The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Hey Hunter which limb would go frist says my daughter

Let her decide. :lol: Can't be the head, he needs to feel more pain. :devil:

Lil, you're sig is funny too. :lol:

OMG Horatio fishing?! Yay! He's catching fish instead of crimnals! :lol:

LABCOAT?! YAY!! Oh he's goona look good....

Thank you for the update! :D *hugs*
If you wanna cut off anything do the legs, from the knees downwards. WHY??

1) he wont need them hes in a chair

2) the sharks like blood so he'll be eaten first :devil:

(Punked Comp Kid)

Love the update, and the ideas for dismembering Stetler. :lol: :D

What if we take the legs and then very slowly lower him into the shark infested water... :lol: way more pain... :devil:

Although I still like the golfclub idea, I've been practicing. :D
* glances at corner, where the remains of a punching bag with Stetlers picture on it remain* :devil: :lol:
first we make sure he can't walk by hitting him on his legs with the golfclubs. Then we take a chainsaw and cut them off.. Then slowly lower him into the shark infested waters.

Thx for the update Hrockz. Good to see H talking to his nephew again. God I miss those moments..

Next time he'll be in a labcoat? OMG OMG OMG!!! *hotflashes*
* glances at corner, where the remains of a punching bag with Stetlers picture on it remain*

I got a Rick Stetler dartboard and a punching bag where you shove somebody inside, zip it up and beat the crap outta them. :devil:
:lol: Catching fish instead of criminals... :lol: Well, lovely to see a Ray Jr.- Horatio heart to heart, the two need that. H back in the lab? Oh, sexy. :devil: Labcoats? Funny that was mentioned, in Chemistry the other day we worked with acids and wore labcoats and someone yelled out 'Labcoats make everything look sexier!' and I said 'Hell yeah!' :lol: At least for Hman.

Thanks for the comments on my sig guys. Looking for a cute Ryan pic, and caught one of him with a beaker. Only his eyes were closed, so i decided to just be smart with it and make it funny. :lol:

Glad you're feeling better, please update soon!
Glad you're feeling better
Thanks. Funny thing was the whole feeling under the weather thing turned out to be a pregnancy scare for me. (think s4 Eric and Natalia... something like that) Not that I don't want another kid, just not yet. So I was all down and depressed, but thankfully I'm not. *breathes sigh of relief*

You know we should write this book on 101 Ways to Kill Stetler slowly and painfully. It'll probably fly off the shelves.

Ok, here we go, H working in the lab...

Horatio cocked the .44 Magnum, took aim and fired off a single shot. Satisfied he placed the gun on the counter, then removed his ear muffs and safety glasses. With his gloved hand he retrieved the bullet fired from the Magnum, a weapon found at the morning's crime scene. He placed the bullet on the microscope, and compared the stiations on the bullet to those on the bullet Alexx had fished out of the victim's body. It was a match. Horatio recorded his findings then proceeded to call Ryan with the results.

As soon as he finished the call he sensed someone watching him. He ducked his head and smiled. "You checking up on me now?"

He heard Yelina's familiar laugh as she walked towards him. "How'd you know it was me?"

"I just do." He tilted his head and smiled.

"Don't I have every right to check on my husband-to-be?"

"You do."

"Besides, you look real sexy in that labcoat." She teased.

Horatio blushed slightly. He placed a hand on her belly. "How's the baby doing?"

"He's quiet, probably asleep." Yelina replied.

"Could be a she." Horatio said.

"Could be." She smiled.

Horatio grinned. "She'd be as beautiful as you. I'll have a busy time keeping boys away."

Yelina laughed.

"I er, I was thinking, I was thinking, if we have a girl, I'd like to name her after my mother." Horatio continued.

"I'd like that." Yelina agreed. "You wanna grab lunch?"

"Yeah. Let me pack up the evidence. I'll meet you out front."

Yelina left the firearms lab and Horatio sealed the evidence in brown envelopes, signing his initials over the red evidence tape. He removed his labcoat and hung it up. As he reached for his blue jacket he noticed Rick leaning against the doorway, arms folded across his chest.


"Horatio. Didn't think you'd be back at work so soon."

"I was getting bored at home, and my team could use some help in the lab."

"I'm here to speak to Yelina, they told me she was here."

"What for?" Horatio asked. His instinct to protect her arose.

"She's under investigation." Rick replied smugly.

Horatio raised his eyebrows. "Investigation?"

"She threatened a suspect."

"I think you've been with IAB for too long. Every detective has his own way of getting information from a suspect. Most of us do issue threats." Horatio replied as he took a step towards Rick.

"With a gun? She pulled her service weapon on Antonio Riaz."

Horatio mentally kicked himself. He should have known better than to agree to her confronting Riaz.

"This will go on her record." Rick smiled.

Horatio placed his hands on his hips and approached Rick. They stood face-to-face and Horatio looked Rick in the eyes. "I have yet to speak to your supervisor about you hitting Yelina, or for giving me false information while I was in hospital... So if you want to play with me Rick, be my guest."

Rick took a step back . He knew Horatio had the upper hand. "I won't forget this."

"Neither would I." Horatio said as he brushed past Rick. "And Rick, don't even try to come between Yelina and me again."


The nightmares came back The images that haunted the most part of Horatio's adult life played themselves out in front of him again. Awakened from his sleep and drenched in his pain, Horatio walked into the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face. He glanced up at the mirror, the face that stared back at him was that of his father. The same shock of red hair, the same eyes and nose. He placed his palm on the cold glass, trying to block out the reflection of himself.

"You're having those nightmares again."

Horatio jumped. "I didn't hear you coming."

Yelina placed a hand on his bare back. She could feel his heavy breathing. "I'm sorry. Did mean to scare you.... Is it because of the shooting?"

Horatio shook his head. "I hate how much I resemble him."

"You're nothing like him. You've been a terrific father to Ray."

"I love Ray like he's my own, but my blood doesn't course through his veins." Horatio placed his hand on Yelina's belly. "I'm not sure if - "

"You're having doubts?" She realised now why when they got together, they discussed everything except the possibility of having a baby together.

"I don't want to repeat my father's mistakes."

Yelina placed her hand on his chest, gently rubbing the scar from the bullet wound. "Raymond had the same fears when I was pregnant with Ray Jr. but he was never like your father."

Horatio lowered his gaze.

"I know you will never lift a hand to us. You've been a great Dad to Ray and you will be to our baby." Yelina ran her hand down his chest and took his hand.

Horatio leaned forward to kiss her. "You're amazing."

"So are you." She smiled. "Come back to bed with me."

Feel free to post sexy pics of H in a labcoat if you have any. Credit to cainesugar for the idea of naming their kid after H's mom... that baby's coming soon. Oh and I brought Stetler back cos you guys seem obsessed with him.
Love a man in a labcoat lol! Indeed it's an excellent idea to name the kid after H's mom.

What Stetler's back?? *brings out the golf clubs* You hurt Horatio or Yelina and I'll swing it! ;)

Sorry got carried away.

Thanks for another briliant update!
great update Hrockz thoughts of the last time they came fsce-to-face and that famous quote.

like the idear of the book as well :devil:

how about this one, to add more pain.
cut off the skin with a hot knife :devil: :devil: and feed it to the sharks first. :devil:
(punked comp kid)
Awww, I love that he knew it was her! :) More happy stuff, please. I need it!

Kit4na said:
it's an excellent idea to name the kid after H's mom.

Hear, hear.

Kit4na said:
What Stetler's back?? *brings out the golf clubs*

But I don't have any golf clubs. :(
Wait, maybe I can stomp on him while wearing my stilettos or if I bring my sewing things I might be able to think of a few places to stick the needles... :devil:
That book will be a best seller for like, 6 months straight. :lol: Ok, i'll bring the chainsaw and the axe. Oh and my throwing stars. You guys?

Oh ho...Rick STILL has to back down! *sticks out tounge* :p Even to a guy who has been mortally wounded. For the first time. Like, like...HA! :lol:

Thanks for the update Hrockz!! :D
You kidding me? Stetler's my punching bag homie! *smacks Stetler* I AM obsessed with the guy!

Wow, you're naming the baby after my idea for the name, thank you! He never really talks about his mother but I can tell he misses her...very cute. Grr. Stetler.....

NO WAY! No more nightmares! Let's leave our poor H alone for a while, he deserves a break from all this crap! *pushes crap out of the way, uber-hugs Horatio and punches Stetler* PUNCHY BUDDY!

I'm tired and insane. :lol:

Great update, more soon!
Okay I'm loving the idea of a book, we use all of our ideas, and with most people's hatred of Stetler, we'd all be rich! :D

I'm liking the throwing stars, Hunter, it would be a good way to torture the punching bag :devil:. I wonder how good my am is...
* throws star at dartboard on wall, missed by a meter and shatters window...* :eek:

Well I'll work on it. :p

Anyways great update Hrockz. :D

And punked comp kid, you and I think alike. :devil:
Welcome punked comp kid, you must be HC's daughter. She talks about you all the time.

As usual all your posts have me laughing. We should go look for someone who'll publish the book and I'm sure it'll be a best-seller.

Stay tuned for more, that baby's on the way! I'm already working on it in my head. :D