To continue with my alphabet soup--er, I mean
Say I don't like E. I didn't like E last week, I didn't like E last night, I don't like E today, I probably won't like E next month. I have and will continue to dislike E, so naturally I will repeat myself by saying that I dislike it when it is a topic of discussion. If people don't want E to be a topic of discussion, then by all means begin a new discussion. Talk about R or J--otherwise, the people who are content to talk about E will continue to do so. Will they always want to talk about E? Probably not--I know there are several threads that I didn't post in for a while because I had nothing I wanted to say. Whether that be about E or R or J or whatever else--maybe I've said my piece and don't want to say anymore, maybe I don't want to keep squealing over how attractive someone is, maybe I'm not interested in the discussion itself or the way it's going. So maybe I don't post about E anymore--but other people might want to keep talking about it.
The conversation about how attractive Carmine is has gone on since the show began--longer than anything about not liking Lindsay. People have posted in four threads about liking Lindsay--is that not also repetitive? If we're talking about saying the same thing over and over again, it's not fair to single out one group or one opinion. Telling people not to repeat themselves about why they love Flack doesn't make sense, does it?
If I want to come on TalkCSI every day and say how much I like Adam, I can and will. If I want to come on here every day and say that I don't like Lindsay, I can and will do that as well.
The idea to limit what people can say isn't going to fly, unfortunately.
NinaM said:
To get more people to post their posetive opinions about whatever to try and balance up the negative forever posting..would that help..I have no idea, maybe, maybe not.
not posting certainly won't help. This thread isn't just about saying the things that are 'wrong' with the forum, but ultimately about getting more people involved--we know more people are visiting than are posting, so the moderators obviously want to see more participation.
Having some people post less is
decreasing participation--that's defeating the purpose.
can it ever be peace as of whole, rather frankly I would have to say not a chance
If by 'peace' you mean all 'yay, CSI:NY!' and never any 'wow, I didn't like that', then no, I'm afraid this forum will never have 'peace'.
The strength of this forum is that there are people from all over the world with all sorts of opinions coming to one place to discuss them--disagreements are going to happen. Personally, I'll take the bad with the good.