Close To The Flame ( Romantic/Anger Ryan Fic )

Oh that's good:)
Oh yes I won't shoot you for Tim's possible mishap.
It could be you instead who might want to shoot me for what I've planned in Sleepless...
I promise to be good in Hurricane :angel:
Lol my muse went away with Patrick Jane *headslap*
I could go on and on with the guesses but gotta go sleep soon so better will wait for chapter to surprise me :)
Lol my muse went away with Patrick Jane *headslap*
I could go on and on with the guesses but gotta go sleep soon so better will wait for chapter to surprise me :)

A little warning - You might need a bucket on standby as it's someone close but something goes wrong and bang bang you're dead as a dodo
Oh well I always have my droolbucket next to me. So not far to look.
Frankly I needed tearbucket only twice, when read Vegas and Miami "Whiskey Lullaby" which both were tragedy fics. Oh the third time was about the dog who made Miami team smile after Speed's death, it was extremely touching and I have to read it during night....
Oh well I'm ready *putting buckets in pockets*
Chapter Nine

Ryan's father had attacked Lisa and also Horatio discovered the truth about Ryan's past and for Tim he saw what happened from his bike and headed off into the distance knowing that he was gonna try and repair his tattered relationship with Lisa but Tim arrived at the harbour where Tim finds Lucas and asks him '' Why did you hurt my sister?'' and Lucas tells Tim '' I dont know why i hurt her'' then Tim punches Lucas who grabs the gun and fires it at Tim and the bullet hits Tim in the head and Tim died instantly from the shot..

Horatio gets a call informing him that Tim was dead and Horatio tells the team about Tim's death but doesnt see Lisa or Ryan in the lab or outside and Horatio finds them at the pier looking at the view while being close together and Horatio sighs and leaves them alone to their thoughts and Horatio hads back to the lab where Alexx asks '' Where's Ryan and Lisa?" and Horatio tells Alexx '' They are at the pier and i guess they heard about Tim being killed''..

Calleigh and Eric went out to the crime scene and found Tim along with the gun and the shooter and Calleigh asks '' Did you shoot Tim?'' and the shooter admits '' Yeah i did'' then Lucas gets arrested and charged with first degree murder while Ryan and Lisa were spending some time alone together and Lisa tells Ryan '' I dont know what to feel about Tim's death'' and Ryan replies '' Neither do i sweetheart'', then Ryan wraps his arm around Lisa and keeps her in close to him when Horatio and the others appear but watch from a distance to see what happens between Lisa and Ryan, then Lisa slowly cries and Ryan wipes Lisa's tears away and soothes her by telling her '' Sssh it's gonna be hard but you've got me to help you through this and i'll never leave you''..

Eric whispers to Alexx '' They must really love each other huh?'' and Alexx tells Eric '' Yeah they do and their wedding was beautiful for them'' and then Ryan and Lisa decide to leave Miami and head off home to Key West to try and get back to some sort of a normal life and they leave without telling their friends who had no idea that they had gone until a note was found in the lab left for Horatio....

( The note )

Dear Horatio,

Me and Ryan have decided to head back home to try and have a normal life and i know it hasnt been easy for us being in Miami but we've enjoyed seeing you all again but hope you and the team will come and visit us soon down in Key West and please bring Alexx with you as well. It still feels so very raw about Tim being killed and i know that i have cried once but that was on the pier with Ryan by my side and i would of thought that Tim would of accepted me and Ryan but he didnt and it seems sad that Tim never said sorry but i guess he wanted to more than anything in the world and now hopefully he's at peace wherever he is. I'll always be thankful that i have Ryan to protect me and he's a great guy and Tim just never could see that but both you and Alexx did on our wedding day which meant more to the both us in more ways than one.

Take care of yourself and the team for me and Ryan ok?

Lots of love

Ryan and Lisa including baby Wolfe
Omg! So heart touching chapter. Loved it.
Wow this was my next guess but since I did shut off my mentalist I didn't know that's Lucas. Oh well... RIP Tim Speed... Again...
Is this end? Already? Wow time flew by so fast already... And it's Sunday already...
Btw will post something about Hurricane and Sleepless today
Omg! So heart touching chapter. Loved it.
Wow this was my next guess but since I did shut off my mentalist I didn't know that's Lucas. Oh well... RIP Tim Speed... Again...
Is this end? Already? Wow time flew by so fast already... And it's Sunday already...
Btw will post something about Hurricane and Sleepless today

Chapter ten ends it but i have an idea for it and there could be a follow up to this one
Re: Close To The Flame ( Romantic/Anger Ryan Fic ) - Complete

Chapter Ten ( Finale )

Ryan and Lisa were back home again in Key West and so Ryan decided to visit his mother's grave and it was heartbreaking for Ryan after all these years and Ryan kneels down to clean his mother's grave and tells her about Lisa and their arrival due in a few weeks time and Ryan missed his mother so much and after an hour Ryan leaves to head back home to his wife Lisa who was having a nap as Lisa was in the final weeks of her pregnancy, both Lisa and Ryan had got their baby stuff in the baby's room..

Lisa was outside in the spring sunshine and was enjoying it when her waters broke a few weeks early and Lisa shouts on Ryan who runs out to Lisa and so Ryan knows what is happening and Ryan helps Lisa up and take her to the car and picks up her hospital clothes in the hall on the way and they speed off to the hospital and they arrived and Lisa was taken to be checked and was told that she would be checked in an hour's time and Ryan was sitting up on the bed with Lisa who painfully admitted to Ryan '' I'm so scared about this and i didnt think she would be ready to be born until the due date'' and Ryan admits '' I thought the same but maybe she's decided it's time to appear''..

An hour later the nurse arrives to check on Lisa, who tells Lisa and Ryan " It's time '' and Lisa whispers to Ryan '' I'm scared'' and Ryan hugs Lisa the best that he can with just a cast that was due to be removed in a couple of weeks and Lisa is wheeled down to have the baby with Ryan by her side and once inside the room, Lisa is ready to push and Ryan gives Lisa words of encouragement to push and after 13 hours, Lisa finally gives birth to their baby girl 7 weeks early and Ryan kisses Lisa's forehead and whispers '' I love you sweetheart'' and Lisa sighs after the labour and is wheeled back to her room with Ryan and their newborn daughter and Lisa discovers Alexx and the others in the room and Ryan tells Lisa '' I invited them here for this moment'' and Lisa smiles at Ryan and thanks him..

Alexx takes a look at Ryan and Lisa's newborn baby girl and asks '' Has she got a name yet or have you not picked yet?'' and Ryan informs the team '' Yeah we chose a name a few months ago and it was Lisa's idea'', then Calleigh asks '' What have y'all called this little lady then?'' then Ryan tells them '' We've called her Sophie Rose after my mother and i'm so happy with my new family''.

Lisa and Ryan have a chat and then Ryan asks " Alexx, Horatio would you both like to be godparents to Sophie Rose?" and this takes Alexx and Horatio by surprise and they agree to be godparents to Sophie Rose Wolfe and Ryan nurses Sophie Rose while Lisa gets some rest and Horatio tells Ryan '' I'm honoured to be godfather to Sophie Rose and i know you both will be great parents to this little one'' and Ryan agrees with Horatio who then asks Ryan '' Will you come and work back at the lab with us?'' and Ryan tells Horatio '' I'd have to talk it over with Lisa first and see what she thinks and i'll let you know the decision''..

( A Thank You )

This has been an eventful fic for me as it's been based on Ryan and i know that i've enjoyed writing it in more ways than one and the name for this fic ''Close To The Flame'' comes from a very special band who i listen to and the songs have inspired some chapters and other songs by my other fav band have helped in places during this story and i've been lucky not to have writer's block and hopefully i'll be adding the next parts to the story when i'm free but until then enjoy this final chapter of '' Close To The Flame''. I wanna dedicate this fic to a very special friend : BlueDiamondStar, you've been amazing and i'm glad that you have enjoyed this fic and i can say that i will surprise you again soon..

The End or is it??
Oh god this was so beautiful.
After day of reading tragic fics I feel this was what I needed at the end of the day on top of all I've been reading.
Oh thank you, I enjoyed this story to no end and I'm so glad you wrote it and posted it.
*sheds away a tear of happiness*
Wish you good luck! :)
Oh god this was so beautiful.
After day of reading tragic fics I feel this was what I needed at the end of the day on top of all I've been reading.
Oh thank you, I enjoyed this story to no end and I'm so glad you wrote it and posted it.
*sheds away a tear of happiness*
Wish you good luck! :)

Yeah and what did you enjoy most about it? I'm gonna try and write the next part where this time Ryan really screws up and loses Sophie and Lisa but is it for good?
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To Myself I Turned ( After Close To The Flame )

Title : To Myself I Turned ( Second part to Close To The Flame )
Pairing: Ryan & Lisa also maybe a hint of Lisa finding someone else
Other's in Fic : Alexx,Horatio,Calleigh,Eric and the NY Crime Lab
Rating : PG13ish
Summary : This is set two years after Close To The Flame but has things changed for the better or maybe the worse?

Chapter One

It had been just two years since Ryan went back to the crime lab in Miami but Lisa didnt want to return to Miami and left with little Sophie to stay with her godfather and for Ryan, he had no idea who Lisa's godfather was and didnt think anyone at the lab knew but Horatio knew who it was and Horatio knew that he was never to tell Ryan about Lisa's godfather Mac Taylor who was the boss of the crime lab in New York and Eric asks Ryan '' Where's Lisa and Sophie?'' and Ryan admits to Eric '' Lisa left and took Sophie with her and i have no idea where they are'' and this was overheard by Alexx who hugged her baby..

Lisa was in the crime lab in New York and Sophie was having fun in Mac's office when Danny asks '' Who's the cutie pie?'' and Mac tells Danny '' Sophie is my goddaughter Lisa's little girl'' and then Lisa appears after getting a drink and meets Danny who starts to wonder why he's got butterflies in his stomach and so Danny asks Lisa '' You uh single?" and Lisa looks at Danny and tells him '' Yeah i divorced my ex Ryan last year and since then it's just been me and Sophie''..

Danny asks Lisa '' Wanna go and see a movie tonight?'' and Lisa tells Danny '' Sure and i'll ask Mac to babysit Sophie tonight for me'' and Mac notices the sparks between Danny and Lisa in the breakroom and Mac tells Lisa '' I'll look after Sophie tonight if you two wanna go out'' and Danny tells Mac '' Thanks and that means a lot''..

( Miami )

Ryan thought back on the last time he saw Lisa and realised how stupid he had been by being agressive towards Lisa who left and filed for divorce which broke Ryan's heart into tiny pieces and later that night Ryan was checking his emails when he saw one from Lisa and clicked on it to find recent pics of his little girl and seeing the pics of his daughter, Ryan softly cries while looking at the pics of his young daughter looking more and more like him and Ryan had no idea where Sophie was but hoped that she was ok..

Ryan showed the new pics of Sophie to Alexx who tells Ryan '' Wow she's the double of you'' and Ryan nods and tells Alexx '' I have no idea where Sophie is'' and Alexx comforts Ryan in her own way..

Will Ryan find Sophie? Will Lisa and Danny begin a relationship together??
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