Why Aren't You Posting?

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I post only on the threads that I am active in: SMACked ship, D/F ship and "Why Lindsey Must Go".

I can see this is once again heading to a ship/actor war and well, all I can say is... if you don't like the character/actor/opinions in the threads then leave them be. Why aggrevate yourself if you already have enough problems in your life.
Having read the posts since by incredibly long one, I see people are confused about one thing.

They have all said something along the lines of...

We are entitled to an opinion.

Which is true. You have the right to express your opinion, but YOU DON'T have the right to slag someone off for stating theirs.

I have seen some people rip into others just for expressing what they think, and it's that, that needs to stop.

It's mean and cruel, and you come here and think you can be a bitch because someone else doesn't think the same way you do. It needs to stop. I have read some mean and cruel posts just becasue people can't deal with someone disagreeing with them.

It's that, that is turning me off. And I've noticed some people have come to this borard to do just that. When they have been told to pull their heads in by the mods, they up and leave. And good riddance.

Character assassination of either an actor/character, or another person on this board expressing their opinion is disgusting. And you don't have the right.

Now, onto things I like about this board :D

- two threads per actor/character - there's only so much you can say :rolleyes:

- threads like present giving and magazine articles, Hill's book or Carmine's music etc - these are a great diversion to add some fun, and they are still about the show/actors

- threads like the "non-us peeps". For me being a non-us peep, it's nice to talk with the others not from the u.s, seeing who's up to where and where we're from.

- a welcome thread would be great, but don't let it drag out to 1000 posts. I think it would make it too long for newbies to read through and for the rest of us to get through. Maybe ending it at page 5 or 10, then restarting it afresh with a nice little welcome message ... maybe letting them know not to slag anyone off ;)

Anyhoo, that's my say for tonight, Fay have you read my message in the Adam thread :eek: :eek:
Silencer said:
PrettyEyes said:
Can we please not assume that everybody who dislikes Lindsay or DL is doing it because they like Danny/Flack? Please? I'm so sick and tired of that being mentioned when it is not true or relevant.
Fay, you know as well as I do that the majority of people who are anti-Lindsay and anti-DL are the same people who in the same breath turn around and say Danny should leave Lindsay and go to Flack. That's true.

Perhaps if roles were reversed and you were a DL fan, you might feel differently.

I'm afraid it isn't true, and I'm one of the people who can confirm it. I don't want shipping in CSI, at all. I don't really want Danny to be with anyone, I just want him to do his job, which is solve crimes.

i totally agree with you on that one. I hate that age old arguement that people only hate Lindsay because she's with Danny. I could give a rats ass which character she's paired up with, as long as the actress does a good job and the character is written well, which i dont think either one has been achieved. That is my own opinion of course, and people are free to dispute it however they want. But please don't make the generalization that everyone here who hates Lindsay wants her break up with Danny so that he can get with Flack. Read the Why Lindsay Must Go thread if you really want what most people are thinking....its not ALL about the shipping you know.

I personally think that it's not an unreasonable request to keep the Lindsay stuff out of certain threads, but in any thread where Lindsay can reasonably be discussed, then it should and will be. It'd be more interesting if people actually debated the subject properly, rather than one person going "I like/dislike Lindsay" and the other side going "OMG BASHING!" or "STFU, NOOB!" every time. A lot of us just want to get our opinions across and be understood, and we're more than willing to be persuaded either way if we have enough reason to change our minds. I never wanted to hate a show I was quite fond of.

Another great point...part of discussing a character is discussing their relationship with other characters, and since Lindsay is in a relationship with Danny, there is no doubt that she has to be mentioned in Danny threads along with threads on other characters and all of that. I understand what people are saying about feeling attacked, but having someone simply say they dont like Lindsay doesn't mean they have a vendetta against you...there was once an anti-danny thread, and i never felt that they were attacking me when i posted in there about liking him. I know the anti Danny sentiment wasn't as big as the anti-Lindsay one, but i think we can all be mature enough to relize that someone disagreeing with you doesn't mean that they are attacking you or trying to stifle your opinion.

As for the poll, I obviously answered "I've lost interest in the show".

Sad to say, but I have too. :( I really loved CSI:NY season 1 and most of 2, but the whole time during three i was up in the air, and its just not as gripping or thrilling to me anymore. Some of it may be the DL thing, although we haven't seen much of it this season, but most of it is just the vibe that the writers don't seem to be trying as hard anymore. I know that may not be true, but to me it feels like blatantly breaking with continuity and changing characters personalities whenever they feel like it isn't putting much thought into your work. For the past year we've all been wondering where the HELL Louie is, why was Flack able to recover seemingly over night from his injuries in Charge of this Post and Danny and Adam from their injuries in Snow Day, and I'm sick of that. They've filled the show with shipping and pairing up characters, first with Danny/Lindsay, then Stella and her would be stalker Drew, the Mac/Peyton breaking up thing, and Flack and his new girlfriend. Its sad that those things weigh in more on our opinions of episodes and characters more than the actual CHARACTER or writing of the STORY. I loved the discussions on Danny's past that there used to be back in seasons 1 and 2, about whether or not he'd been abused as a kid, and the thoughts people had about the relationship between Flack and his father. There was so much to talk about, and now it seems like the only thing we have is the relationship drama on and off the show.

I still watch CSINY every week, but i no longer worry if i can't watch it the night it comes on. I used to rush home and tape it and watch it the very night it came out, even if i got home late from work and had to watch it at midnight. Now, even when i do get home in time i find i have better things to do, and i settle for watching it over the next couple days on cbs.com. It disapoints me how far the show has fallen (in my opinion) since season one... :(
Just another friendly reminder to keep the temperature down in here. :) For the record, I haven't really seen any posts that just say "X-character sucks" and nothing else. If anything, people go into great detail about why they think what they think. The problem of people just coming in and saying someone sucks and not explaining why they dislike a character really isn't one of the problems we have here, at least not from where I sit.

tiara4carmine said:
Which is true. You have the right to express your opinion, but YOU DON'T have the right to slag someone off for stating theirs.

I have seen some people rip into others just for expressing what they think, and it's that, that needs to stop.

It's mean and cruel, and you come here and think you can be a bitch because someone else doesn't think the same way you do. It needs to stop. I have read some mean and cruel posts just becasue people can't deal with someone disagreeing with them.

Honestly, I haven't really seen that much of this either. There's some sniping that goes on back and forth sometimes, and that we do need to cut down on (and hopefully this thread will help with that), but I don't think I've seen anyone be honest to goodness horrendous or get really personal. If there's a specific incident, though, tiara, please feel free to drop me a PM about it. And yeah, in those cases using the 'notify mod' button and getting the mods to take a look is always a good idea.
I picked not enough time, which I now realize is a big fat lie, I have nothing but time...so other for the following reasons:

1) I am currently traveling a lot on the weekends, away from the internet so when I come back to threads that have 5 million new posts in them, my eyes tend to glaze over (kind of like they did at this one, but I took the time). ;)

2)Sometimes I feel like everything has already been said, so if I don't jump on something right away, it will have already have been put out there in much more intelligent/sarcastic/witty ways I cannot compete with.

3) I feel the board is hard to break into. I look at my posts required to get an icon and want to cry, because I lurk more than I post. But I more recently just took the plunge to start posting and act like I belong. It works in real life it works here. I am in favor of a welcome board though.

4) This season is not grabbing as much as the first couple of season when I didn't even know about this board or certainly did not have time to join in. I miss the gritty days where it seemed more like there was more New York in CSI:NY.

I can also see how some people could get scared off for having certain opinions on DL or DF or XYZ, but I think it is important to remember that like the world out there, everyone is not going to agree with you all the time. If you can't handle that, seek professional help (I say this as a professional helper). Put your big girl/boy pants on and defend your opinion with actual facts and not just kicking sand in someone's face or just let it go. The whole "I'm just going to take my marbles and go home" thing gets old really quickly to anyone out there with emotional maturity.
I think people should really bear in mind that this is just a TV show. In the overall scheme of your life, who Danny is hooking up with and whether other fans like her or not is 100% totally and entirely insignificant.
Amen, MrsG. You know this is what I've been expressing to you in PMs all along, and my girls @ DLC can tell you I've been saying the same thing over there when things get heated. It's supposed to be fun, but it doesn't take the place of real life.

Put your big girl/boy pants on and defend your opinion with actual facts and not just kicking sand in someone's face or just let it go. The whole "I'm just going to take my marbles and go home" thing gets old really quickly to anyone out there with emotional maturity.
You hit the nail on the head, MadB. Bravo! How's life in TO?
Top , it hasn't happened for a while. I mainly saw it in the "new ep" threads. Some people seemed to spazz out over Anna/Lindsay and what she did or didn't do in the show and how she doesn't have chemistry with Carmine etc. Sometimes it just went overboard with people going back and forth about "how dare you say that" followed by "I'm entitled to my opinion" followed by "how dare you tell me what to think" Well something like that.

It seems either people have toned down, or they've left.

In fact I've noticed several people haven't been around. Does anyone know where Feenx went, or Crankyjules. I seem to be the only Aussie here left and people that I've seen join since I did, have all fallen by the wayside. Now that's not good.
Well being as the new season of ny isn't out in NZ I don't really want to read spoilers. Also most of the posts seem to be about how bad Anna is or how TPTB have screwed the show up. Yeah that's pretty much why!
Am I the only one who feels like this thread is going nowhere fast? *sigh*

Anywho, about what you said, tiara, I guess it's just that people come and go--a bunch of the members I used to talk to have disappeared, and a bunch of new people have come in their place. No idea where they go, but I'd venture to guess it's that mystical 'real life' monster.
More than a hundred people voted in the poll, this is the 177th post in the thread, and while it's great to see some new people posting in the forum, most of what I'm seeing is still just us old farts posting more. And here we are in the thread, the same few people, going back and forth about the same old argument.

So no, it's not going 'nowhere', but it's going nowhere fast. I'd like to see more posts from the newbies in the forum itself--isn't that why we're posting in here? To encourage other members to join the conversations and get involved? Or are we just going to keep going around in circles about whether someone supposedly said something at some point that nobody can actually remember but which was apparently offensive to someone?

I've made my point multiple times, and if it hasn't gotten through yet, it won't. I'd rather spend my time trying to get people who aren't posting to post, and getting those who are barely posting to post more. I think it's a better use of this thread than a few of us hijacking it over the same old thing.

*pokes the newbies* :p


;) Don't make me post more macros--Adam will break you down eventually. ;)
Babe, I was such an idiot n00b when I came on this site, you have no idea--and I haven't seen any newbies that are anything like I was. :lol: So no worries. :p

I like Adam
Hehehe. :devil:
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