The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

The groom was dressed in a black tuxedo, his hair neatly combed. He looked handsome, more so than he usually was.
Oh screw it. *pushes Yelina out of the picture; dragged out by wedding crasher police*

Horatio glanced at his best man. Ray looked uncomfortable in his tuxedo.

OH COME ON! The WEDDING for Pete's sake and i don't get DELKO?!

"I love weddings. Makes me want to get married too." Calleigh whispered to Ryan who was seated next to her.

"Hey if anyone's marrying Calleigh, it's gonna be me." Eric stuck his head in between Ryan and Calleigh.

:lol: YEAH WOLFE. Stay away from Delkotorsky's woman! You youngin'. :lol:

*dances* And they got married!! :D And when you say, The End, does that mean you're...done?
a toast to the happy couple :),drinks champagne wakes up with a hangover next day

thanks for the last update Hrockz i have really enjoyed this fic can,t wait for the next one
YAY!!! Time to party!! *comes in with a bunch of drinks, passing them around* :lol:

I loved this fic, and I can't wait for the next one!!! :D

* runs off to join Eric on the dance floor* :lol:
*grabs a drink*

Hey go party girls!

Sorry Hunter the best man had to be Ray Jr. But you can go dance and party with Eric. And sorry slipped my mind that you don't like Ryan. :p

'The End' means... yeah I'm done for this fic, but wait for my new one in a couple of days I'll try getting started on it.
Lora! *chases away from Ryan* My man. :lol:

YAY! They're married! This was a wonderful fic, Hrockz, and I can't wait until you start your new one! I wish cyber-H and Y the best in their cyberlife, and am looking forward to your next fic more than ever! Angst? Sounds good to me.
*takes Eric from HoratioandYelina* Here, go have Wolfe. :lol:

So you're done the fic...i bet you've been waiting for this day to come. School work taking it's toll, teachers nagging you. Are you SURE i don't have to go take care of those pesky teachers? Because i can, and i'm sure eveyone here will come with...
*grabs drink*
Awww! That was so... Awww! :D
I loved it Hrockz, thank you so much for the ride. I will look foreward to your next story. Maybe it'll keep me sane in the wait for epi. 22 'Burned'! What? I'm sane. I am. Well at least sane...ish :p New word: sanish. Hehe. The sanish-danish. Hehehe. :lol: