Why Aren't You Posting?

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"why she REALLY must go"
The person who opened the first thread called it "Why Lindsay Must Go", so this title was kind of a continuation.

I love the reviews cos they are honest but sometimes they focus so much on the downsides and not on the fact the episode was great
For me personally, I watch the show and come onto a message board to discuss it, so I think it's obvious that I like it. ;) I'll point out what I like in the reviews and such, but when I hope (or expect) to enjoy the show, it's the stuff I don't like that stands out.

And from the UK but I'm not one who fusses that I see it early however starting to regret it as I find I hype the episodes up.
Heh, spoilers definitely do that--especially if you're hoping something will be great and you feel let down.
Faylinn said:
For me personally, I watch the show and come onto a message board to discuss it, so I think it's obvious that I like it. ;) I'll point out what I like in the reviews and such, but when I hope (or expect) to enjoy the show, it's the stuff I don't like that stands out.

I totally understand that, I think when I read it the negative stuff stands out more than I think it is. I mean people must like it to post. And the hype normally does slow it down if you really thought something big would come out of it and it doesnt.
For me personally, I watch the show and come onto a message board to discuss it, so I think it's obvious that I like it. ;) I'll point out what I like in the reviews and such, but when I hope (or expect) to enjoy the show, it's the stuff I don't like that stands out.

I totally understand that, I think when I read it the negative stuff stands out more than I think it is. I mean people must like it to post. And the hype normally does slow it down if you really thought something big would come out of it and it doesnt.

This is true and I would never say that people shouldn't post such things. However, I intentionally focus on the parts of the show I like and quickly become bored with reading laundry lists of everything that is wrong with an episode. Especially an episode I liked.

I admit, this limits my participation in some threads. Although I may make an early post in the "Grade this Episode" thread, I stop reading it very early on.

That's also one of the reasons I don't read the episode review. *shrug* It's just not my cup of tea. I suppose that should be under a "why don't you read here" but, then again, if I don't read the posts, I won't respond to them.

I suppose if I got to my thoughts and posted something before a lot of people get into listing "what was wrong/what I really hated about this episode" I wouldn't feel the same way, but I just don't have time during the week to do that. And, by the time the weekend comes around, it feels to me the mood is fairly well set.
I Chose Other.
I'm New Here, but sometimes I just cant find an interesting/engaging converstaion. Plus, any boards I have been too there are constant replys making it easier to converse with people... but when I have to wait hours to day for a reply... makes me bored and I'm more choosey to what I write or when.

I did enjoy the Elimination Game and made sure I posted my Twice daily for Greg! But I also understand how hard it is for you all to monitor.
As a kind of add to some of the more heated discussion I would like to add this. As a stage actor I know that there are occasionally times when one must play a character, or a scene, or a play that they don't like. As an actor I can totally respect Anna for how she portrays Lindsay. I may not like the character (mostly because her personality seems to change as often as Canadian weather) but I do respect the grace with which Anna plays her. To disrespect an actor because you don't like the character is the ultimate insult you can give. I hate, and I do mean hate, hearing how much people HATE Anna, or HATE Eddie, or HATE one of the other actors who star, guest star or simply appear in an episode. As an actress it pains me to hear such blatent disrespect to someone's career choice, and way of life. When you act, that is your life. You eat, sleep and breathe the character you are portraying, so I would NEVER insult the actress or their acting.
That said, it is in no way a lack of interest in the show, or even the attitudes of the people in the thread that keep me away, it is a mixture of work, chores, school, family and life that keep me out. I adore the people here, and have learned not to feel bad if nobody comments on my post or notices I've been missing for a certian amount of time. Word to the newbies, the more you post, and the more content of your posts, the more likely we are to remember you. Get involved and don't be scared to say what you think. Just don't get to pushy about your personal views. I've made a lot of friends here and even went so far as to visit them in LA this summer. If you simply remember a few things we can make this a better board for everyone. 1. this isn't real life, they are simply characters who we may love and admire, but must always watch from a far. And 2. We are all people who have feelings that we hate to have trampled. Please be nice to your fellow posters.
Welcome to all the newer people.
And i think a welcome wagon would be wonderful, it's a great place to meet some of the veterans and the newbies and a good place to start your posting.
Why don't I post here? *sigh* I don't know?

- I love CSI: NY, I really do. But I'm primarily a LV watcher and I'm a GSR shipper. Which makes me the enemy in my own show's board. Anyone who ships anything besides GSR hates us. I'm also a D/L shipper. I take enough heat, that isn't attackig so much as it is that I'm just sick to death of reading five negative comments to every good one. I lurk here but I don't post because to be honest - I don't want to feel like the odd man out somewhere else too. I'd love to be more active poster in this forum but I guess it sums down to that I just don't have the courage.

- It took me a long time to be comfortable posting in the GSR thread. At first you tend to feel like an outsider. There's all kinds of inside jokes and friendships built. People come in and read the posts by the people they know. It's just how it goes. Funny thing that I learned is that if you inject yourself into conversation you tend to be ignored. Now, I'm not saying that everyone must respond to everyone. But it starts to feel like your opinion doesn't matter when someone comes in and responds to fifteen posts but not yours. The idea of having to go through that again to be part of a board doesn't sound like a very good idea to me. When I first joined I had a lot more time - so getting my voice heard was easier. But now I post so sporatically... who's going to remember a girl who only posts two paragraphs once a week? Probably nobody. So if nobody is going to remember your name or pay attention to what you're posting when you do... why post at all? I'm content reading. If I wanted to be ignored I could call my mom. :rolleyes:

There's this huge world of TalkCSI that I've never seen. My own experinces in certain threads have kept me penned into one. I've seen mods (and NO those votes were not me) that defend antis left and right and smack down the center "They have a right to state their opinions. There's nothing we can do." But pull out the pointy sticks at someone who did nothing more then say how much they like a certain ship. I'm not saying that goes on HERE. I've had a few bad experiences in threads in shipper central. I guess I just decided that there was only one real safe place for me and my opinions. And so I stay there.

That is all.
To disrespect an actor because you don't like the character is the ultimate insult you can give.

Most people who criticize Anna Belknap do so because they do not feel she is a talented actress, and opinion of her acting is directly linked to (but not the only reason for) dislike of the character. It is not disrespectful to criticize a performance, and actors and actresses should expect their work to be critiqed and know not every critique is going to be favorable.
^^ I understand that, but I also have seen a few people simply say they hate Anna because they dislike lindsay's character. I just ask tha
A warm welcome to all the newbies! I'm really glad to see this thread has helped a few of you speak up and would love to see you still around.

I have no problem with a Welcome thread. It would certainly make it easier for me to find the newbies, instead of having to click on the username if it's unfamiliar to me to determine whether I'm talking to a newbie. Additionally, it might give newbies a comfortable place to enter their first post.

A HUGE thanks to Top for logging on much sooner than I did today to diffuse things a bit. :D Wow ladies, it was certainly getting a bit heated in here. No need to turn this thread into a complete wankfest and we certainly don't want to see people fighting in here since the whole point is to bring peace.

I think people should really bear in mind that this is just a TV show. In the overall scheme of your life, who Danny is hooking up with and whether other fans like her or not is 100% totally and entirely insignificant.
ETA: I r slow. I fully agree about the welcome post, MrsG. ;)


I keep seeing people say that they don't post because their opinion gets lost in the shuffle. I can understand that, but with the forum at large being more aware that they're ignoring people (usually unintentionally), the only way to get that opinion out there now is to post. :) Aside from the back and forth bickering that's been brought in here, this thread has alerted members to the fact that people are feeling left out--even though I don't think any of us wanted that to happen. ;)

(Not referring to a specific person) I've also seen it mentioned numerous times that the ratio of 'type Z' to 'type X' comments is uneven--if most of the posts about something are 'type Z', the only way to change that is to make more 'type X' posts (positive or negative, pro or con, paper or plastic--whatever the difference may be). Asking group Z not to post as much isn't the answer, and it's not fair--group X has to post more if they want things to change.

The performance of an actor or actress is part of the discussion when you talk about the character. If it's alright to say how great Gary is, it's okay to say you think Gary didn't do so well in a certain scene. Tone or attitude are a different story, and it's already been asked in this thread by the mods for the people posting to be more aware of how they say things. I don't get the impression that there is any intention to limit what people can say in this forum.

To continue this set of mostly-random comments, I've also seen numerous people say that comments about shipping only belong in the shipper forum. But I'm not seeing that referring to all shipping--just Danny/Flack. There are probably 5-10 people in this forum (am I being generous? I've never counted) who actually ship the pair of them and have made comments about it. Personally, I see this as being no different than someone making comments about Mac and Stella, for example. Mac/Stella is a far more popular pairing than Danny/Flack, and I've seen a lot of comments about it recently--look at the grading thread for the latest episode. And I haven't seen anybody suggest that there's anything wrong with that--I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Part of watching the show for someone might be to enjoy the subtext between Character H and Character G--and part of them being comfortable in this forum is to know that they're allowed to post their thoughts without being forbidden to mention H/G. No, there shouldn't be threads about it or anything like that, but if it's alright to comment on the way Danny and Lindsay interact, it's alright to comment on the way Flack and Stella interact, for example.

As for someone saying 'I don't like Danny/Lindsay' and then turning around and saying 'I think Danny belongs with Flack'--how is that any different than saying 'I don't like Mac/Peyton' and then following it with 'I think Mac belongs with Stella'? From what I can tell, the Mac/Peyton and Mac/Stella shippers have managed to co-exist just fine despite disagreeing over who they think Mac should be with. I've seen people say that they're sad that Peyton broke up with Mac, and I've seen people who are glad that she did--and I haven't seen anybody get their knickers in a twist.

No, I don't want this to turn into an argument about shipping--it's already happened and I think there are far better things to discuss in this thread. However, I thought I'd bring that up because it's one of the main complaints I've seen over and over again.

Rather than looking at it as 'there is too much B' in here, we should be looking at it as 'there isn't enough V' in here--and working to include more V rather than trying to get B suppressed. Every opinion is equally as valuable, whether you're for something or against it, whether you enjoyed an episode or not, whether you want to have an in-depth discussion or just squeal over your favorite character, whether you're a newbie in the forum or an old fart regular--encourage people to post, don't try to limit them. :D


You know you can't resist. :p
Fay, this is why we love you, because you know exactly how to say it without naming names and hurting peoples feelings. And if Adam says we should get along, I completely agree!
Thanks guys, I tried to word it carefully so as not to step on any toes or negate the purpose of the thread. :)

And if Adam says we should get along, I completely agree!
You can't argue with the bummfluff. ;)

So maybe a good question for the thread is: In addition to why you aren't posting, what could encourage you to post more? :D
PerfectAnomaly said:
Most people who criticize Anna Belknap do so because they do not feel she is a talented actress, and opinion of her acting is directly linked to (but not the only reason for) dislike of the character. It is not disrespectful to criticize a performance, and actors and actresses should expect their work to be critiqued and know not every critique is going to be favorable.

Yes, actors can be critiqued on their abilities, however, there is a difference (in my opinion) in critiquing them and saying things like "She sucks!". Sure, I could post that I don't think Anna is a lousy actress, I could even go out and find online support where she is praised for her ability to act... but I don't care enough to get in a pissing contest over the personal, subjective opinion of how good an actor someone is. Personally, I'm not entertained by "She stinks", "Does not", "Does to", "Not!", "To!", so I just stay out of the fight.

To me, this whole Lindsey, Anna, D/L issue is beating a dead horse. It doesn't take very long to see which side of the issue people come down on and (in my opinion) it simply becomes a bonding ritual and form of entertainment -- in other words, criticizing a character/actor/relationship in new and creative ways becomes the point of a thread.

And that's fine. I know a lot of people are entertained by such posts, even if I am not. I'm not saying people can't post what they think, you just have to realize that some people will not post in threads like that because such opinions, when expressed with such firm conviction and enforced by "I can say what I want", can be off-putting.

Okay, after I wrote this, I see that Faylinn said it much better than me so I'm going to quote her just because she said it so much more eloquently.

Faylinn said:
The performance of an actor or actress is part of the discussion when you talk about the character. If it's alright to say how great Gary is, it's okay to say you think Gary didn't do so well in a certain scene. Tone or attitude are a different story, and it's already been asked in this thread by the mods for the people posting to be more aware of how they say things. I don't get the impression that there is any intention to limit what people can say in this forum.

And I want to thank the Mods for taking these critiques :lol: of the board seriously.
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