The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

hummm....lets see in my magic ball...awww if the owner of this fic keep write such great update on 1 or 2 May will see new H/Y vid in youtube :lol:
Awesome Hrcokz! It would have been great to go on and on :lol: LOving it, they're getting married! *grabs fancy outfit* Can't wait!
Oooh. I can so see them getting married on the beach. With the sun setting, the soft lull of the waves and the breeze gently playing with Yelina's hair... *sigh* :)
Thanks you guys. Don't worry I'll keep updating Pusher and I'll hold you to your word about youtube.

lunalove was toying with that idea myself. Yup that's just so romantic, getting married by the beach.
*flips out silently* *with preacher accent* HE'S ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY! THANK YOU JE-SUS!

Oh damn that Riaz. Wants to kill everyone girlfriend he has, wanting him to make him misrable.. :mad:

*sigh* Thanks for the update!! :D
Let's setup a plan to kill Riaz.. ! and STETLER!

Hunter you seduce them, and I push them in a bag when they're distracted. Then we take the bags and drop them in the ocean okay?

Oh and if Pusher doesn't put them on youtube, I will (my new internet has unlimited upload whoei!)

PS Go H/Y!

Love the idea guys, but throwing them in the ocean is not very paintful. I volunteer clubbing services! *jumps up and down*

Great job Hrockz can't wait for more!!!
Thanks. You gals are evil and hilarious!!! HoratioandYelina thanks the inspiration really... well inspired me. I'll try update later if time permits. My little girl isn't feeling too well so if she's better and I can put her to bed early, I'll try update.

And thanks for the upload promise Kit and Pusher I'm SO looking forward to it.
Horatio stepped out of the car and removed his sunglasses in his trademark fashion. He took in a deep breath. That caused his wounds to hurt and he grimaced. After spending almost two weeks in hospital fresh air tasted sweet. Nearly losing his life made him appreciate the little things more. He looked at the house he had lived in for the past year. He was finally home.

"You ok?" Yelina asked standing next to him.

"Yeah." He tilted his head and smiled at her. "Feels good to be home."

"Feels good to have you home."

He took her hand and they made their way towards the house. As the entered the front door, they saw Ray Jr on the couch, busy at his Playstation.

"Good to see some things never change." Horatio remarked.

Ray looked up from his game. "Welcome home Uncle Horatio."

Horatio gingerly lowered himself onto the couch next to Ray.

"How long are you gonna be home for?" Ray asked.

"Dr Fischer told him to take a month off work." Yelina replied as she stood next to them, her arms folded across her chest.

"Sweetheart, that's not possible."

"We've been over this in the car..."

"I'm not saying I'm jumping back into the field. Working in the lab wouldn't hurt."

"Horatio, you nearly died."

Ray sensed his mother and uncle were getting into it and decided he didn't want any part of it. He started to rise from the couch.

Yelina continued. "We'll talk about this later. Ray, I need help with starting dinner."

"Ok." Ray gave Horatio a 'you-got-Mom-angry' look. Horatio smiled and ducked his head. Ray rolled his eyes and followed his mother into the kitchen.


After dinner and some time on the couch watching the news, Horatio and Yelina decided to call it a day. They climbed into bed together.

"You should've let me help you with the dishes." Horatio said.

"Can't you let me baby you for awhile. Give me a couple of days and I'll be tired of doing it." Yelina teased.

Horaito laughed. "I'll enjoy it while it lasts." He placed a hand on her swollen belly and rubbed it gently.

"Baby's getting big... so am I." Yelina commented.

"You still turn me on." Horatio grinned. He rolled over on his back and stared at the ceiling.

After some time of silence Yelina spoke. "I'm glad I don't have to sleep alone in this bed anymore."

Horatio didn't reply, and she thought he had fallen asleep. She glanced over at him. His eyes were wide open.


"I remember."

"You remember?"

"The day of the shooting... I was trying to protect you from being shot... I remember bring hit and falling. It didn't hurt much at first." He paused, recollecting that fateful day. "I remember feeling regret. That we couldn't be together longer. That last thing I saw was your face..."

"I thought I lost you." Yelina said, the pain of those events still evident in her voice. "I kept wishing it was a mightmare I could wake up from..."

Horatio held her close in his arms. "I'm sorry I put you through all that."

"I don't know what I would've done if I lost you." She admitted.

"You would've done fine. I know you would. Life would've gone on, for the sake of Ray and the baby... but I'm glad I'm still here."

He was silent again. Then he continued. "As I recall, you didn't want to marry me."

Yelina suddenly remembered she had kept that fact from Horatio while he was in the hospital. "I - "

"If getting shot made you change your mind, then those bullets I took was worth it." He smiled.

"I don't want us to be apart ever again." She smiled back.

"I'm not going anywhere love."

Horatio kissed the top of her head. Yelina let out a sigh of contentment. That night she fell asleep in his arms, something she had not done in a long time.

Next up a little bit of H and Ray Jr. Stay tuned. Of course more "inspiration" might help. ;)
cainesugar said:
Love the idea guys, but throwing them in the ocean is not very paintful.

Well that certainly depends on which ocean... Say it's the caribbean. Then we've got sharks.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! :devil:

Hrockz wonderful as always. Y going "SIT!" :lol:
"I'm not saying I'm jumping back into the field. Working in the lab wouldn't hurt."

*screams; windows break* WORKING IN THE LAB!!?? Oh you're the best Hrockz...making him put on a lab coat!!


"You still turn me on." Horatio grinned. He rolled over on his back and stared at the ceiling.

*falls on floor*

Great update Hrockz!! :D