Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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You're so lucky, Stuffy! I've always wanted some CSI NY merchandise!

Awww, poor Liffy! You're sick, hun? I hope Stuffy's pic will make you feel better. If not, i'm sure we can negociate with Danny to let you have Lindsay for the night :devil: I bet that'll cheer you up! :lol:

Later guys! C u in thread 19! Is Del around? We need her to open it! PSG xxx
-CSI:NY t-shirt
-CSI:NY coffee mug
-A keychain flashlight with the CSI:NY logo
-Three magnets (one of the team - except Lindsay isn't in it which makes me very angry - one of Mac and Stella, and one of the logo against that blue subway background)
-CSI:NY gym bag, which I'll be using come classes.

^^^ holy moly! :eek: thats a LOT of merchandise. lucky you! i have the same keychain! ;)

i wish they had more items with lindsay in them too! or even danny AND lindsay! :p

JenP[/b]]JenP, hun, new addition to your name!...i think that was an idea that was thrown out, thank goodness. i thought it was ridiculous. just my opinion though.

feel better, cuzzy.

this waiting for the next thread is aching meeee!
Well the one magnet doesn't have Aiden either - but it's clearly season two. *shrug* Wish Lindsay was in it, but hey beggers can't be choosers ;)

DL items would be fan-spiffin-tastic :D

Woohoo almost there!! Where be you, Del wubs?

ETA: I was in Chapters earlier today and saw the official CBS magazine, and they had an article on the wonderful PV :D
Lucky Stuffy said:
I am incredibly happy at the moment. My brother is back from NYC and he stopped off at the CBS Store.
That's so sweet of your brother! I've never known there was a CBS store...I'm still seriously considering going to NYC to do some X-mas shopping this year and if I do I will check that store out...

Re: JenP asked about Angell/Danny - no need for a spoilerbox - old news:

In the original spoilers for one of the season 3 eps (I believe it was 'Heart of Glass') there was an awkward moment between Danny and Angell but that got cut :D as well as a voicemail Danny was suppose to leave Lindsay while she was in Montana. :(

Those two facts started a whole discussion about a possible love triangle...Lindsay comes back and is jealous when Danny seems to have moved on...Angell goes after Danny...etc, etc... :rolleyes:

All of it never happened :p Which proves that spoilers are not always accurate or at least open to interpretation... ;)
Those two facts started a whole discussion about a possible love triangle...Lindsay comes back and is jealous when Danny seems to have moved on...Angell goes after Danny...etc, etc...

Ugh. What a load of crap that was. JenP hun don't worry, I'm not mad at you ;) so if you feel bad, don't. I command it :p

So I was looking through my brother's NYC pictures, and I came across one that I think you all will love.

But I'm saving it for the new thread. Unfortunately there is a stoplight in front of it, but you can see it clearly.
I'm back, and still on the verge of passing out - only I cant. My nose is so stuffed up and I'm aching in places I didn't even know existed - which renders sleep completely impossible. Instead, I watched SD, which made me smile - and cough alot when I was in the middle of drooling/swooning.

Gah - I guess it's a thing that just needs to pass. Cant wait for the new thread - which is taking an incredibly long time to get here for unknown reasons. Cordy! Where are you numbnut!? Get yo ass back in here b'fore I chase you with Cath! She whacks hard!! And yes - I may be sickly but damn it I can still run. :lol:

Stuffy wubs, lovely merchandise you got there sweetheart - how kind of your bro. I've never been to NYC, would love yo tho. :)

I have the urge to nickname someone 'Lumpy'. I don't know why and in no way does it deem a body shape. It just sounds amusing - lumpy. Great, I've been reduced to a rambling bum with the flu - fantastic. :eek:

You know (still rambling) I can see Danny whining for special attention from his Montana when he's down for the count :lol: Moaning and groaning - sprawled on the couch with a permanent (and well practiced) pout plastered on his face :) And Linds rolling her eyes at every opportunity, effectively making her eyes a rollercoaster ride that goes on and on and on and on. But she loves him :D That - and she'd probably kick his ass to stop mopin' around. :lol:

Cute - hehe. Oww - laughing hurts. Dang
^ Now you've made me curious...but I'll wait till the next thread...

Meanwhile I have a nice gift to say goodbye to this thread..

In te picture thread there are pics from vegaslight's Modern Day Gallery Now we at least now that Danny looks HOT next season...Lindsay's one lucky girl...*swoons* the hair, that gun, that attitude...*is face down in the gutter....again*
Now you've made me curious...but I'll wait till the next thread...

*giggles* You will love it. Trust me ;)

*stares at promo picture of Danny* Oh my word. That is one fine man!! But of course, isn't he always? :devil:

That shirt looks like the one he wore after taking Lindsay's shift. It's not cause that one he's wearing is (or seems like it) a lot thicker, but still :lol: *swoons*

Liffy wubs, did you enjoy my present? A nice picture of a beaming Anna just for you ;)
*Mo pops in...* Howdy my dearies! *Mo looks around and giggles...* Yay didn't miss the new thread opening...speaking of...*Mo looks around again...* Delia?!!! Chica, where are ya hon?! I promised you the thread opening babes...and we're 2 posts away honey! :lol: I can do it, but I not if you're planning on being here! ;)

Okay Dutch you're my hero! That pic of Danny is fabulous! *Mo drools a little!* Oh that man is so GORGEOUS!!! :devil: Yummy!! ;) Lucky Linds...that's all I can say! :D

Okay...so new thread very soon! Yay! :D

ETA: Okay I have to go run...literally! :lol: So if we reach new thread time...in 2 posts :lol: And Del or I still aren't here...Dutch, Stuffy, Aud wub...or anyone else who wants it, go ahead and grab this one...I'm still hoping Del will pop in like she wanted to though! ;)
I'll help bump the thread, but I hope Del get's here. I'll open a new thread if I have too, but I don't want anyone throwing things at me or anything. This is very exciting, a new thread is almost here! I can't wait! Those pics are fab btw, thanks for posting them. New pics are love!
Dudes----are we going with "Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!" or "Canon". Just let me know and I'll whip up a new thread. :)

Del, you there? Isn't this one yours though? :(
Yes, Aud, the new thread title is going to be Clothes Aren't Needed Or Necessary. I hope Del does get here soon, can't wait for the new thread to start. And I'm relieved I got here to say goodbye to #18. It's been a good thread, sorry to see it end.
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