Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Thanks for all of the spoilers again!
Haha, I love that she kicks the dog who attacks her and she sure sounds like she kicks some serious ass here. Always good!

Dutch: Cute avatar! I love it!
*Mo steps gingerly into the thread, playing soccer while not in perfect shape not always the best plan! Lol...Mo's a bit sore!* Okay done complaining... :lol: Hi my dearies! *Mo looks around and giggles...* Yay, spoiler boxes! Liffy I really don't know how you keep away from reading them...*Mo hands Liff a cape too for Super-resistance-powers!* :lol:

Naught Homeland bud Dutch hon winked:
One of the toilets on that plane must've been 'occupied' during the entire flight...
And you call me naughty? :devil: Nice babes, very nice! ;) And yeah I bet Danny slipped them a bit of green to not knock or bother them for the whole flight! :D

She had him since "How ya doin'?"
Yeah she pretty much looked over at him that first time and he was a goner! Love at first sight...most definitely! ;)

Shippy cutie Dani winked:
Hm, I am pretty sure any of the girls in here would be up for a massage to help him with that, right??
*Mo giggles and winks at her fluffy buddies!* :lol: Lol, what do you think he and I do every other night? ;) Heehee! :devil: Linds and I have an agreement, she wears him out :devil: and then I get to massage him back to health ;) after which of course we play a little ourselves! *Mo looks around for a jealous Linds...* Yahtzee...by the way, we play Yahtzee! *coughstripYahtzeecough!* :lol:

Spoiler Queen and woman with all the lovely details Catey laughed:
Dutch, I warned you about Mo and her songs. It's dangerous when Mo comes in here singing!
Who, little ole me? *Mo bats her eyes innocently...* Oh and Dutch sorry for the Christmas song thing hon...my brain sometimes... :rolleyes: :lol: Oh and hon...wait first, Aud wub, help me here :D ....*Mo clears her throat..."Love is in the Air! Everywhere I look around! Love is in the Air!"*

YAYYYYYY!!!! Driving while listening to music, working the whole case together, defending eachother, kicking ass...and Danny kissing her forehead to comfort her! This episode sounds freakin' awesome!!! I totally see them walking into the house holding hands! And Dutch as for what they're listening to...how about a little Diamond Rio "Beautiful Mess" or Nickleback "Far Away"...if they played either of those I literally guarentee I would melt into a complete puddle of fluffy goo! :D And I love that we'll get some Linds character development, that's really cool and even better, we get character development of Linds without it being at the cost or loss of D/L, that makes me giddy! YAY for such a sweet D/L moment...I can't wait!!! :D :D
Brilliant fluffy bunny Stuffy wuffy stated:
ETA: Something that just came to mind. As Mo stated a few months back, when spoilers like these come out, there are also some rumours and nasty stuff that can go along with it. Just remember to stay in the DL Bubble! It's made of titanium alloy - stronger than steel. No one is poppin' that
*Mo pats the side of THE BUBBLE and nods happily, satisfied at it's sufficient strength and fluffyness!* Well said and well reminded Stuffy hon! Our bubble is strong and full of fluff and love and beautfiul D/L moments that will only get stronger and better as this season goes...and it's a special bubble in that it never fills up no matter how many buddies need to take refuge in it's fluffy walls! :D So don't let the inevitable rumors and attempts to steal our joy get any of you down! Our ship is totally and utterly Canon and we are sailing off into the sunset giddy in our combined joy! :D

Okay so for the title poll...we've got a tiny bit of time left, so vote while you still can...and unless we get a big surge in another direction it pretty much looks like we've got a winner! :D Cool beans! With 35% of the vote so far...Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed! :lol: And speaking of the new thread, Del chica...you still up for creating this next thread, yeah? Where are ya hon?? :D

Okey dokey...and yeah like some of you said, it's crazy how fast we went through this thread! It feels like we just started it! :lol: Craziness...but between the spoilers and the fluffyness and just the sheer hot Canon love of our couple I guess I shouldn't be so surprised! Oh well...yay for a new thread soon! :D

*Mo climbs into the fluffy titanium bubble and giggling shimmers off to sleep!*

OMG!!!! I so can't wait! It sounds like an amazing ep! The kiss sounds beyond cute! I agree Mo, if they were listening to Beautiful Mess, I would like totally melt! Why can't it just be September, already! How long now, Mo?

Can't wait for the next thread, hopefully i'll be around. If not, bye-bye thread #18! Later guys! PSG xxx
Found a bit more information regarding the episode...

The song DL are listening to in the car is called "Monster Mash". Apparently it's a well-known Halloween song (I say apparently because I've never heard of it), but it's supposed to be really good. I can so see Danny singing along to this, bopping his head and such to try and impress Montana :lol:

catey, you're not going to throw M&Ms at me are you? :p
oooh, catey and stuffy! heck, yes, lindsay deserves a cape. goooooo miss monroe! a kiss on the forehead?! awwwwww! ohmy awww! awww! squee. man, this is gonna be a good episode. so far the best for the season that im reading about. (me being greedy) i'd still LOVE to see a sweet (doesnt have to be passionate, even though we know it always is between danny and lindsay!) kiss ON THE LIPS! wishingg. ahhh, great spoilers to start off the weekend. ETA: little girl...foreshadowing that baby D/L will be a little girl? i wish i wish oh i want. please??? :eek: :innocent sweet smile:

hi gals, guy, danny, and lindsay…i thought i would come back to the new thread! but thats okay :) .

heehee, tsktsk dutchy. :p *splashes dutchy with some cold water*...and i thought Cousin Liffy was the one who needed that! :D

thread #19! come on down.
*Mo bounces into the thread, beyond tired, yet giddy cuz it's Friday and we've almost got a new thread!* Good morning my buddies! How is every one this lovely Friday (Yay for Friday!) morning? :D Almost to our new thread and almost to our new season...sweet!!! Soph we're either 39 or 40 days away from our premiere depending on how you count it out! ;) Yay! :lol:

"Monster Mash"? That's awesome! :lol: That's an "oldies" song and I totally love it! That is hilarious...I can definitely see them bopping along to that in the car and it definitely sets the mood for the eppy! *Mo giggles!* I so can't wait for this eppy now! All the D/L goodness has got me giddy and it's in like months! Still who cares...YAY!!

Okay I'm off to work...but it's only a half day so I'll survive! :D If we have a new thread when I come back...sweet! If not, then I'm sure it'll still be quick in coming! :D Either way, "Thread 18, it has been a real pleasure working with you and as the first thread to host our couple as OFFICIAL you will always have a special place in my heart!" (And now that I am officially a dork...off I go! :lol: )

Aud wub, where is you? :D

*Mo waves to all her shippy buddies and shimmers off in a haze of fluffy pink fog!* :D
Hi ya'll! I'm back! *sing-song voice*

I'm gonna be frequenting here a lot less... my big major government exam is coming up... *sigh*

Neways, love the spoilers! *shakes head at Liffy's willpower* Thanks for posting them and brightening up my day.

Hope you all have a good weekend! :)
*Liff pops into the thread dragging along his pillow and blanket* Hey guys! Guess what? I've gone and caught myself the flu. Apparently there's a whole school outbreak or something - it's horrible! ack.

Welcome to our humble abode Dims . I'm the novel length poster currently on vacation :D Eh - even smiling stuffs my nose. Gah! I need sleep seriously and chocolate covered Linds but I'll deal with just sleep.

Isn't there a M&Ms game on playstation or some other gaming platform - I thought I remember reading something on that - dont really remember much though, I'm surprised I remember my own name given my current state of fuzziness.

long live our ship!!!
It will if I have anything to say about it!!

Dutch said:
LOL dear! I was thinking the exact same thing when I thought of their first flight together from Montana back to NY...One of the toilets on that plane must've been 'occupied' during the entire flight
Oooh - yes. :devil: of course one of those toilets were 'occupied'. What else could D/L do? :p Sweet :D

Doesnt Carmine/Danny share a similar history with the whole baseball and back thing? I dont remember :p

Anyways, I'm gonna be out cold for the next few days but I'll try and make the opening of #19! Whenever that may be - Someone bump me thru PM or email please - just incase I pass out :)

To tell the truth - I actually dont have the slightest urge to read those spoiler boxes. Seriously - it's weird. So sorry to those who're trying to taunt me but it aint working babes :) I just cant wait for S4! and thread #19 :D

#20 is mine and hopefully by then we'll have more D/L stripshows :) Or...displays of lurrve :devil: Dirty or clean. clothed or nekkid - me no care!

Alrighty - I'm off to bed. Catch you guys later! :cool:
Hello buddies!
I pop here to say goodbye at this thread. In these days I wasn’t around because I was organizing a party for a friend, the party was yesterday and now I’m exhausted! :D

Yay! Spoilers!
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Yay! I’m sooo excited for the Halloween eppy! I can’t wait to see Lindsay and Danny in the car (I can only image how hard will be for these two to resist at the temptation to stop the car in an isolated lane :lol: :D). But the best moment will be the kiss on the forehead, I’m sure! :D Awwww! Sweet *_*

Btw…Welcome Dims! :)
Now I have to go.
See ya in the next thread! ;)
Awwwwwwww, is my poor Liffy sick? :( hope you feel better hun. Having the flu is never good. *sends her lurve*

Here is a gift from me to you...


*along with the picture, also sends Liffy a bowl of chicken soup, some coughdrops, a nice fluffy blanket, and a big pillow*
Hope you feel better Liffy. Stuffy's picture will probably brighten up your day a little.

Just wanted to say by to Thread 19. I am going to post more in thread 20.

new thread opener Delia said:
Dutch: Cute avatar! I love it!
Aaw txs sweetie! :D And stay around, we're getting so close to our new thread... :)

One of the main people responsible for my sudden naughtyness said:
And you call me naughty? Nice babes, very nice! And yeah I bet Danny slipped them a bit of green to not knock or bother them for the whole flight!
Yeah...LOL...or he came up with some lame excuse (while flashing their badges) that they where doing serious :rolleyes: police business... :devil:

Angel with her totally cute idea said:
heehee, tsktsk dutchy. *splashes dutchy with some cold water*...and i thought Cousin Liffy was the one who needed that!
*shivers* that was mean :(...Liffy still needs that the most (when he feels better...I am not that evil :devil:), since his pink smoke is giving me those terrible side effects... :mad:

Liffy[/b] you're sure?]Txs for telling us that song Stuffy...I didn't know it either, but I've just downloaded it :eek:...and thankfully it has already replaced "Love is in the air" *sticks out tongue at Mo...the lyrics can be found here! Love the first line and I can totally imagine them singing a long and smiling at each other...I love it that Lindsay is the focus of an ep...
The new thread is almost here :D

I am incredibly happy at the moment. My brother is back from NYC and he stopped off at the CBS Store. He bought me:

-CSI:NY t-shirt
-CSI:NY coffee mug
-A keychain flashlight with the CSI:NY logo
-Three magnets (one of the team - except Lindsay isn't in it which makes me very angry - one of Mac and Stella, and one of the logo against that blue subway background)
-CSI:NY gym bag, which I'll be using come classes.

I am so happy; I've always wanted a CSI:NY t-shirt.

Cheers to #18!! You will be missed. I'll come back later and see if we've moved on to the new thread.

*giggles like mad and swoons out of room, still giggly over her new NY merchandise*
^^Oh wow, those were nice present stuffy hon! Very very nice. Yay fro your brother at this moment! :p Too bad Lindsay is not in the team magnet, though.

Ok, just really saying goodbye to this thread. I tought I would miss the opening, but maybe I won't afterall :) Cheers to #18, we had great times with you, especially mentioning the confirmation by hero Pam Veasey that D/L is so completely in a relationship :D

You all rock guys, and D/L rocks as well!

PS: Liff, I hope you get better soon
Hi JenHHH! Great you're using the 'new name' too! :)

Liff[/b]! Even though you're sick!]I absolutely like the spoilers for next season. It's taking way too long to arrive...:( I read about detective Angell being somewhere in an epi. Wasn't she into Danny? Or is that just something I read? ;)

Anyway Liff, I won't fire strange stuff at you for once. Instead, you can have medicine...A whole bunch of M&M's! :p

Still no new thread, can't wait for it to open. But #18 will definitely be missed!

See you!
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