfect, and the world is full of beautiful coincidences, everything happened to be exactly right for them to do that, and that's what matters.

Carmine has a back problem? Oh wow, I didn't know that :( *is worried about him* Hm, I am pretty sure any of the girls in here would be up for a massage to help him with that, right??
Evening all!!! Chel-bell skips in feeling tired, but also happy that there is only 6 wednesdays left for more D/L Lurrrrvvvvve!!! :lol: :devil:

generous MO whose letting me borrow Dannyboy says...
Wow, seriously you have NEVER flown before? Wow! Hmmmmm...*Mo pretends to ponder long and hard...* Of course you can use Danny to hold onto while you experience your first every airplane ride! Have fun! And if he starts telling his and his Montana's "Mile High Club" stories...well yeah...like I said, have fun!

hehe no i've never flown :( lol im kinda scared cause i dont like heights n stuff... but REALLY excited! lol hehe im sure Danny would enjoy the flight with me tho, i mean, he gets to tell all about those montana flights too!! hehe
*chell licks off the gorgeous fudge cake and sprays Mo with some of Dutchie's chocolate sauce* hehe

Hello Everybody
I am new in this board but i love Danny and Lindsay!

hiya!!! your are most welcome to these here parts!!! :D You will not want to leave now ur here!!

awww well seeing as ya had


last night .. you know wat that means ....


... the total heartbreaking scene :(

where is Delia?? we almost there!!!! :p
Dutch, I warned you about Mo and her songs. It's dangerous when Mo comes in here singing!

I voted in the poll, but I see that my choice isn't going to win, not even by a long shot. Oh, well, at least we tried. I can't believe we are on the last page of this thread. Unbelievable, I think it actually went faster than the last one. Probably because spoilers have started coming out, giving us lots to talk about. And all those parties we seem to be having. lol. Can't wait to see what the new thread title will be, and will definetly be here for the opening.
I voted in the poll too, but my choice wasn't winning either. Oh well. I will like wahtever it is anyway.

JenP, I'm sorry about the names thing, I was actually thinking of that when I was typing, that was why I first referred to her as HHH. Anyway, you're right, so from now on I will make sure to clearly specify which Jen I am mentioning or talking to.

Alright guys. I will try to start remembering to sign Jennifer instead of Jen. Or you guys can come up with a nickname for me I am not picky.

Jennifer :)
Aww, Liff, I'm back with some more spoilers! Run, don't look!
is entitled "Boo". Danny and Lindsay are of couse, working a case together. You get to see them driving and listening to music while they go to the crime scene(having some personal time, apparently). They are investigating an apparent murder/suicide, and a missing little girl. The case is not as open and shut as it seems. An old woman appears, warning Lindsay that the house is haunted. They find a secret passage in the house, with the girl hidden in it, which leads to a 30 year old disappearance. B case involves Mac/Stella, zombies, and a voodoo priestess who gives Mac a cryptic message. Oh, and there is a nice D/L moment in this one, hopefully it will make it on the air. Lots of Lindsay in this episode, and hopefully, it will be more character development for her.

And Angel, my little sis, you are welcome!
heya girls, boy, danny and lindsay. say goodbye to thread #18!! youre up, delia hun!!

hi Dims, take a load off and join us in welcoming a new thread!
how was your holiday, miss dani?

nice caps there everyone! the NWILL look, the intensity, the hug, LRC talk…oh. i berry much enjoyed the rerun of NWILL. who can ever get tired of watching some DL action?!?!

i just read your comment from the last page, dutchy…someone’s been in the gutter a little too long! ;)

i didn’t vote the second time, i wanna be surprised on the new choice of name. see ya in 19.

ETA: i wubs ya, big sister catey!. ;) you know what im talking about ^^
^ You truly are our Spoiler Queen Catey! :D Txs so much! :)
Liffy[/b] don't look! re: 4x06]That ep sounds so great D/L-wise (B case, what B case? :lol:) I'm wondering what music they'll be listening to (no Mo! :p *stuffs some more pie into her buddy's mouth* Scary old woman, haunted house, secret passage! :eek: I'm so excited for this ep! BOO! *giggles* reminds me of MOO! :lol:
I cannot believe that the season hasn't even started yet and we already 'know' what will happen in ep 6! :eek:

dear Angel said:
i just read your comment from the last page, dutchy…someone’s been in the gutter a little too long!
*whistles innocently* You guys have such a bad influence on me :p - I'm such a sweet and innocent girl :) - really! ;)
Dani, I was only joking! :p *Hugs fellow shippy*

And JenHHH, I actually like it! I'll sign my posts as JenP from now on!

LOVE THESE SPOILER BOXES, but there's no use warning Liff if he isn't around. *JenP gets off with a waterpistol in her hand, ready to chase Liff if he ever dares to come around again*
Well isn't this just spiffin' great news! Mo wubs, get in here! All of you should be here, sharing this wondrous news.

Looks like this episode will focus on Lindsay. Apparently she is attacked by some old crazy lady and explains it to the police chief who doesn't believe her, but she gets in his face. Danny is also attacked by a dog but she fights it off (woo go Montana!!) catey darlin' shouldn't we tell them about the sweet DL moment?
Stuffy, do you think we should? I mean, I hinted at it, I just wasn't sure if we should let that one little detail out. What do you think?
I guess I'll tell you all that Danny, seeing Lindsay is upset by the little girl being injured, gives her a little kiss on the forehead, while they are waiting for news in the hospital. There, you have it. But you didn't hear it from me! Stuffy would have told you anyway, lol.
^ Well I'm not Stuffy, but I think you should! *Shakes fist at fellow shipping buddies* (I wubs you - you know that! :D) What are you keeping from us...come on tell me...it's already 11.30 PM here, I need to get up early tomorrow morning and I cannot go to sleep if I know I'm missing something...*hands out M&M's* ;)

edit:[/u] Re: Catey]I love it! That kiss sounds so sweet and romantic...so this is ep 6 and that means that at a quarter of the next season D/L is still going strong :D...*hands Lindsay a cape again* first she's fighting cockroaches for him and now a dog...WOW...Wonder Woman...

I'm just pathetic...wish I had Liffy's strength *sigh*

*point at post below* Already saw it Catey...txs so much sweetie! :D
Check my edited post, Dutch! You'll get a very nice treat there. Please, don't hurt me for not telling you all to begin with. Go to sleep with that nice thought, it's not much, but it's nice! Enjoy that little tidbit. You knew I'd cave anyway, even without offering M&M's.
JenP, no problem, I got that you were not taking it bad, but you were right! Anyway, your name is beautiful so it's cool that you both have it :)

Angel, holidays were good :) It's nice to see you again around here. I was afraid that you were going to miss the thread opening.

OMG, arent these like the best news ever? They just made my day completely! Everything seems so perfect, from Lindsay getting a lot of screentime, to being attacked, to having Danny kissing her forehead and cases that seem hilarious. Am I the only one that already loves the episode even tough it has not even aired yet?! :p I really do. There were the greatest news just before going to bed. I think I am kind of hyper right now because of this, right when i should be calming down...I mean, really, I'm super excited with these news I am even having problems with typing, because my brain is making my fingers write a lot quickly. I think I wrote this spoiler in record time :lol: But all because it's a great one!
Thank you Spoiler Queen Caitey and stuffy

There's just one negative point. With all the fun of the end of/opening thread we get faster, more than usual anyway, and as now I am leaving, I am pretty sure I will miss the season opening :( Besides tomorrow morning I am leaving early and I will only be back in the afternoon. Oh, I will miss all the fun :( :( This is not fair :(
But I hope you have the best time ever partying around :D Yay for D/L!
love the spoilers that we have! From what I have read, it sounds like the episode is full of d/l and full of Lindsay interaction. I love it when he comforts her after the little girl gets shot. The kiss on the forhead tells it all! : )
catey love, we can't keep anything from our fellow buddies ;) it's an important moment in the ship.

Lindsay indeed deserves a cape. When I read what she does, I was like "Go Montana!". Nice to see her kicking some ass again; I missed that last season. I'm really looking forward to the part where she stands up to the chief :D as for the kiss...well, there are no words needed for that. I'm hoping that she isn't all depressed while at the hospital with the child who was shot. Sad yes, but not how she was in season three. But it's good that Danny will be there to comfort her. I'm still sticking by them going into the house hand-in-hand. The driving-along-with-music thing sounds great; can't wait to see that. Danny driving and tapping the wheel with his hands to the beat :lol: what a sight that would make. Wonder who will be driving...oh the endless possibilties! Bah why isn't it October yet?

Mo! Where are you?!?! Get. In. Here. Now. ;)

ETA: Something that just came to mind. As Mo stated a few months back, when spoilers like these come out, there are also some rumours and nasty stuff that can go along with it. Just remember to stay in the DL Bubble! It's made of titanium alloy - stronger than steel. No one is poppin' that ;)
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