The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

Phew, It was just a party. Oh wait - a party! Yes! *Seduces cops and restarts party* :devil:

Oh honey, god bedring! (Get well) *tries to send soup over, pc breaks down* Oh no! :D

And I love ;) your ava! That's what we want! A bit of H-Y-lovin'! :cool:
*downs soup from Lunalove*

Thanks, I'm still feeling really under the weather, probably cos I stayed up all night to make icons! HnY my cold must be contagious over the internet...

The ride to Jessica's house was silent. Horatio felt it wise not to attempt any small talk with the girl Ray fancied. After Jessica was dropped off at her house, the ride home was still filled with silence.

"So you're giving me the cold treatment?" Ray ventured after some time.

"Well Ray, there isn't much to say. While what you did was wrong, I completely understand why you did it." Horatio replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

"You do?"

"I was fourteeen once."

Ray had a hard time picturing his uncle as a fourteen-year old. He smiled. "So you snuck out too?"

Horatio didn't reply but smiled. He spoke after some moments of silence. "You made your mother and me really worried... we thought something had happened to you."

"I'm sorry." Ray replied.

"As long as you promise you won't do it again." Horatio said, as he pulled up to their house. "You're still gonna get punished." He said firmly.

They entered the house. Yelina was on the couch waiting. She stood up as Ray and Horatio walked in. She walked to Ray and gave him a hug.

"I'm glad you're ok." Yelina said.

"I'm sorry Mom." Ray bowed his head.

"You have any idea how worried your uncle and I were for your safety?"

"Yeah." Ray nodded.

"I told you you couldn't go to the party and you still went.." Yelina raised her voice slightly, betraying her anger.

"I'm sorry." Ray repeated. "You guys are always so busy with Emma, I figured you wouldn't even know if I snuck out for awhile."

Yelina let out a sigh. "Honey, your baby sister needs alot of care and attention. But it doesn't mean you can sneek out in the dead of night."

"I know." Ray said.

"I think Ray's realised his mistake." Horatio stepped in.

"You're grounded Ray. Go back to bed." Yelina said.

Ray scurried to his room, glad to be let off the hook with a mild scolding.

Yelina scolwed at Horatio. "You're spoiling him."

"He realises his mistake... you were a teenager once. We're lucky. Ray's a good kid." Horatio said wrapping his arms around her waist. "he was out with a girl."

Yelina put her arms around his neck and pulled him close for a hug. "Hmm... he's growing up so fast.... but you're right. He is a good kid." She kissed him on the lips.

"Let's go to bed, before Emma wakes up again." Horatio suggested. He took Yelina's hand and lead her to their room.

Next up... the wedding... ;)
It'll take me awhile to work on so bear with me.
*jumps around* They are gonna get married, they are gonna get married, they are gonna get married!!!

*takes out the bubbly*

Thx for the update :D
Hrockz said:
"You have any idea how worried your uncle and I were for your safety?"

Not to mention the specially trained, crazy-ass task force you find in here! :D

Wedding? Whosaidwedding? Where? *starts hiding out in front of Caine resident in order to be able to wedding-crash* :cool: - me incognito. (Hey! If Superman can fool everybody with a pair of glasses so can I!)

I'll go out with Ray, I'm fourteen too. :p I'm flying to Miami as we speak to crash this wedding! :lol: Glad you're feeling better, great update, and can't wait for the wedding!
Ray had a hard time picturing his uncle as a fourteen-year old.

I'm having no trouble at all... ;)


*can't wait for Yelina to throw the flowers*

Thanks for the updates! :D Oh and we should hire some guys to throw out any potentiol wedding crashers.
I'll conceal some knives in my dress, if anyone tries to ruin the party he's gonna get it!

My nose is running all over the place... the meds aren't helping. Maybe I need the crazy-ass task force needs to go hunt down my nose and re-attach it to my face... *sniff sniff*

Here's a little excerpt to build up to the wedding:

Ray (to cainesugar):so err, wanna come to my mom's wedding with me? It'll be fun it's a beach wedding. I'm gonna be the best man.

And to Lora, take your pick, you can go with Ryan or Eric. IMO I prefer Ryan, but it's up to you.

Glad all you guys are excited about the wedding. I'm already working on it in my head!
No Speed? :( (I thought you knew i hate Ryan! :lol: I'll go with Delkotorsky definately. :D )

Hrocks are you sick?? *gaspage* I'll call House! *dailtones heard* We need yuo nice and healthly for the updates and the wedding!
I hate being sick, but it gets me out of school for a couple of days. :D

Wedding.... :eek: Must feel better! * downs a bunch of cold medicine* wow.... goodnight all!

Love the update by the way... :D * falls onto bed asleep*
Hunter said:
Oh and we should hire some guys to throw out any potential wedding crashers.
Hey, be nice to the wedding crashers. There is a few of us in the wedding crasher crowd, we might get hurt... :eek: ;)
Unless their name is Rick, of course. (Who is most likely there to ruin the party). Then feel free to throw those knives Kit! :devil:

Hrockz are you feeling any better?
Ok ladies and gentlemen (not sure if there are any guys here?) this is my last update for this fic. The wedding. Enjoy! Credit to kit for the beach wedding idea.

The place was Miami beach. The time five thirty in the evening. The setting sun gave the setting an orange glow. The event was a wedding. A wedding in many people's opinion was long overdue.

The groom was dressed in a black tuxedo, his hair neatly combed. He looked handsome, more so than he usually was. He was nervous, and it showed as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other time and time again. His gaze shifted from the small group of family and close friends gathered to attend the wedding to his wife-to-be standing at the end of the asile.

The bride was a vision of beauty in her white gown. The veil covered her face but it was still evident she was smiling. She held a bouquet of red roses in her hands. Slowly she made her way down the asile towards her smiling groom.

Horatio glanced at his best man. Ray looked uncomfortable in his tuxedo. The wind ruffled his brown curls. He smiled at his uncle and patted his breast pocket, asuring himself and his uncle that the rings were still in his possesion.

"No worries Dad." Ray whispered. He had decided to start calling Horatio 'Dad' just that morning of the wedding.

Horatio smiled back and nodded. His gaze shifted to his squirming six-month-old daughter sitting in her grandmother's lap. Emma looked more and more like her mother with each passing day. His gaze fell back on his bride who was approaching him. The image took his breath away. He had been waiting for this day for more than a year.

Yelina thought Horatio looked gorgeous. The sun kissed his hair, making it an orange-red. This was the second time she got married but Yelina still had butterflies in her stomach.

Horatio took Yelina's hand as she reached his side. They smiled lovingly at each other...

"I love weddings. Makes me want to get married too." Calleigh whispered to Ryan who was seated next to her.

"Hey if anyone's marrying Calleigh, it's gonna be me." Eric stuck his head in between Ryan and Calleigh.

"Quiet." Alexx gave a quick glare at the three CSIs.

They returned their attention to Horatio and Yelina.

The minster looked at Horatio. "Horatio Caine do you take this woman to be your wife?"

Horatio tilted his head slightly and smiled at Yelina. "I do."

Yelina was asked the same question in return. "Yelina Salas do you take this man to be your husband?"

She smiled back. "I do."

They exchanged rings.

The minister smiled at the couple. "I now pronounce you man and wife... you may kiss the bride."

Horatio smiled, lifting the veil slowly. Yelina's face made his heart flutter. Their lips met for a long kiss. The setting sun cast the image of them kissing into a silouete. They broke the kiss and turned to face the clapping group on the beach.

The minister said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you, Mr and Mrs Caine."

Horatio and Yelina linked arms and took their first steps together as husband and wife.

*********** The End ************

Comments and reviews please.

Ok gals this is the end of this fic. Thanks for your hilarious posts and being so eager to read my updates.

Don't fret, I won't let you all go into withdrawal. I'll start a new fic soon, but it'll be an angsty one. Look out for it!
Yeah whoeeee *pops the champagne corcks*

Wonderful ending for our lovely couple! And I didn't have to throw knives at any potential weddingcrashers!

Can't wait to see what the new fic is going to be like ;)