Why Aren't You Posting?

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Well, if nothing else, this thread has gotten me posting in the New York forum again. I've been a casual poster in the past, but I am willing to try posting once again. I'm willing to try what the mods have suggested, I hope others will listen to the mods and try also. MrsG, Top, hopefully this thread will accomplish what you set out to do, but it takes everybody to work on it, not just a few.
CSI_in_training said:
I hate, and I do mean hate, hearing how much people HATE Anna, or HATE Eddie, or HATE one of the other actors who star, guest star or simply appear in an episode. As an actress it pains me to hear such blatent disrespect to someone's career choice, and way of life.

Here, here.

I am an actress myself and, personally, when I read a review or talk to an audience member, I love to hear what they thought of my character.

I have played rather mean characters in the past and I love it when people come up to me after and say, "Oh, I hated Jessie." or "You're so diferent in real life." It tells me I am doing my job properly. That when I am on stage or camera, they see the character rather than me.

I think CSI_in_training said it perfectly. We may not like the character, but we must respect the actress for being able to portray the character that way.

In CSI:Miami, for example. I dispise the character of Natalia (well, she is actually growing on me now) but I LOVE Eva La Rue. I would never say I 'hated' Eve for how she plays Nat. If anything I say well done for making me dislike Nat when I like Eva so much.

Ok I'm done waffling. Just wanted to defend my acting people. :lol:

On another note. I understand how some people feel about lack of replies in certain topics, it can be very off putting. But I am not sure what we can do to fix that excpt maybe, all make an effort to reply to posts more often.

Fay - what's with the alphabet :lol: you used Z, X, H, G, B and V. What can you come up with for the rest of the alphabet :lol: something dirty I bet :devil:

And to those thinking this post is NOT ABOUT the topic, I've already stated my opinion and am trying to lighten the mood. :D
adorelo said:
We may not like the character, but we must respect the actress for being able to portray the character that way.

If I were to put myself into the shoes of an Anna Belknap/Lindsay fan, I can see where you would be overwhelmed by the amount of dislike for her character. Maybe the way Anna Belknap portrays her IS the right way. Maybe, just maybe, that's what the writers wanted Lindsay Monroe to be. If there's one thing we can all agree on is that Anna Belknap's performances have been consistant, where the writing has not. The fact that her portrayal of Lindsay encourages people to post their sentiments about her is astonishing. I don’t think when she took the job she intended the fan base of the show to become so divided.

I think maybe one way to remedy the situation or get some measure of satisfaction is to reply to the negative comments with your own positive comments. If you support her and her acting, then post why. I don’t think the non-Lindsay/non-DL shippers are close minded to read posts supporting her and it. It’s a shame to stop posting because the people who are against it are more quick to say so.

What's truly fascinating is that this has come to be the main reason why people have decided not to post. Maybe if people showed Anna Belknap support as opposed to not posting anymore, it won't seem like people are beating up on her so much.
As a newbie who de-lurked after reading this thread, I just wanted to say that a 'welcome thread' for newbies is a great idea. Talk CSI is an amazing forum but it can be daunting to dive in and post. So the thread would be the shallow end of the pool where you can dip your toe in ;)

That said, I have been warmly welcomed in this thread and in the DL thread so people should not be afraid to join in the craziness. Go on, give it a go!!!!!
I'm a DL fan and while I appreciate that everybody has their own opinion it can be a bit overwhelming with the amount of DL criticism on this board. It seems that loads of threads have loads of people just slagging her off and/or the DL relationship with seemingly no real reason. I'm just so sick of going on to the spoilers thread (eg) and just being bombarded with anti-Lindsey sentiments. Everyone's entitled to their opinion but it's just constant. I'm tired of wading through the anti-Lindsey sentiments to get to the actual purpose of the board.

It has kind of put me off a bit. I used to post on here loads but I haven't been on here in ages for those reasons.
My answer falls under "Other". I can't be bothered with the character threads - as someone else mentioned, there are only so many ways to say X is so hot (alphabet use inspired by Fay). Mainly I look into the spoiler and grading threads, though occasionally different topics (like this one) catch my attention.

I don't really look out for spoilers, so I have little to add to those threads, and living on the West Coast, I find that by the time the episode airs in my time zone, most anything I might have wanted to say has been said.

I have also noticed the "being overlooked" phenomenon. That happens on any board and I find that the more you post, the more you become "known" by the rest of the community, and the more likely you are to start feeling "included".

I think maybe one way to remedy the situation or get some measure of satisfaction is to reply to the negative comments with your own positive comments. If you support her and her acting, then post why. I don’t think the non-Lindsay/non-DL shippers are close minded to read posts supporting her and it. It’s a shame to stop posting because the people who are against it are more quick to say so.

Maybe. My take on the Lindsay character is that she doesn't really bother me one way or the other. I've liked some stuff and found other things cringe-worthy, so I kind of see both sides of the "debate". As for D/L, I don't find it nearly as annoying as GSR, and since I can live with GSR, obviously D/L isn't a problem for me. But as a poster, I agree that the vitrol that pours out against the character and/or actress is tiresome. Simply Blue's example sums it up well. It is not enough for some people to state their opinions about her during in an episode thread, or groan about potential scenes in the spoiler thread, but a small number of people can't seem to let it go and move on. That at times actually makes me skim through a thread without reading it too closely, especially when the back and forth flaming starts. Then I don't want to post, in case I repeat something that's already been said, but I missed during the skim.

I don't know if the "pro" fans speaking up would help, or if it would make for more arguments. Hard to say, but I commend the mods for trying to find an answer. I don't know what it is - she doesn't seem to be that bad to me, but even the whole GSR thing (which is, to say the least, controversial) doesn't seem to get this bad.

Oh, one other thing - I tried posting an answer here twice and it didn't work, so there's another reason I don't post much.
- I love CSI: NY, I really do. But I'm primarily a LV watcher and I'm a GSR shipper. Which makes me the enemy in my own show's board. Anyone who ships anything besides GSR hates us.

ahhh, see this is a good example of why message boards have so many problems. Shipper fans take any negative comments to be an 'attack' on themselves. People hate GSR, but its their own right to, just like people have the right to like it. The only reason most GSR fans, and D/L fans (and i don't really mind D/L) get attack is because they post messages telling people to stop saying bad things about their ship. That just irritates the non-shippers even more, and the end result is fighting.

Like GSR fans aren't 'hated', its the storyline that is, just like the D/L storyline. Many shippers post their opinions all the time without anyone 'attacking' them, its not what you are saying, its how you say it. The thing to remember, someone just posting negative things about your ship, doesn't mean the are 'attacking' or 'bashing' you, they are just expressing their opinions.
Ok, it took me quite some time to get through all those posts here... Wow... :eek:

The idea of controlling what people say in their posts is biased, I think...

This is a forum. It IS a place where fans can discuss their favourite shows. And discussing always means that you might utter something that others don't like. That's how it is. Everyone has an opinion and everyone should be free to say whatever he/she has on /his/her mind. That would only be fair.

The other side to this is that uttering one's opinion should not come together with swearing, cursing or *insert other words here that you think appropriate*.

Saying one's opinion always evokes some kind of counter-mechanism, meaning that there will always be someone who disagrees. And those should be able to say so. That's how a discussion starts.

So making some people stop saying that they don't like Lindsay, DL, Flack, *insert whatever here* is NOT ok.

No one should be oppressed for saying what they have on their minds.

On the other hand we should all keep in mind:
Those are only characters on a show, no real persons we have to deal with in real life. Then why feel attacked by someone's opinion???

I have to say that, personally, I feel attacked when someone attacks my personal opinion, or me as a person. But I have no idea when someone wants to discuss with me about whatever I said. I have a strong opinion and I am not afraid to tell everyone who wants to hear... (as you can see by me posting here)...

So keeping opinions away from threads is bullsh*t... Telling your opinion in an appropriate way is a must.

Sorry, this post was rather long... :cool:
^^Hang around me long enough and that won't seem like a long post at all. :lol: *is very long-winded sometimes* :p

I'd like to acknowledge every post that's being made because I don't want newbies posting in here to feel like they're still being skimmed over, but then you'd get a really long post full of quotes. :lol: I'm glad people are posting in here, though. ;)

The problem is still coming up that people don't want to read as many P-opinions (yay for the alphabet--so many letters, so little time :p), but if nobody who has Q-opinions posts, then that'll never show up. It's a cycle, and it has to be broken before things can change. Nobody posts about Q, then there isn't any discussion of Q, then people read the thread and lament that there isn't enough Q in there, and so they don't post about anything, much less Q. It just goes around and around.

tiara4carmine said:
Fay - what's with the alphabet you used Z, X, H, G, B and V. What can you come up with for the rest of the alphabet something dirty I bet
Oh dear, well now that you mention it... :devil: ;)

Really, though, I just didn't want to use the same-old A and B. It's boring. Switch things up. :p
I think maybe one way to remedy the situation or get some measure of satisfaction is to reply to the negative comments with your own positive comments. If you support her and her acting, then post why. I don’t think the non-Lindsay/non-DL shippers are close minded to read posts supporting her and it. It’s a shame to stop posting because the people who are against it are more quick to say so.

I fully intend to. You may see me back here in a few days sporting war-wounds. But, I will defend my people. *Gives patriotic-ish salute to fellow actors* :lol:

To get more people to post their posetive opinions about whatever to try and balance up the negative forever posting..would that help..I have no idea, maybe, maybe not. I've been there and done that in my other fandom... if it would help here on this board then I'll say I will really impressed.

Posting a posetive comment doesn't have to really mean you will balance up anything, it could just also mean that yet again those "few" see a posetive post and yet again have to give the sucks comment in just because,, like what does it make them feel better to keep saying it over and over without any reason but the feel of that they can beat down a good comment.. and then it comes the next posetive comment and then yet again gets beaten down. If there are valid reasons, good discussions behind also the bad comments against a good comment I don't run away from such a thing, but if no one has a reason but only to keep saying the same stuff over and over going *oh yes he/she/they sucks* I can handle ctiticism over an actor/actress performance in a scene but bland out right say a person suck just because you can say it.. that for me isn't criticism that's just blind stupid.

Now so far I haven't been burned in here... why well I've been so burned in my other fandom it makes me take one look and when I see similar attitude I usually back out. I'm not going down such a road again.

Can we tell people to shut up..NO because everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. but I've learned the brutal hard way that some just take it way to far. If there is ever going to be peace between people, we all need to understand everyone doesn't feel the same, and we shouldn't have to, we can't force an opinion on anyone, we can't make anyone like who they don't like, but then there have to be understood to that you can't make anyone who loves a character hate that charater only because that person does..or maybe for the heck of bash that character/actor so much that just maybe they are hoping to actually in the end change someone's mind. Or in other words drive people even further apart or even from the board completely.. Been there , done that.

Is this thread going to help anything, hopefully it will, or atleast get some to look at what they are doing, how they respond to things, can it ever be peace as of whole, rather frankly I would have to say not a chance, also from experience from fandom I can litrally say throws *gas on a raging fire* do I want to feel like that in here as well...no I don't and when I see it I stay out.
To continue with my alphabet soup--er, I mean theme...

Say I don't like E. I didn't like E last week, I didn't like E last night, I don't like E today, I probably won't like E next month. I have and will continue to dislike E, so naturally I will repeat myself by saying that I dislike it when it is a topic of discussion. If people don't want E to be a topic of discussion, then by all means begin a new discussion. Talk about R or J--otherwise, the people who are content to talk about E will continue to do so. Will they always want to talk about E? Probably not--I know there are several threads that I didn't post in for a while because I had nothing I wanted to say. Whether that be about E or R or J or whatever else--maybe I've said my piece and don't want to say anymore, maybe I don't want to keep squealing over how attractive someone is, maybe I'm not interested in the discussion itself or the way it's going. So maybe I don't post about E anymore--but other people might want to keep talking about it.

The conversation about how attractive Carmine is has gone on since the show began--longer than anything about not liking Lindsay. People have posted in four threads about liking Lindsay--is that not also repetitive? If we're talking about saying the same thing over and over again, it's not fair to single out one group or one opinion. Telling people not to repeat themselves about why they love Flack doesn't make sense, does it?

If I want to come on TalkCSI every day and say how much I like Adam, I can and will. If I want to come on here every day and say that I don't like Lindsay, I can and will do that as well.

The idea to limit what people can say isn't going to fly, unfortunately.

NinaM said:
To get more people to post their posetive opinions about whatever to try and balance up the negative forever posting..would that help..I have no idea, maybe, maybe not.
Well, not posting certainly won't help. This thread isn't just about saying the things that are 'wrong' with the forum, but ultimately about getting more people involved--we know more people are visiting than are posting, so the moderators obviously want to see more participation.

Having some people post less is decreasing participation--that's defeating the purpose.

can it ever be peace as of whole, rather frankly I would have to say not a chance
If by 'peace' you mean all 'yay, CSI:NY!' and never any 'wow, I didn't like that', then no, I'm afraid this forum will never have 'peace'.

The strength of this forum is that there are people from all over the world with all sorts of opinions coming to one place to discuss them--disagreements are going to happen. Personally, I'll take the bad with the good. ;)
I think its funny that a thread about not posting has flew to page four :lol:

Ok I just got to say that... even though I come from the UK and dont get new seasons untill march I love this forum!!! Its not the fact that I know ALL the details about the eps months before and bug my friends with them- well I do love that part :lol: But I can say what ever I want on here, unless theres a newbie who'd been on a prvious site before this and likes to fight and argue!! I get to have wierd and wonderful conversations with fellow fans where as I am not normally able to as I dont know many people who watch the show (wierd people :)) I have made many friends from all different corners of the world and love that we all have at least one thing in common!!

Everyday I come on here just to say hi and will continue to for as long as possible!!!

Ok I know this wan=snt the original question but it does link...

Why do you come on TALKCSI???
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