Why Aren't You Posting?

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I chose Others. :)

I think I joined the board about a year ago, but I lurk A LOT more than I post, hehe. Usually it's because by the time I get to a particular topic, what I want to say has already been said in a similar way, so I figured why repeat the same thing twice.

Other times, it's because I'm just plain lazy to post. It's just easier to just read through the posts and move on, rather than think of an answer. :lol: Seriously, I'm one of the laziest people around.

I really do like coming to this board, believe or not, I actually visit the board once a day, just to lurk around and check out new posts on my favorite topics. :) I love reading the things some of you guys have to say, sometimes you make me laugh! And this is not good when you're browsing the board at work. :p

I am trying to make an effort to post more though. Hehe.
Welcome to the n00bs, ditto to what the others said about posting even though we've talked it to death. :p It's good to see people coming out of lurkdom. ;) We don't want anybody to feel lost or attacked--just jump right in. :)

Um, Fay you want us to post more so we can see Adam macros less? I think it should be the other way around. Adam rewards could make me come up with some really witty and provocative stuff.
This is very true. :p
Look out MrsG, I think Adam is taking over your job.
Well, Adam is doing a lovely job of keeping the peace with his thoughtful little messages. And he does seem to get you ladies to follow his instructions.

Top41 said:
I diagree that this thread hasn't really changed much. At the very least, it's cleared the air and we've at least come up with some good suggestions.
I agree. This thread has been a big help because we now know what some of the major issues are and can work forward from here.

I do think we've pretty much exhausted the pro vs. anti-Lindsay topic. The input has been helpful, and it seems like both sides got to say their respective piece. I'm hoping what has been said will influence both sides in the future, but for now I think the discussion has probably come to a natural conclusion.
Exactly. I'm not really sure how much is being added at this point. This isn't a thread that needs to be maintained on an ongoing basis. It was designed to serve a purpose and that purpose has been served.

If anyone has any NEW thoughts to contribute, speak fast. I'll likely call Top today and suggest that we either lock this thread, or at least unpin it, so that we focus on moving forward with all the great comments we've received. Encouraging people to continue airing the same past grievances on an ongoing basis isn't particularly productive.
Alrighty ladies, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread as it's served its purpose. A BIG thank you to all who participated in the discussion and gave us helpful suggestions on how to make this forum enjoyable for all fans.

One of the suggestions to come from this discussion was a Welcome Thread. It's now up and open for business.

In terms of the larger issue in this forum, the negativity surrounding Lindsay and Danny/Lindsay, we will strive for respectful posting from all members. It is and always will be acceptable to critique a character, as well as the performance of any actor. However, backhanded insults need to be eliminated from our dialogue. On the flip-side, other members need to bear in mind that everyone is encouraged to speak their mind and opinions will naturally differ. No one is going to censor their thoughts to spare your feelings. This is just a TV show and no aspect of discussion should be taken personally.

Thank you again to everyone who helped us get some important issues out in the open. I'm really pleased with the increased activity level this forum has seen in the past week and hope the trend continues.

Just post respectfully, people, and we should all be able to peacefully co-exist without a problem.

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