Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*stares at gorgeous picture from dutch and swoons*

Awwww, and it's all big and everything...dutch love you're the bestest! :D thanks hun *hugs buddy*. You can see a smile on her lips there...SQUEE!!!!!!!

I'm still not 100% (far from it), but all these get-well pictures sure help! Not to mention snuggling Danny hehe ;)

*continues to stare at the very thoughtful pic from her lovely buddy dutch* Ahhhh....DL lurve! It's the best remedy anywhere :D that and a nice big dose of Danny-snuggling.
*Yay!!! Cammie’s so happy! She loves the beach and the sea too!*

Evening buddies! How ya doing?
I’m so tired :( I’m making a cake for a party… Wow it’s very hard! I’ve decided to make a cake with peaches and nuts. Obviously I’ll bring also a packet of M&Ms to the party. I love parties! I love M&Ms!!! ;)

Ok first of all welcome back Chell and Del ! I missed ya!

My dear cousin Dani said:
*giggles over our 5 hours long msn chat yesterday, also with Cammie and Liffy*

Ihihih! That conversation was very funny! I love chatting with Abby, Dani and King Liffy! :D :D :D

Abby said:
Liff said:
Shall I rename all my plants then? rofl Sorry Abby! I couldn't resist.
Yeah, the plants, the computer and the dictionary, too! ;) :D :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: Well… I think we have to rename the pool table too. Any suggestion? :devil:

Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

It’s simply… perfect! I love it, I love it!!! :D :D :D

Stuffy hun said:
I feel sick

Oh no, hun! I’ve made a M&Ms cake for ya. I hope you’ll like it! :)

Ok now I have to go…

:D :D :D Ciauuuuuuuuuuuu! :D :D :D
*Liff pops in yawning* Hey guys, how're we doing today? Hope you all are having a fabulous Tuesday - mine was incredibly long to say the least. I always wondered why when you ask teachers what they do after work and during the weekends their response is always "sleep". I now know why :lol:

Stuffykins are ill darlin'? Get lots of rest and plenty of fluids babes. And no - not THAT dirty kind of fluid if you catch my drift. *whack* Naughty, naughty. :devil:

Mo said:
Anyway, have a fabulous day my dears...and remember (since I can never say it enough!) we're CANON baby!
Babes, I think that word has been forever etched into our minds by now :p It's impossible to be forgotten! :lol: Because we ARE C.A.N.O.N

Stuffy said:
It's like the Energizer Bunny...it just keeps going and going and going...
Well what do you expect exactly from THE Danny and Linds? They are THAT good at channeling the energizer bunny. :devil:

Cammie said:
I think we have to rename the pool table too. Any suggestion?
Nooo - the pool table cannot be touched! Other than the occupants that is :devil: It will forever be remembered as THE pool table :devil:

Well I for known reasons have been drifting in and out of sleep since I got home from work so I think I'll just go back to sleep - yet again. :lol: Yeesh those kids can suck the energy out of you in an instant. But I wubs them all!! :D Boy I cant wait to see D/L babies - I'd babysit for free :D
^ I agree...I think after that night Danny will never be able to play any other game on that table than the game of love :devil:...The guttery thoughts are just too overwhelming to ever take a game of pool serious again :lol:...sticks, balls, scoring, you guys get my drift... :eek:

But maybe we can make it a nice abbreviation too... :D

Proof Of Our Love - The Awesome Beginning Lingers Evermore...

Shocking :eek:...I didn't even remember I had that screen cap...It's just such a sweet moment... :D
Liff said:
Nooo - the pool table cannot be touched! Other than the occupants that is :devil: It will forever be remembered as THE pool table :devil:

Certainly hun! :) :) :) The pool table will forever be remembered as THE pool table, but I think that Dutch had a brilliant idea!

Dutch hun said:
But maybe we can make it a nice abbreviation too... :D

Proof Of Our Love - The Awesome Beginning Lingers Evermore...

I can just say… PERFECT!!! :D :D :D
oh the untouchable pool table! ;)

Danny/Lindsay #19: Not sold seperately
^^^ it sounds like youre advertising for a toy. i like it! *giggles*

Danny/Lindsay #19: So much more than a one-night-stand!
^^^ amen. its MUCH MUCH MUCH more than a one nighter. :)

feel better, stuffy pal. dutch's medicine (the image) made me hop off my seat. i never looked at that cap up close and in my face like that! *swooning*.

welcome back, cammie!

how 'bouts Danny/Lindsay #19: In a relationship. ?
^^^ im thinking of that comment your mom made, stuffy. it still gets me :D .
how 'bouts Danny/Lindsay #19: In a relationship. ?
^^^ im thinking of that comment your mom made, stuffy. it still gets me.

*giggles* My brother called today to let us know that they arrived in NYC safely. My mom says to me, "Has he seen Lindsay and whats-his-name yet?" I said, "Carmine and Anna. Apparently the Lt. Dan Band was playing there this week." Good times :D

Wouldn't it be funny if they were actually filming there? My brother comes home with a shot of Carmine and/or Anna and says, "Here's that couple you're obsessed with." :lol: that would be so awesome. Hopefully he finds a CSI:NY shirt though, or at least something with that name.

dutch's gift was indeed beautiful. It just popped right up there and I was like "Woah!". It made everything so much better....my shipper heart was very happy indeed.

Thanks for all the well-wishes girls and Liffy; I'm feeling better but still not 100%. Of course getting a needle doesn't help either :eek: but it's all good.

Hmmm...I think I'll go snuggle with Danny now. Cheers! *swoons off to find snuggle buddy*
Hey guys. Before you post a poll for a new thread title, I thought I'd come in here with some suggestions and some vetoes.

First off a couple rules from where I am getting these suggestions and vetoes:

~Thread titles must be about your ship ONLY, just like no other ship exists
~Thread titles cannot contain anything rated above PG-13 (anything explicit or suggestive) because some shippers do not watch all shows and may see a title in a different way than intended
~Thread titles cannot contain anything that is considered "bashing" other ships (we mods know when that is happening)

Danny & Lindsay #19: Pros in the bedroom - while you can use it, DL was never in the bedroom, would you want to consider that title yet?

"Holy Pool Tables, Batman" - Does everyone realize that is nearly identical to a quote from Aiden in Season 1? I know several DL fans aren't exactly Aiden fans.

The following can't be used:

Danny/Lindsay #19: Real Love Does It On the Pool Table!
Danny/Lindsay #19: "Told ya they were CANON!"

Please make sure to keep this rule in mind:
~Thread titles must be about your ship ONLY, just like no other ship exists
because some of these thread titles are looking very much like you're throwing it in other shippers faces and we want to keep everybody happy. If not, I'm sorry I thought that but that's the way I see it.

Thanks guys. ;)
"What a Beautiful Mess, What a Beautiful Mess I'm in, spending all my time with you, there's nothin' else I'd rather do!" Awwww love! *Mo grins and skips happily into the thread...loving her shippy couple, her shippy buddies, her shippy thread and their bright shippy future!* :lol: Beware all you angsties...I am in a particularly fluffy mood this evening...*Mo giggles and whips out her "fluffy" fog hose...!* ;)

My darling fluffy buddy who makes fabulous guttery comments Stuffy
It's like the Energizer Bunny...it just keeps going and going and going...
Yeah...just like Danny...he just keeps going and going and goind! :devil: :lol:

Buddy from the land of my heritage Dutch hon grinned:
You better put up that list soon Mo!
No worries, now that I'm here...I'm gonna put it up! It's not quite as long as I thought it would be, but that's okay cuz it will make the choosing a bit easier! :D By the way hon, that's a Gorgeous pic you posted!! I LOVE that cap of him kissing her forehead...I LOVE it! Gah they are SOOOOOO sweet with eachother! *Mo melts a little!* :D

Cutie pie niecy poo Raddy laughed:
Awesome. Love it. You get my flippin' vote.
Awwww thanks hon! Yeah I'm pretty proud of that! :lol: I seriously kept trying to come up with something that would fit, and that did! :D

My gutter buddy King Liffy giggled:
Boy I cant wait to see D/L babies - I'd babysit for free
Awwww yeah tell me about it, they are gonna be the most beautiful adorable smart sassy little cutie pies we've ever seen! Gah I cannot even wait! :D And yeah D/L won't even be seeing their kids very often I don't think :lol: cuz we'll be snagging them every other day! ;)

My cool beans coffee addicted bud Dutch announced:
Proof Of Our Love - The Awesome Beginning Lingers Evermore...
You are brilliant hon! That is so totally good! I like it! Think it's too long to be a thread title? :D

Our lovely Modie honey warned:
"Holy Pool Tables, Batman" - Does everyone realize that is nearly identical to a quote from Aiden in Season 1? I know several DL fans aren't exactly Aiden fans.
Hi Rhonda!! :D Wait really, I didn't know that was something from Aiden! To be honest I still love it as a thread title option and since I've never heard Aiden say it (and still wouldn't really mind if I had) I still think it works for us! (Course I think Aiden would have been a D/L fan anyway, but that could just be me! ;) ) Aud Fluffy Twin wub, what do you think? I still like your idea as an option and I'll put it in the poll! :D

some of these thread titles are looking very much like you're throwing it in other shippers faces and we want to keep everybody happy.
Yeah sorry about that! *Mo smiles sheepishly!* My "told ya so" title wasn't so nice! I didn't mean it as a legit option anyway...but still my bad! I think we're just really excited to be canon...but yeah we'll play nice! ;)

Alright my dearies, without further ado...here is the poll for our lovely cool beans #19 D/L thread! :D Sweet deal! Now do please vote, vote, vote! :lol:

*Mo grins and waving giddily shimmers away in a HUGE cloud of pink fluffy fog!* :D
I think the "Holy Pool Tables, Batman" title was my idea. Out of respect for Aiden fans, I think it's probably not a good idea to use it (since it's similiar to her quote)--I know Mer is a big fan. Sorry, I just liked the idea of using "pool tables" in one of the titles. :)

Actually I adore all the titles. Any you guys choose will be okay as long as it doesn't insult or demean anyone. :)

Heads off to sing Canon song with Mo. ;) Mo, help!! My plot bunnies need some energizing. :eek:
The choices for the new thread name are so funny :lol: I love them all so it was a tough choice. :lol:

Im so slow...I just now noticed what M&Ms meant, besides being candy :lol: Messer and Monroe :lol: Me slow... :D
Aud!! Hi my wub! :D *Mo grins and snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* As far as I knew you came up with that title hon...so I say it's your call! ;) I personally like it, but yeah like you said I don't want to annoy anyone! :D

Yeah all the titles are fun! I likes em! :D

Your plot bunnies need help hon? Hmmmmm...think about hugs, and long stares, and adorable grins, and roach broaches and looks of longing, and "liking him ALOT", and going with instincts, hot kisses, skin on skin, hot sweaty heated smex :devil:, waking up on a pool table...any of this helping babes? ;) Heehee! :D

Lovin all the titles. Was a tough choice, but I voted!

Was just in the CSI NY threads, but had to come over here to get from the DL and Lindsay haters! Mo, you got any of that fluffy gas stuff! I'm in serious need of some! :lol:

PSG xxx
PSG, I know what you're talking about! I like the fluffy stuff!

And voting IS a hard job! But I managed it. I definitely like the C.A.N.O.N.-title, IMO it's the best one. See you!
*Liff pops in whilst still mucking about at work* Hey all! Happy HUMP DAY! May you all be showered by M&Ms :D

Cuzzy commented:
^^^ it sounds like youre advertising for a toy. i like it! *giggles*
Hehe, one of my kiddies was telling me about her toy. The whole toy add thing got into my head after a while. :lol:

Mo warned:
Beware all you angsties...I am in a particularly fluffy mood this evening...
Me too :devil: And between Mo and I - there's no escaping the fluff :D

Gah they are SOOOOOO sweet with eachother! *Mo melts a little!*
Only a little? No fair - I'm a puddle on the floor trying to sigh happily. It's a little difficult as you can imagine.

And yeah D/L won't even be seeing their kids very often I don't think :lol: cuz we'll be snagging them every other day!
Mo lets sign up as their "lawful" caretakers. Then we get to spend time with the family too :D haha - nothing better right?

I'm sorry - I think I'm in a particularly guttery mood too - I saw "snagging" as "shagging" and I was like... :eek: wha? Didn't read the sentence, that was the word that jumped :lol: I think I need to implant myself into Gutterville soil - clearly it's where i get all this from :devil:

*waves to Modie* I didn't know that the quote was similar to Aiden's either...dont remember it anyway.

Course I think Aiden would have been a D/L fan anyway, but that could just be me!
Definately not just you hun!! I think Aiden would have been a D/L fan too. She and Danny were like siblings later on and I think that she'd be happy to see him happy :D She'd be happy to know someone stole his heart too :) *swoon* D/L is in love, D/L is in love, D/L is in LURVE!!

My "told ya so" title wasn't so nice! I didn't mean it as a legit option anyway...but still my bad!
I dont think any of us actually considered that as a real option Mo We may be evil but not THAT evil. Rubbing it in other people's faces isn't nice. Unless it's with pie in which case being hungry beforehand helps a bunch. I dont know what Im talking about anymore so just ignore this entire paragraph - good morning.

Great work on the title poll there Mo I still like my toy one! :D If it doesn't win can we use it for the next one too? :D I love it to bits. BUt I lurve Mo's C.A.N.O.N one too :devil: Those nasty clothes definately aren't needed - ever - on D/L :p

Aud said:
I know Mer is a big fan.
I'd say that was an understatement there babes :lol:

Sarah said:
Im so slow...I just now noticed what M&Ms meant, besides being candy :lol: Messer and Monroe :lol: Me slow...
*whacks* They are LOVE!!

Mo suggested:
Hmmmmm...think about hugs, and long stares, and adorable grins, and roach broaches and looks of longing, and "liking him ALOT", and going with instincts, hot kisses, skin on skin, hot sweaty heated smex , waking up on a pool table...any of this helping babes? Heehee!
Candy, Lollipop, chocolate, Oh yeah - lots and lots and lots of ass grabbing in the lab :lol: And teasing touches here and there leading up to a grand finale with alot of noise. :devil: Hello Gutterville - Im proud to be a resident. :lol:

Soph said:
Was just in the CSI NY threads, but had to come over here to get from the DL and Lindsay haters!
There are many of those but we are more! We are love - and they can sod off with their own opinions. We know we rule - that's all that matters. That and D/L smexyness. Yep - those two.

I'm still waiting on the job application for the D/L baby guardian ship programme :D Right Mo?? Haha we'd SO quit our day jobs in a heartbeat - or less.

Anywho - me's gotta go home now. The good thing about working in a school? My day ends at half past 1 - after teaching 8 classes. I'd say its a pretty good deal :)

Well Im off for now - cya later dudes :cool:
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