Why Aren't You Posting?

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I dont know many people who watch the show (wierd people )
My family just doesn't understand. But I like to bug them about the show and the forum and the fandom as a whole. :devil:

ETA: I come on TalkCSI because I love the board and I love the people. I think it's been almost two years since I joined, and I've formed friendships that have even extended beyond the internet. So I come back because I love the shows and the characters and the actors--and the fans that love them too. ;)

So, to connect this back to the thread even more, posting isn't just about commenting on the show, it's about connecting with other fans. So I think it's worth it to try to find ways for more visitors to participate.
:D I come on TalkCSI because I love the board,I've been on other csi boards, but I just didn't felt good. This is the one board that made me stay more than a couple of weeks. :lol:
I came because I love the characters but now I'm here for the people too,met some pretty cool people that I can actually talk to.
This is the first board I joined and I'm happy to say I post as often I can. The best thing about being here is the fact that I can say what I want to say.

What it really makes this board alive is the fact that we all can express what we feel about a character and an actor/actress, as well as the show itself. If I don't like a part of an episode, I'll say it, just like if I find something annoying I'll do so.
A lot of good things have been said in this thread, so I'm going to try quoting rather than repeating:

Faylinn said:
As for someone saying 'I don't like Danny/Lindsay' and then turning around and saying 'I think Danny belongs with Flack'--how is that any different than saying 'I don't like Mac/Peyton' and then following it with 'I think Mac belongs with Stella'? From what I can tell, the Mac/Peyton and Mac/Stella shippers have managed to co-exist just fine despite disagreeing over who they think Mac should be with. I've seen people say that they're sad that Peyton broke up with Mac, and I've seen people who are glad that she did--and I haven't seen anybody get their knickers in a twist.

I've noticed that, too. The Mac/Peyton shippers and the Mac/Stella shippers seem to get along well, as do people who like Peyton vs. people who don't. I think that part of it is that there's a less posting about Peyton than there is about Lindsay, so hopefully dialling it back/keeping it in threads where it's relevant is going to help, as well as people trying to be less sensitive about it.

Ticamo77 said:
What's truly fascinating is that this has come to be the main reason why people have decided not to post. Maybe if people showed Anna Belknap support as opposed to not posting anymore, it won't seem like people are beating up on her so much.

An excellent point. I also want to throw in that I don't recall ever seeing anyone say they hate Anna Belknap. Lindsay, yes; Anna, no. Again, critiquing Anna's professional performance is okay. As someone above noted (Fay?) if it's okay to say Gary was awesome, it's okay to say the reverse, too. We're here to talk about the show, the good and the bad aspects. I haven't seen personal attacks on Anna, and if they did come up, they'd be friendlied or warned. I respect the views of those of you who act, but critiquing comes with the profession, especially when you're on a primetime TV show.

CSI_NY_Addict said:
The idea of controlling what people say in their posts is biased, I think...

This is a forum. It IS a place where fans can discuss their favourite shows. And discussing always means that you might utter something that others don't like. That's how it is. Everyone has an opinion and everyone should be free to say whatever he/she has on /his/her mind. That would only be fair.

The other side to this is that uttering one's opinion should not come together with swearing, cursing or *insert other words here that you think appropriate*.

Saying one's opinion always evokes some kind of counter-mechanism, meaning that there will always be someone who disagrees. And those should be able to say so. That's how a discussion starts.

So making some people stop saying that they don't like Lindsay, DL, Flack, *insert whatever here* is NOT ok.

No one should be oppressed for saying what they have on their minds.

So keeping opinions away from threads is bullsh*t... Telling your opinion in an appropriate way is a must.

Sorry, this post was rather long... :cool:

But definitely right on the money. The beauty of this forum--and the reason I love TalkCSI so much--is that everyone's opinion is welcome. I think this is the best place to discuss CSI: NY because of that. If you want your opinion heard, all you have to do is come here and post it. And that's a pretty damn cool thing.

xfcanadian said:
ahhh, see this is a good example of why message boards have so many problems. Shipper fans take any negative comments to be an 'attack' on themselves. People hate GSR, but its their own right to, just like people have the right to like it. The only reason most GSR fans, and D/L fans (and i don't really mind D/L) get attack is because they post messages telling people to stop saying bad things about their ship. That just irritates the non-shippers even more, and the end result is fighting.

Like GSR fans aren't 'hated', its the storyline that is, just like the D/L storyline. Many shippers post their opinions all the time without anyone 'attacking' them, its not what you are saying, its how you say it. The thing to remember, someone just posting negative things about your ship, doesn't mean the are 'attacking' or 'bashing' you, they are just expressing their opinions.

Also a good point. Hating a storyline, character or episode has to be differentiated from hating the people who like that storyline, character or episode. That's such a key distinction if there's going to be peace in here.

People seem to overwhelmingly want a Welcome Thread, so we'll try to get one up in the next few days. :cool:

And, I want to thank everyone for participating in this thread. Your input is appreciated very much.
Faylinn said:
To continue with my alphabet soup--er, I mean theme...

Say I don't like E. I didn't like E last week, I didn't like E last night, I don't like E today, I probably won't like E next month. I have and will continue to dislike E, so naturally I will repeat myself by saying that I dislike it when it is a topic of discussion. If people don't want E to be a topic of discussion, then by all means begin a new discussion. Talk about R or J--otherwise, the people who are content to talk about E will continue to do so. Will they always want to talk about E? Probably not--I know there are several threads that I didn't post in for a while because I had nothing I wanted to say. Whether that be about E or R or J or whatever else--maybe I've said my piece and don't want to say anymore, maybe I don't want to keep squealing over how attractive someone is, maybe I'm not interested in the discussion itself or the way it's going. So maybe I don't post about E anymore--but other people might want to keep talking about it.

The conversation about how attractive Carmine is has gone on since the show began--longer than anything about not liking Lindsay. People have posted in four threads about liking Lindsay--is that not also repetitive? If we're talking about saying the same thing over and over again, it's not fair to single out one group or one opinion. Telling people not to repeat themselves about why they love Flack doesn't make sense, does it?

You making me dizzy with your alphabet soup *lol* but fun to read.. ;)

No I don't find fault in if one didn't like E as you say last week, yesterday, or the next epi or the next or whatever.. to express it,,what I find fault with and I'm not saying all that dislike E are like that, but as I think there are those "few" that just go in when they see something posetive just to state E sucked..with no reason at all behind it..I don't find that like any kind of criticism or any kind of discussion ... that just downright feel like someone who just likes seeing their name on the screen with a word sucked in the post, only to stab at a posetive post about E.. (sheez I'm getting dizzy now)

As having the whole board finding peace as in everyone loving everyone no matter what...as you say ,,never gonna happen... what I think needs to be done is that people act like adults, respect eachother, if you dislike something fine just that there is no reason to be rude about it, understand and respect that other people have other opinions, and of course post more posetive opinions hopefull it doesn't hurt because let's face it the negative side most of the time get's the loudest, not just in this fandom but everywhere. I come from a forum of almost 30 000 members so trust me I know of horrible ship wars, name calling, horrible attacks, accusing people, trash talking actors/actresses,characters get's trashed for the most stupid reasons that has nothing to do with the performance.. And trust me I hate it for it to go that far in here as well..

Will I post more on this board?? Hopefully... NY is one of my top 2 favorite shows on TV today.. but for some reason I'm not posting here as much since becoming a member then I do in the other fandom,, maybe I'm trying to protect myself for attitudes I've already experienced for some time and maybe I have more tougher skin over there today then I have here at the moment, the future will tell.
tiara4carmine said:
Fay - what's with the alphabet you used Z, X, H, G, B and V. What can you come up with for the rest of the alphabet something dirty I bet
Give Fay an inch and she'll give you a three page essay. You ask for the rest of the alphabet, I'll bet you money we'll see it eventually.
I come to this forum because CSI NY is not popular amoungst my friends because it occasionally has a darker side then the other CSIs. It lacks the bright lights of Vegas and the Up-beat/soap operaish style of Miami. It is different and unique, and I do love that it has some pretty beautiful actors as well. *cough* Eddie *cough*
Tempers and Attitudes are going to be high everywhere, but here a lot of opinions are divided by a brick wall complete with barbed wire and electricity. There are some pretty heated debates but if you're not scared to imput your own you can meet some awesome people. I'm dedicating myself to stopping in at least once a day to post, if humanly possible for me.
NinaM said:
You making me dizzy with your alphabet soup *lol* but fun to read..
Soup is good. ;)

state E sucked..with no reason at all behind it..
Sometimes you just like or dislike something without a long reason. Other times people feel that they've adequately expressed their reasons in previous posts or in other threads and don't think (or want) to include them again or repeat themselves. People can try to clarify themselves more, but I anticipate that the opinions themselves won't change. :p

Give Fay an inch and she'll give you a three page essay. You ask for the rest of the alphabet, I'll bet you money we'll see it eventually.
Don't tempt me. But I'm keeping a list of letters, just in case. ;)
Faylinn said:
Sometimes you just like or dislike something without a long reason. Other times people feel that they've adequately expressed their reasons in previous posts or in other threads and don't think (or want) to include them again or repeat themselves. People can try to clarify themselves more, but I anticipate that the opinions themselves won't change.

True story. I think I said this earlier, but it bears reiterating: sometimes I just don't want to repeat myself or what other people are saying. Other times, I have a lot to get off my chest and will make pretty long posts. Nothing as epic as Faylinn's, but lengthy for me.

Another thing to bear in mind when someone gets on your nerves is to just let it go. Odds are pretty good that if it's really insulting or truly stupid, they won't be gaining any points here anyway. At times the wank is unavoidable, and boy are there people who post on this board just for the express reason of getting on others' nerves. They're the ones who disappear the fastest when there is no response to their crap anyway.

And the reason why I like it here? There are disagreements aplenty, and heck, I spent three whole days with people from this board with whom I've disagreed on occasion. None of them ended up in the Pacific Ocean that I can recall. But this is a great place, all told, and I've made some genuine friends here. That, and, I've informed my long-suffering husband (who doesn't get a second look from me on Wednesday nights) that if I go into labor on a Wednesday, I'm crossing my legs until the show is over.
Faylinn said:

Soup is good. ;)

Sometimes you just like or dislike something without a long reason. Other times people feel that they've adequately expressed their reasons in previous posts or in other threads and don't think (or want) to include them again or repeat themselves. People can try to clarify themselves more, but I anticipate that the opinions themselves won't change. :p

Hrmm if it's the right kind of soup ;)

No I hardly think opinions would change..but I really don't feel the need to when I see a posetive post for B to go in and post *B sucks* and nothing else.. only because I see a posetive post.. then the next posetive comment comes along about B and then again you see the same people going in and post *B sucks* and nothing else again... like I haven't gotten that the first 50 times the same people posted it.. if people feel they don't want to repeat themselves with the reasons behind why,,then I can't even understand then why repeat the same thing about B sucks over and over.. if they can't be bothered with having a reason, or feel like they have stated that reason over and over I really don't see the reason of stating B sucks over and over either.. that in the end from the same people 50 times over and after every posetive comment and after every epi or every scene talked about.. hrmm yeah like I didn't get that already. the other 49 times it was said from the same poster over and over.. you start bascailly to see a pattern.. that is nothing more the spite or trying to actually start a fight.. I've seen those pattern so many times before on different fandom it's getting old.

Alright I'm tired..I'm heading of to bed.. see ya all maybe some other time,,maybe tomorrow.. who knows..
None of them ended up in the Pacific Ocean that I can recall
Any that did were there of their own free will. The fact that we could all spend three whole days together, arguing, shopping, eating and going to the beach shows that no matter our difference of opinions we can put it aside long enough to enjoy each others company. Case and point, Top and Midnight who spent enough time arguing about Danny/Flack to make Elsie's husband reasonably uncomfortable. So please people, don't go and argue just for the sake of arguing.
Springmoon said:

And the reason why I like it here? There are disagreements aplenty, and heck, I spent three whole days with people from this board with whom I've disagreed on occasion. None of them ended up in the Pacific Ocean that I can recall. But this is a great place, all told, and I've made some genuine friends here.

Wow no one got tossed in.. well that is good news...

No I do agree..there are places you can meet friends and talk to and maybe even meet in real life,, and get along with different opinions.. I've done it myself..not here since I don't know anyone as good in here,, but from other places..some I've met, some I just talk to everyday on forums and sometime they are one of the reasons that keeps me going back even after everything I've gone through, and I've had some fun times, meeting up with some fellow forum members and going to convention and been able to meet actors from those shows... never met anyone from the NY show,,but ended up meeting a few techs from LV.
Springmoon said:
Nothing as epic as Faylinn's, but lengthy for me.
Hush, or I'm going to regret not dropping something on your head from the Santa Monica pier. :p

CSI_in_training said:
Case and point, Top and Midnight who spent enough time arguing about Danny/Flack to make Elsie's husband reasonably uncomfortable.
I doubt arguing about Danny/Flack could make him more uncomfortable than visiting a certain section of the bookstore with us. :devil:

NinaM said:
I really don't feel the need to when I see a posetive post for B to go in and post *B sucks* and nothing else..
I really don't know where this is supposedly happening. :confused:
NinaM said:

No I hardly think opinions would change..but I really don't feel the need to when I see a posetive post for B to go in and post *B sucks* and nothing else.. only because I see a posetive post.. then the next posetive comment comes along about B and then again you see the same people going in and post *B sucks* and nothing else again... like I haven't gotten that the first 50 times the same people posted it.. if people feel they don't want to repeat themselves with the reasons behind why,,then I can't even understand then why repeat the same thing about B sucks over and over.. if they can't be bothered with having a reason, or feel like they have stated that reason over and over I really don't see the reason of stating B sucks over and over either.. that in the end from the same people 50 times over and after every posetive comment and after every epi or every scene talked about.. hrmm yeah like I didn't get that already. the other 49 times it was said from the same poster over and over.. you start bascailly to see a pattern.. that is nothing more the spite or trying to actually start a fight.. I've seen those pattern so many times before on different fandom it's getting old.

To be quite honest, I have not seen anything remotely close to what you're describing happening in this forum.
I chose the not enough time answer. School Homework and Exams is a lot to blame for that. Maybe it's also my loss of intrest for the internet and I don't have the desire to go on everyday after school like I used to.
And I gotta say I'm losing intrest too.
All the things I wanna say are pretty much said by the time I get here. Considering that I live in New Zealand and see the new episodes about 1/2 a year after you guys see them. I've tried to stop reading the spoilers too because I find that I reck the whole thing of actually watching CSI: NY, and those were the threads that I was in most. I do go onto the Naughty Picture thread and that from time to time but I don't have anything to post, so I don't.

The whole "I hate Linds vs I love Linds" thing doesn't really bother me to be honest. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I agree that 'user bashing' isn't cool. However I haven't seen any of that since I've been around.

Also, I have more fun going onto other sites like www.bebo.com and talking to people about CSI and talking to the Roleplayers there.

Also, I'm a 'newbie' I've been around for a while but I lurk. I dunno why, and I don't think that I'll get attacked for my opinions, I just don't post. Maybe I have to make some maties on this forum :lol: any 13 yr old lurkers around?
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