Close To The Flame ( Romantic/Anger Ryan Fic )

I liked it all. Of course my fav parts are always where some1 gets his ass kicked etc, but for most I enjoyed Ryan himself. I always enjoy Ryan and mostly I've hit the best fics so far, so you don't have to worry, I loved all the story and how it brought few surprises:)
Aww sounds your next fic will be exciting, if not more than just exciting :)
I liked it all. Of course my fav parts are always where some1 gets his ass kicked etc, but for most I enjoyed Ryan himself. I always enjoy Ryan and mostly I've hit the best fics so far, so you don't have to worry, I loved all the story and how it brought few surprises:)
Aww sounds your next fic will be exciting, if not more than just exciting :)

The next part is called To Myself I Turned
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Oh wow. Niceeee! Loveee it! More more mooooooore!
I'm hooked to this story now :) This gonna be fun *jumps in the seat*
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Oh I was expected something different. Maybe. But not exactly this. Thanks for surprise.
I will try to update tonight both stories but I hope internet connection won't let me down like it did this morn.
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Oh I was expected something different. Maybe. But not exactly this. Thanks for surprise.
I will try to update tonight both stories but I hope internet connection won't let me down like it did this morn.

Things dont get any good for poor Ryan not when he sees something that tears him apart but what tears him apart?
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Chapter Two

Ryan had seen the recent pics of his daughter Sophie and so Ryan cried when he saw them and realised how big she was getting and Ryan was missing out so much but Ryan had no idea where his daughter was and this worried Ryan that he would never ever see his daughter again..

( New York )

Lisa and Danny went out to see a movie while Mac looked after Sophie who was being good for Mac like she always was whenever he was around and so Danny decides to bite the bullet and asks Lisa '' Would you be my girlfriend?" and Lisa smiles at Danny and tells him '' Yeah course i'll be your girlfriend" and Danny hugs Lisa who returns the hug and both Danny and Lisa head back to Mac's apartment and Danny gives Lisa a soft kiss and Lisa enters the apartment to find Mac on the sofa looking at a book and Mac tells Lisa '' Sophie's asleep and she's been good as gold'' and Lisa smiles then tells Mac '' Danny asked me to be his girlfriend and i agreed'' to which Mac gets up and hugs Lisa and tells her '' Danny's a good guy and he'll look after you and Sophie and if he doesnt, he will have me to deal with''..

( Miami - Three Months Later )

Horatio got a phone call from Mac informing him about Lisa and Danny being together along with Sophie calling Danny '' Dad'' and Horatio didnt know what to think but knew that Ryan would be upset that his daughter was calling someone else '' Dad'' and Ryan had already knew that Sophie was talking as Lisa sent an email of Sophie talking and walking but Ryan could hear someone in the background saying '' Well done Sophie and keep it up angel'' and then next thing Ryan heard was Sophie saying '' Thanks dad'' and this tore Ryan apart hearing this and showed the footage to Alexx who couldnt believe what she heard and Ryan tells Alexx '' I should be the one that Sophie calls dad not this other guy''..

Ryan shows the footage to both Calleigh and Eric who couldnt believe what they were seeing and Eric tells Ryan '' Sorry mate and Sophie should be calling you dad for sure'' and Ryan nods and begins to wonder who the guy is that Sophie's calling dad but what Ryan doesnt know is that Horatio already knew about it and didnt wanna upset Ryan..

( New York )

Danny and Lisa had been together just over three months and Sophie was playing in the lab when she took Adam's can of cola and ran into Mac's office and hid under his desk and Adam came back to get his coke can but it wasnt there and asks Danny '' You havent seen my can of coke have ya?' and Danny shakes his head and goes into Mac's office and sees Sophie laughing and Danny looks at Sophie who has the can in her hands and Danny picks Sophie up and takes her out into the lab when Mac and Lisa return and Adam sees the can and laughs to which Sophie hands the can back to Adam and so Danny tells Lisa '' Sophie swiped Adam's can and hid in the office out of sight until now'' and Lisa laughs along with Mac who laughs at Sophie's antics..

Will Ryan find out who his daughter Sophie is calling dad???
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Sheesh. Poor boy *angelface*
I think I'm havin Ryan-overdose for this night :guffaw:
I wonder what happened between Ryan and Lisa to make her leave him that way. It have to something deeper and darker that he'd done to make her divorce Ryan.
Ooooh Ryan's gonna get "that guy's" head *jumping in seat in excitement*
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Sheesh. Poor boy *angelface*
I think I'm havin Ryan-overdose for this night :guffaw:
I wonder what happened between Ryan and Lisa to make her leave him that way. It have to something deeper and darker that he'd done to make her divorce Ryan.
Ooooh Ryan's gonna get "that guy's" head *jumping in seat in excitement*

Lisa left Ryan cause he attacked her and something will let Ryan set eyes on Sophie in a few chapters but how and where?
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Oh I had the feelin I'm missing something.
Wow that's a change in behaviour, isn't it? Hmmm why would our boy do that?
I'm starting to think Ryan's gonna sneak up and kick Danny's ass for taking his place for Sophie
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Oh I had the feelin I'm missing something.
Wow that's a change in behaviour, isn't it? Hmmm why would our boy do that?
I'm starting to think Ryan's gonna sneak up and kick Danny's ass for taking his place for Sophie

It does come out and there will be a fight between two people but whom and where?
Re: To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Chapter Three

The discovery that his daughter was calling someone else dad really upset Ryan and he still hadnt found out where Lisa was living and decided to try and find out for himself but Ryan couldnt find Lisa and so Ryan realised that Lisa didnt wanna be found not after what happened on the final night between them..

( Flashback to that final night )

Ryan and Lisa were having a normal day and Sophie was asleep in her cot upstairs while downstairs, Ryan and Lisa had a row over the offer in Miami and Lisa tells Ryan '' I'm not going back to Miami and the last time, look what happened and i dont wanna rake up those memories again'' but Ryan didnt understand and grabbed Lisa by the arm and shoved her against the wall and kept a firm grip while Lisa felt so scared of Ryan and tried to break away but Ryan was too strong for Lisa who tried to break free but couldnt and Ryan dug his nails into Lisa's arm and Lisa managed to push Ryan away and go into the kitchen where Ryan followed Lisa and proceeded to harm her the only way that Ryan could and once it was over Lisa ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom and took a pill..

The following morning, Ryan acted as if nothing had happened but Lisa knew that she had to get away from Ryan but knew that it wasnt gonna be easy and Lisa had to get away for Sophie's sake as Lisa didnt want Sophie growing up with horrible stuff every day and Ryan goes up into their room to find Lisa packing her clothes along with Sophie's as well and Ryan asks '' What are you doing?'' and Lisa tells Ryan '' I'm getting away from you and Sophie's coming with me'' and Ryan realises what he did and tries to get Lisa to stay but Lisa wont stay and Ryan sighs to himself and tells Lisa '' I'm sorry for what i did to you and i dont wanna lose you or Sophie'', then Lisa tells Ryan '' You should not of done what you did to me last night and i thought you were different but i was wrong and dont even try to find me or Sophie''..

( End of flashback )

Ryan finds a cd that was sitting on the table and Ryan takes the disc out of the case and puts it into the cd player and presses play to hear the songs that Lisa loved and so Ryan picks up a cushion and holds it close to him and softly cries while listening to Lisa's fav songs playing and it makes Ryan realise how stupid he's been to himself and how much he hurt Lisa who was the only one that he ever loved and he had lost Lisa forever..

( New York )

Lisa was at Danny's apartment spending the night as Mac had got Sophie for the night and Danny whispers to Lisa '' I love you '' and Lisa looks at Danny and whispers back '' I love you too '' and both Danny and Lisa seal their love with a gentle kiss and Danny wraps his arms around Lisa and Danny suggests '' You could live here with me and so could Sophie but it's up to you'' and Lisa tells Danny '' Yeah and how about i move in here at the end of the month with Sophie?'' and Danny agrees so it was getting late and Danny gets up and reaches his hand out to Lisa who takes it and both head into the bedroom and head to bed together and once in bed Lisa snuggles up to Danny who keeps a close hold of Lisa and they share a loving kiss before going to sleep together..

Can Ryan try to find his lost love and return to Miami as what they once were? Or is Ryan too late??

I used to think i had the answers to everything...