Close To The Flame ( Romantic/Anger Ryan Fic )

Definately, I can assure you that I'll like it :)
Oh with lyrics it's even better to get the atmosphere that way, good thinking:)

Yup and i was drooling over a pic of Ryan when the idea crawled into me brain and stayed there bouncing and yakking * use lyrics * non stop so i gotta try it out :guffaw:
Oh yes I know the feelin. I was same when I finally decided to start my fic. That song is very good *thank you friend for bringing me to 30seconds2mars music* and it got into my brain with my muse nudging me. But it was month ago. Until now when I started thanks to you, KM, you inspired me to REALLY get to the typing and somehow I got the things going
Oh yes I know the feelin. I was same when I finally decided to start my fic. That song is very good *thank you friend for bringing me to 30seconds2mars music* and it got into my brain with my muse nudging me. But it was month ago. Until now when I started thanks to you, KM, you inspired me to REALLY get to the typing and somehow I got the things going

Thanks hun and i've been writing fan fics since early 2007 and chapter 4 is bein done
Chapter Four

( Miami - Horatio & Alexx return )

Horatio and Alexx returned to Miami after seeing Ryan and Lisa tie the knot in Key West which both Horatio and Alexx enjoyed seeing the wedding and neither of them knew how it was gonna be taken by Tim who was in the dark about the wedding until Calleigh asks Horatio " Where were you for the past few days?" and Horatio tells Calleigh " I went to a wedding and Alexx was invited as well" to which Alexx enters the room and Calleigh asks Alexx " Were you at a wedding with Horatio?" and Alexx nods, then Tim overhears and wonders whose wedding it was and asks " Who got married?"...

Horatio sighs and confesses " It was Lisa and Ryan who got married and also they're expecting a baby together" and this angered Tim that he smashed his empty cup and stormed out of the room seething that his sister Lisa was now married to Ryan and Tim wasnt happy about it or even about the baby either and all Tim wanted for Lisa was to be with someone different and Tim really hated Ryan for what he did and now Tim was forming a plan in his mind...

( Key West )

Ryan and Lisa were now married and Lisa asks Ryan " Wonder how Tim will feel about our marriage?" and Ryan tells Lisa " I'm not sure but he wont be happy about it i reckon", to which Ryan gives Lisa a cuddle and shares a kiss with his wife who kisses Ryan back unaware of what Tim was planning to do and for now Ryan and Lisa could enjoy their lives before Tim ruins it but it remains how...

( Miami )

Horatio and the others worried about Tim and didnt like seeing him so angry as his sister Lisa had married Ryan who Tim didnt like and vowed to wreck their lives in the most cruel way that he could think of and it had been a month since Tim found out about it, Lisa and Ryan went to Miami for a trip to see the team who were glad to see them in the lab and Lisa had spotted Tim watching them and Tim gave Lisa and Ryan an icy look and Ryan could tell that Tim was angry at the news but Ryan knew that it was upsetting Lisa and Ryan also knew that Lisa didnt need any stress as she was now four months pregnant and all Ryan wanted for Lisa was to have a stress free pregnancy but got the vibe that it wasnt gonna be that way...

Tim had found Ryan in the locker room and shoved him hard against the wall and began attacking him with his fists while Lisa was in the breakroom laughing at Eric pulling faces and Calleigh hears screams but isnt sure who it is and Horatio quickly comes in and tells the team " Tim's attacking Ryan in the locker room" and Lisa started to shake and Alexx helped Lisa while the others rushed to the locker room and what they found was Tim kicking Ryan hard and fast....

You wont forgive me, what can i do?

Will Ryan be ok or has Tim done severe damage?? ( Cliffhanger here )
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Ahhhhhh! Yaaaa!
Woo hoo! Haaa!
Yesssss! Loveeee it!
Told ya :)
It was very worthy to keep *cough* a visitor *cough* warm *cough* :lol:
LOL amazing chapter, can't wait for next to come ;)
Chapter Five

Tim had found Ryan in the locker room and was attacking him hard when the others arrived and Horatio grabs Tim and drags him off Ryan who wasnt in good shape and Eric picks Ryan up gently and takes him out to the Hummer followed by Calleigh and Eric drives fast while Calleigh was in the back with Ryan who didnt look too good and back at the lab, Horatio enters the breakroom and Lisa asks '' Where's Ryan?'' and Horatio sighs and tells Lisa '' Tim attacked Ryan in the locker room badly and i'll take you to be with Ryan", then Horatio tells Alexx " Keep Tim here and raise hell on him" and Alexx nods to Horatio's request.

( Hospital )

Eric and Calleigh arrived at the hospital with Ryan who was taken straight to be checked and the doctor returned two hours later to find Lisa and Horatio there and so Lisa asks the doctor '' Is Ryan gonna be ok?'' and the doctor tells the team and Lisa '' Ryan's got some severe injuries and his left shoulder is broken in four places along with a broken wrist and severe bruising to his chest and a black eye'', then Lisa asks '' Can i see him?'' and the doctor agrees and takes Lisa to be with Ryan and Lisa didnt know what to expect when she sees Ryan and the doctor also tells Lisa " Ryan's sedated so he's asleep but he might wake up but we're not sure if he will wake up ''.

Lisa enters Ryan's room and sees what her own brother has done and Lisa walks over to Ryan and softly touches his face and Lisa is angry with Tim for this and Lisa knows that she has to be strong for Ryan and their unborn baby as Lisa didnt want their baby to grow up without a dad, then Horatio looks in through the window of Ryan's room and sees how serious it is and watches Lisa break down and so Lisa decides to stay in next to Ryan in the bed...

( Crime Lab )

Tim walks into the breakroom to come across an angry Alexx who slaps Tim so hard and tells him '' Ryan could die after what you did and Lisa's going through hell and if Ryan survives this, only if then you had best stay away from the both of them'' and Tim knows that Alexx is serious and tells her '' I just wanted Lisa to leave him'' but Alexx responds ''That aint gonna happen never not in a million years''.

( Ryan's Room )

Lisa had fallen asleep with her left hand resting on Ryan's stomach and Lisa hoped that Ryan would wake up and be his loving self again but Lisa knew that the doctors had said that Ryan might not wake up and this wasnt good for Lisa who wanted Ryan to open his eyes and Lisa just hoped Ryan would wake up again.

It had been over a month or so since Ryan was in hospital and still there wasnt any change and Horatio had been a rock to Lisa over the past month and Lisa fell asleep next to Ryan only to feel something and Lisa looked down and saw Ryan's hand rubbing her right hand and Lisa looked up and saw a smile on Ryan's face and still Ryan hadnt opened his eyes but Lisa was happy that Ryan was making contact..

Will Ryan open his eyes and see Lisa there???
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Excellent chapter:) Loved it, really.
And now I'm getting really good nudge from my muse who's jumping around me.
Actually this chapter was pretty kudos to the really large fic I'm having sealed into my mind for years and I'm havin the feelin to finally let it out. In my imaginary world it was Tim who did something to Ryan... Well it's a tragic story actually but as it always happens in fantasy things get repaired some way.
Ok I'm talking/typing too much but this really needs to be said to someone. Well I was considered weird/crazy since young age but test left out one important detail- writers aren't ordinary people just like all artists- they are special, and I'm still thinking I'm special, LOL.
The stupid test just proved I don't have any brain malfunctions. It also proved my fantasy is way too large to keep it under hood :lol:
Ok, with all this I just wanted to say KUDOS to you, you did more than I expected and you did it extremely good so , YES, the chapter is going well with me :hugegrin:
And that makes my night even better.
BTW, you inspired me for my next chapter, and not only that, you also brought back to my mind something that's been hidden for some time, and it's also an addition to my inspiration that my muse is enjoying so much, as I do too.