The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Hunter said:
WORKING IN THE LAB!!?? Oh you're the best Hrockz...making him put on a lab coat!!

[in a paris hilton voice] That's hot! [/in a paris hilton voice] :devil:

Okay I got a new plan, the beginning stays the same but before we dump them in the ocean. We hurt them badly with golf clubs THEN we drop them in the ocean, feed them to the sharks *MHOEAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*

( That's not healthy :lol: )

Thank you for the update ;) I hope your daughter is better soon.
*raises hand* I volunteer, again, to hit them with the golf clubs. *grabs own set*

Hope your daughter feels better soon Hrockz! *swings club*
how about we tie them to chairs and gag them. Then beat them with the golf clubs. Take them out to the middle of the ocean and slowly lower them in down in to the water.
Let the shark feeding frenzy begin.

these are not my thoughts but my daughtre's
(punked comp wiz says Hay all)
Hahaha I agree! That is much better than just throwing them in.
* takes practice swing at punching bag with Stetlers picture on it* :devil:

Great update by the way! I'm working on making some more inspiration for you, but my computer is being mean to me. :mad:
* glances at golf club with evil smile* :devil:

Hope your daughter feels better.
:lol: Oh you guys are evil. This thread is getting kinda violent... :p

Yup making him work in the lab with a labcoat, that was the idea.

Hmm... golf clubs hitting computer... not good idea...

Thanks you guys my little girl seems to be better and back to her normal self today.

I'm already working on the next update in my head :D
HnY those pics are great. The second one is SO funny, especially the one where they plot to kill Stetler, and the one where she says forget Ray.

Thanks! I got my inspiration but I'm still re-fining the next update in my head. Won't post it till I'm satisfied.
Nice pics again. Sorry can't update today like I intended to.

Husband needs to use the computer. And I'm feeling a little under the weather. Will try to update tomorrow.
Don't worry, take your time and feel better Hrockz! *grabs golf clubs, swings again* I'll just be practicing my swing. :devil:
Ooo golf clubs. Nice choice Lil. :lol: :devil: I on the other hand prefer the removal of limbs for Rick.... :devil:

Feel better? Hrockz are you sick? *gaspage* I'll call House.
I'll call House.
Er, no thanks, House is way too quirky to be my doc. And his patients always end up wtih some weird disease.

*sighs at sight of Ryan in labcoat* cainesugar love your banner of Ryan, he looks real cute.

which limb would go frist
How about the one called the head :lol:

I'm feeling better today thanks. Now on to our story:

It was a hot, sunny Saturday morning in Miami. Horatio had decided to take Yelina's advice and take a couple of days off, at least for now. He was with Ray Jr at their regular fishing spot. It was too long ago since Horatio had the chance to spend a lazy Saturday with his nephew.

"The fish aren't bitting today." Ray commented.

"Maybe we aren't using the right bait." Horatio offered.

"Maybe the fish aren't hungry." Ray laughed.

Horatio reeled the line in and handed the fishing rod to Ray. "Cast that out again."

Ray complied. He turned to his uncle, "You and Mom set a date for the wedding yet?"

"Erm, no." Horatio puased. "Mom wants to fit into a wedding gown, so I guess that means we'll have to wait till the baby's born."

Ray laughed. "Ok." He thought for awhile then asked, "If you get married to Mom, does it mean I have to call you Dad?"

"You know what? I'll leave that decision up to you. Whatever you decide will be ok by me." Horatio said.

Ray nodded. "I'll think about it."

Horatio looked out into the horizon. "You wanna talk about it?"

"About what?"

"The shooting... your mom said you were pretty shook up."

Ray lowered his gaze to the water. "Mom wanted me to say goodbye. The doctors weren't sure you'd make it."

"And how'd that make you feel?"

"Mad... it wasn't fair. I lost Dad, and I had to lose you."

"I understand." Horatio said, "Sorry to put you through that again."

Ray shook his head. "I don't understand why you and Mom have to be cops. It's a dangerous job. I know you guys love me but don't you care how I'd feel if something happened to you?"

Horatio understood the boy's pain. He had gone thorough so much losing his father. He tried to offer an explaination. "Son, your mother and I do what we do to make the city a safer place for you to grow up in." It felt cliched in his head. He wasn't sure if Ray would accpet his explaination.

"Why can't someone else's Mom and Dad do that?"

Horatio smiled at the boy's slip. Ray had inadvertently refered to him as his Dad.

"That sounded childish. Sorry Uncle Horatio." Ray added.

"No worries Ray. But if everyone thought like you did there'll be alot less cops around." Horatio waited for Ray to think about what he had said, then continued, "Remember what I told you about my Dad?"


"What he did to your dad and me... I swore I'd do something to stop people from doing that to children. I decided the best way to do that was to be a cop... what my father did to me, it hurt alot. Still does, and helping other people, it helps me. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?"

"I guess so."

"Good man." Horatio smiled at his nephew. "Besides, I can assure you, Mom and I make sure we're careful when we're out in the field... although your mother can be stubborn at times."

Ray laughed. "She'd say that about you too."

Horatio ducked his head and smiled.

"I'm getting hungry, lunch sounds great just about now." Ray said. "Besides, we aren't gonna catch anything at this rate."

"Ok." Horatio gave Ray a pat on the shoulder. "We can bring lunch to Mom."

Comments please. Next up H is back in the lab. Think H looking sexy in his labcoat.