Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Stuffy clumbers into the room, still feeling slightly sick but much better than before thanks to dutch's beautiful picture, a nice long snuggle with Danny, and all her buddies well-wishes*

My "told ya so" title wasn't so nice! I didn't mean it as a legit option anyway...but still my bad!

Awww don't worry Mo, we know you didn't mean anything by it *huggles*

Soph darlin', stay here with us! Why wander off when you can stay here and indulge yourself in the love that is DL? BTW, thanks for reviewing my ficcy hun. Much appreciated :D

Guess what? NWILL is on tonight!!!!!



*dies from teh hug*
Glad you're feelin' better, Stuffy! :D

NWILL was so good! I loved the way Danny looked when he realised Lindsay was in danger. And he was so glad when it turned out she was fine. Definitely want to see that more often! :)
*Mo pops in singing cheerfully to herself to the tune of Happy Birthday..."Happy Hump day to me, Happy Hump day to me...Happy Hump day dear Mo, Happy Hump day to me!" :lol: * Good morning my shippy buds, and may I say...Happy Hump Day!!! And as Stuffy so kindly reminded us...Happy Hug Day as well! Awww NWILL, there is so much love and it just keeps getting better and sweeter...*Mo swoons and sighs...again!* Love it!

Dearie in need of some good D/L happyness Soph asked:
Mo, you got any of that fluffy gas stuff! I'm in serious need of some!
I do indeed! *Mo hands her bud a long hose and connects it to the fluff machine!* Here ya go hon, feel free to spray down all those non-D/L lovers with as much fluffy fog as your little heart desires! ;)

Fluffy pal and Gutter King Liffy giggled:
Me too And between Mo and I - there's no escaping the fluff
Yeah ain't that the truth! *Mo high fives her buddy!* Rock on dude! :D

I think I need to implant myself into Gutterville soil
Wait I thought we already did that! :lol: Wasn't that like part of the christening of the town? *Mo looks at her checklist for establishing Gutterville.... Build houses...check. Statues to Pam Veasey and Peter Lenkov...check. Install see through walls in D/L's house....check. Plant Liffy permanently into Gutterville soil...check! See, already done! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Great work on the title poll there Mo I still like my toy one! If it doesn't win can we use it for the next one too? I love it to bits. BUt I lurve Mo's C.A.N.O.N one too
Awwww thanks bud, I like my C.A.N.O.N. one too...and yeah Liff I like your toy one too...that one cracks me up whenever I read it! :D And I'm glad y'all know I wasn't trying to be mean with my "told ya so!"...I get caught up in the awesomeness of our couple being canon sometimes (okay ALL the time! :lol: ) but I'd never be mean to any other ship intentionally! :D

Alright my dearies...oh lookie by the way, I had fun making a new banner last night...heehee, I likey! :lol:

Okay anyway! I am off for the day...I'd write an "Ode to work" as I went but I don't want to really honor it! :lol: So off I go...have a fabulous day dearies and I'll see y'all tonight! Yay again for NWILL on...sweet!! Yeah Jen I love that final scene...it still makes me SQUEE and giggle just thinking about it! Yay!! :lol:

*Mo dances back out of the thread...grabs her coffee and shimmers fluffily away!* :D

ETA: Awesome job on the voting y'all! Well done!! If you haven't voted...go for it! And I'll keep an eye on the poll and make a new one tonight possibly, narrowing choices down!
squee, yup, NWILL is on tonight! LRC is scheduled for next week, right?

the intensity in the look of those eyes, the placement of the hands, ah – LOVE it.

a simple gesture as that embrace. that hug meant so much. we love you DL. happy viewing.
Install see through walls in D/L's house....check

*giggles* Only you Mo darlin'. Only you ;)

squee, yup, NWILL is on tonight! LRC is scheduled for next week, right?

Aye aye! And the week before the premiere is SD.

Anffy I love your avvie. Too cute. My co-worker has a large picture of a tiger's face on her desk, and everytime I see I always get giddy.

I'm most definitely taping tonight's eppy. Not missing this for the world. Cheerio mates! xx
hello and good afternoon to my fellow shippers!!! how are we on this fine HUMP DAY?!!! :D

i absolutely love all the names for the next thread... there are too many good ones to choose from! lol
I had no idea that 'Holy pool tables, batman' was similar to Aidens... what was the actual title that was for Danny n aiden?" :confused:

MO! your 'Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed' title is sooo good!!! :D just fits perfectly! :D
***Chell-Bell smooshes Mo's fave coconut creme pie in her face, and squirts her with chocolate sauce before runing away to find Delia!*** :lol:

poor stuffy huni....*hugz poorly shipper buddy and hands her a hot mint chocolate drink with squirty cream and sprinkles* aww huni get better soon! (if ya not already ;) ) and your fici is awesome!!! i love it! :D

Alrighty im off to catch up on some more fici's people and try n sort some stuff out for my NYC trip in oct!! be back ina bit huni's!!! :D

I love the new thread name suggestions. and seeing what is currently winning, we are a pretty naughty bunch - not that there was ever a doubt about it

Im staying SF by avoidence but Im ocasionaly lurking, e.g. to update my map of Gutterville - I love the ZOO

BTW I just came back from holidays in Egypt and in the hotel they had an 8 Ball Bar - coincidence? I dont think so
chelle belle, my oh my, look at that av. it reminds me of those black and white commercials with classical music in the background as it sets a beautiful romantic mood. sorry if that made absolutely no sense! youre going to nyc in october? thats going to prove to be fun.

glad to hear your brother is safely over in nyc, stuffy! i’ll be the one jumping through the roof if he sees and takes a pic of danny and lindsay in action on the streets. *crosses fingers and hopes that stuffy’s brother finds the csi:ny shirt and maybe just maybe run into carmine and anna* tell him to swing by the cbs store (its tiny, but they have a few csi:ny items). thanks for the wub on the av. :) (you too, PSG!)

lurking! wait, ive been lurking cause RL calls. grr. happy hump day. i might get one more post in before the thread ends, but we’ll see. if not, goodbye thread #18!

Cuzzy, you are too adorable being the one male here.


*throws some chocolate cakes at dutchy to taste*
Happy HUMP DAY to you all!

Where I live, they've re-scheduled the broadcasting programme. So from now on, my hump day will be even better!!! Yay! CSI:NY is on wednesday! I'm gonna have so much fun tonight!! I just haven't figured out which epi it is, but it doesn't matter, I'm just happY!
Did anyone else have trouble coming on to TalkCsi today? Just asking, I've always been logged in , and then today, I couldn't even vote in the D/L thread poll. Anyway, I had no idea that one thread title was anything to do with Aiden, so no offence was meant to that character. I just always liked Aud's idea of it, and this is the third time that title has come up. Anyway, I've finally been able to log on and vote. Good ideas, everyone.

Stuffy, glad you are feeling somewhat better. It's never nice to feel sick.
Did anyone else have trouble coming on to TalkCsi today?

Not today, but a few days ago I did. Whenever I clicked the 'Log In' button, it would take me back to the main page.

Stuffy, glad you are feeling somewhat better. It's never nice to feel sick.

*nods in agreement* Right you are, Catey. Yesterday morning was brutal, but at least I slept well last night. Probably because I went to bed around 9:45 :lol:. Plus, Danny is a great snuggler ;)

Eight hours until NWILL *jumps up and down in anticipation*
My buddy Angel says...
chelle belle, my oh my, look at that av. it reminds me of those black and white commercials with classical music in the background as it sets a beautiful romantic mood. sorry if that made absolutely no sense! youre going to nyc in october? thats going to prove to be fun.

hehe yeah am off to NYC in october!! will be sometime betwen the 1st and the 12th! im soo excited!!! (But its the first time i wil have flown in the whole 24years of my life!! :lol: - maybe Mo will let me sneak Danny on board... ;) **Flutters eyelashes at MO** ) And yeah hun,i kkinda got what ya meant about the Av hehe it was sooo cute i just HAD to use it!!! :D

tell him to swing by the cbs store

You HAVE to tell me where that is!! lol :D

im sure i will be back before the end of this thread.. unless u all go crazy and start posting every 5 seconds :lol: if that happens... Bye bye #18!!! We will miss u :( XX
My day just graduated from amazing to spectacualer now that I know NWILL is on tonight!

Yes! I love that hug and I can not wait to watch it again and again and again.

The names are great, and as a previous Aiden fan, I voted for Holy pool tables, batman!
Because DL is love and these pictures prove it:


That noise he makes with his mouth is so adorable...and her smile afterwards is too cute for words.


Anyone notice how his eyes are averted upwards, like he's thanking the heavens that she's safe?

Now if that's not love, I don't know what is....and a random song just came into my mind :lol:

*sniffs and waves goodbye to thread #18*
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