The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Welcome to our little online-baby! I can so picture H sitting there with his baby daughter, totally and utterly caught up in simply staring at her. *sigh* :D
cainesugar said:
*drinks Apple Juice* Darn stupid alcohol laws. :lol:
Awww poor cainesugar! *Invites all the ua to virtual DK* Have a drink, here we don't have "darn stupid alcohol laws", though perhaps we should?! *hiccups* :rolleyes:
Sorry Yelina still can't drink, she's gota breastfeed the baby... unless they want a drunk baby on their hands...
Anyway back to the story and our proud new parents...

Horatio sat in the rocking chair, holding baby Emma in his arms. It had been 2 weeks since they had brought the new baby home and he had not missed her bedtime since. Their routine was letting Yelina feed her then Horatio would rock her to sleep, letting his girlfriend get her much needed sleep.

Horatio stared at the little bundle in his arms. Her face always melted his heart. She looked alot like her mother, save for the red curls on her head. He gently kissed Emma on the forehead and lowered her into her crib. He gently shut the door to her room and made his way back to the bedroom he shared with Yelina.

He slipped off his shirt and slowly got into bed.

"I thought you'd abandoned me for a younger woman." Yelina said sleepily as she turned to face Horatio.

Horatio laughed. "Well she is very attractive... I think I'm gonna be busy keeping boys away."

It was Yelina's turn to laugh. She snuggled up to Horatio. "My mom called this afternoon. She says it's time I married the father of my child."

"And what did you say?" Horatio asked holding her close.

"I said I'm thinking of a beach wedding. Not too many people, just family and a few close friends."

"Whatever you want sweetheart." He turned and kissed her on the lips. The kiss grew more passionate and they were soon making love to each other. The first time in a long while.

"I missed that." Horatio said as he rolled onto his back, a smile on his face.

"Me too." Yelina replied.

As if on queue, Emma's cries could be heard from the next room. Yelina glanced at the clock beside the bed. It read one in the morning.

"She's hungry." Yelina said starting to get up from bed.

"I'll bring her to you." Horatio said as he got out of bed and pulled on his pants.

He returned moments later with Emma in his arms. She was crying loudly. Horatio handed her to Yelina. The baby grew quiet as Yelina let her suckle at the breast.

Horatio smiled watching the scene before him. "I'll go get you a drink of water."

Yelina nodded. Horatio returned again, a glass in his hand. He had a grave expression on his face. "Ray's not in his room..."

Apologies if the update's kinda short, my brain's half asleep.
:eek: RAY! *grabs gun* I'll go get him! :lol:

Aww, Horatio and yelina getting some more lovin! Well deserved, IMO. :lol: And Emma, she sounds so cute! *chases baby boys away* Hope Ray's okay, and don't worry, without internet at home and only an hour a day at school to supply me, I'm going insane! Half-asleep is good. :lol:

Awesome update, love Yeliena and Horatio together, but poor Ray! So worried about him, so update soon! Hope he's okay!
* grabs net* I'm coming too cainesugar! Ray can't of gotten far...

OMG I love your description of Emma! I can't wait to read about this wedding!! :D
Ray! :eek: *Joins in rescue/retrieval mission*

I love weddings! *dresses up, grabs champagne & strawberries from fridge and tries to wait patiently* :D
Sorry Yelina still can't drink, she's gota breastfeed the baby... unless they want a drunk baby on their hands...

That would be freaking hilarious. :lol: Like i've seen dogs drunk, and i just die of laughter. :lol:

OMG RAY! *grabs gun also, throws guns towards everyone in the thread* All right, Alpha team, go north. Bravo go west, Zebra go south and we'll leave east out for now. ( :lol: )

*shrugs* Lose a kid gain a kid. Circle of Life. (I'm so bad. :lol: )

Thanks for the updates! :D
We're getting a little too over the top here with all those weapons, but then this is a Miami fic, so over the top's ok.

I'll try update soon, came down with the cold for real this time...
I think I know where Ray is!

*slams a door open*

*runs into a couple having relations*

me: Continue, please.

*gets out*


Hope you get better soon Hrockz
I'm still feeling sick but heck, I'm in the mood for writing. No worries Hunter I was only joking about being over the top. Kit you're real funny! :lol: All of you guys are!

How'd you gals like my new ava?

Just a short update before my brain goes to sleep:

"Are you sure? He could be in the bathroom." Yelina reasoned.

"He's not in the house." Horatio replied. He was starting to worry, both Yelina and himself had made many enemies in the course of their work.

"There were no signs of a struggle in his room... we would have heard something if someone came and took him..." Horatio's mind went into his CSI mode.

Yelina took the more practical approach. "Baby, I'm sure Ray's fine. He probably snuck out of the house to go to a party."

Horatio raised his eyebrows.

Yelina continued. "He asked me today if he could go to a party at a friend's, I said no, tonight being a school night... he was a little upset."

"Ok. Did Ray tell you where the party would be?"

"No. Unfortunately." Yelina thought for awhile. "He did say something about an adress in Rosewood." she said as she cradled Emma.

"I'll find him." Horatio assured her.


Horatio drove around for a good half hour around the neighbourhood Yelina had suggested the party would be at. Most of the houses were dark indicating that the occupants were asleep. He saw a patrol car in the distance, parked outside one of the houses. Horatio pulled up behind the patrol car. He walked to the uniformed patrol officer standing beside the car.

The patrol officer recognised Horatio. "Lieutenant Caine. I wasn't aware this was a crime scene?"

"Actually I'm here on personal business." He nodded to the house where a few teenagers were walking out. "I'm looking for my nephew. This seems to be the place to find him... those kids look about his age."

"There was a party sir, neighbours complained about loud music and bad behaviour. Some kids were going round kicking over trash cans."

"I take it you broke up the party?" Horatio asked.

The patrol officer nodded. "If you can describe your nephew to me, I'll tell you if I saw him."

Horatio turned his head to look at some of the teenagers leaving the house. "No thank you, I think I see him." He nodded his thanks to the patrol officer and started up the driveway to the house.

Ray was walking towards the road, hand-in-hand with a girl. He looked up and saw his uncle walking towards them. He instantly released the girl's hand and looked down at the ground sheepishly as Horatio came up to them.

"Busted." Ray muttered under hus breath.

"You have any idea what time it is Ray?" Horatio asked keeping his voice calm and even. He decided it was in Ray's best interest not to embaress him in front of the female friend he was with.

"You're coming home with me now." Horatio continued. Ray nodded offering no protest.

Horatio turned to the girl. "Ma'am, can I give you a ride home?"

"No thank you - " the brunette replied.

"I was just about to walk Jessica home." Ray explained.

"I'll give you a ride home, Jessica. I insist."

The three of them made their way to Horatio's car.

See guys... no need for weapons of destruction :p
*puts the nades & weapons back in there box*

O well we're ready to kick some serious ... next time one of them is in danger! Or when Stetler is near

*takes out torture kit*

Thanks for the update. It's nice to know he's okay :D
Aww.... *puts away nuke*

I was so ready to kick some major ass! Maybe Mala Noche ass, or Stetler ass...or FED ASS! Yeah! *zips mouth* Okay anyway, glad he's safe and Horatio's driving them home! As long as he's not attacked! *hand itches towards nukes* Feel better Hrockz!