The Way it Should Have Been - a series of H/Y fics

I know some people in that industry, i'll talk to them about it :p

Any ideas for the title?

"1001 ways to kill Stetler!"

"Stetler doesn't stand a chance!"

The weather in Miami was always hot, but recently Yelina had begun to find the heat intolerable. She was glad for once she wasn't out in the field but within the cool confines of the PD building. Her pregnant tummy had finally become too big to be chasing criminals around and she had conceded to a desk job at PD, much to Horatio's relief. They hardly saw each other at work now that Horatio had almost fully recovered from the shooting a couple of months back, and was back in the field. Staring at the mountain of paperwork and files on her desk she sighed. She was feeling big and uncomfortable. As she wrote on the open file on her desk the pains in her belly that had been nagging at her since the wee hours of the morning came again and she grit her teeth as it passed. The pain was getting harder to ignore.


Horatio stepped out of his Hummer into the hot morning sun. Much as he had enjoyed working in the lab he had also missed being outdoors at crime scenes. He had worked hard at his recovery and had been cleared to work back in the field weeks ago, just as Yelina had put in her request for a desk job at PD. He spied Alexx on her kness, examining the dead body lying on the grass. Horatio pulled on a pair of latex gloves, then reached in to his Hummer for his camera.


"Hey Yelina!" Calleigh called out to her as she stopped by her desk.

"Hi." Yelina greeted her.

"When's the baby due?" Calleigh asked as she flashed Yelina a smile.

"Anytime now." Yelina replied. "I'll be relieved when the baby comes. It's too hot to be carrying this much weight around."

"You guys must be excited. I need a favor, can you run this name for me? See if the suspect has any priors?" Calleigh asked.

"Sure." Yelina replied as she took the file from Calleigh's hand. The computer took a couple of seconds to display the suspect's rap sheet. "Charged for attempted rape but was aquitted. Also charged in 2002 for - " Another wave of pain came on and Yelina was forced to stop mid-sentence. She winced.

"You don't look too good." Calleigh remarked. "Is it the baby?"

Yelina let out a breath. "Maybe. Back to our suspect. Charged in 2002 for assult. He was never convicted." The pain came back again, faster than Yelina had expected. She grit her teeth. "I think... I'm gonna have to take the rest of the day off." Yelina apologised to Calleigh. "The baby's coming."

"You can't go to the hospital yourself. Where's Horatio?" Calleigh asked.

"Last I heard he was on his way to a crime scene with Eric." Yelina was able to reply as the pain passed.

"I'll drive you. You can call him on the way."


"See these wounds. Looks like it came from somthing sharp, but not a knife." Alexx explained to Horatio.

"A weapon of opportunity." Horatio said as he continued snapping photographs of the body. "Do you have a time of death?"

"I'd say a couple of hours ago." Alexx replied.

"Footprints." Eric pointed out the markings that lead to the road. "Could've been the killer's."

Horatio cellphone rang. He recognised the number. "Hey."

There was silence on the line. After some moments he heard her speak. He could tell from her voice she was in distress. "Horatio."

"Everything ok?" he asked concerned.

"I think I'm in labour." Yelina said.

Horatio's heart skipped a beat. "Ok. You stay where you are I'll come get you."

"Don't think there's time. This baby's coming fast. Calleigh's driving me to the hospital."

He heard her hiss in pain. "I'm on my way. You hang in there sweetheart."

As Horatio hung up he turned to Eric. "Eric. You're gonna have to take this one. I have to go. Yelina's in labour."

"Congradulations!" Alexx beamed.

Eric smiled. "You go ahead. Call us when your baby's out."

Horatio smiled back. "Thanks."

He jogged back to the Hummer, threw off his gloves and was off speeding down the highway.
yeah baby on the way jumps for joy and dances around the room, then remembers the last time i was in labour with my fourth child that was 15 years ago

thanks for the update Hrockx ur the best :)
Ooooh, the baby! :D It's kind of funny: our crown princess Mary is in labour right now.... Weird coincidence. :)

Edit: She just had her baby. A little princess. Good Lord, the country is going to go haywire now. :rolleyes:
The last time I was in labour was 2 years ago. All I can say is thank God for epidurals... that is till it wears off!
Anyway I digress, back to the baby:

Yelina could feel the baby coming. Dr Donovan had already positioned herself at the foot of the bed.

"Can't we wait a little longer?" Yelina managed to ask in between contractions. She had really hoped for Horatio to be there to witness the birth of their child. But at the same time was relieved that this would be over soon. The last time she was in labour for 12 hours with Ry Jr.

"Your baby's not gonna wait." The doctor replied.

Horatio breezed into the room just as Yelina felt another contraction coming.

"Sorry I got here as fast as I could." He took Yelina's hand. She squeezed and Horatio realised he didn't know she possessed that much strength. He managed to keep himself from wincing.

"Remind me why am I doing this again?" Yelina asked as the contraction passed.

Horatio was at a loss for words. "Umm..."

Dr Donovan laughed. "The epidural should be kicking in in a couple of minutes. You'll feel numb soon."

"You're doing great." Horatio encouraged her, trying hard not to show his nervousness.

"Why don't you try having the baby," she scowled at her haples boyfriend.

"The baby's crowning." Dr Donovan said. "Come take a look." she motioned to Horatio.

Horatio glanced down between Yelina's legs. He smiled. "Looks like we've got a red-head."

Another contraction came but this time it was painless.

"It'll be over soon." The doctor told Yelina. "On my count push. One, two, three... push."

Yelina pushed with all her might. "Good." The doctor said. "One more time, push."

Yelina pushed again, squeezing on Horatio's now very sore hand. Beads of pespiration ran down her face and he felt admiration for her.

"We're almost done, Yelina." The doctor said. "One more time."

Yelina pushed again. There was a moment's silence before a wail was heard throughout the room. Dr Donovan held up a crying baby. "It's a healthy baby girl."

Yelina lay back on the bed, exhausted. Horatio smiled. The doctor placed the baby on Yelina's chest.

Horatio leaned over and kissed Yelina on the head. "I'm so proud of you, of the both of you."

Dr Donovan handed the surgical scissors to Horatio and he cut the umbilical cord. "You guys have a name for her?"

Horatio looked to Yelina and she nodded. "Emma, her name is Emma Caine."

"After Horatio's mother." Yelina added.

"Nice name." the doctor replied. "Could you wait outside, we need to clean mother and baby up."

Horatio nodded. He kissed Yelina again. "I'll call your mom and Ray."

He walked out of the room with a huge smile on his face. Horatio was ready to tell the world he was a father.

Comments please!
*brings out the champagne*

A red-head whoei! :D Lovely name by the way, great choice!

Keep up the briliant work ;)
*drinks champigne* Ah screw it! Yelina can get drunk now! *busts out a keg*



Anyways, to Horatio and Yelina! You lucky *#@$&. :lol: JK!

Thanks for the updates! :D
*drinks Apple Juice* Darn stupid alcohol laws. :lol:

Horatio's a father, Horatio's a father, Horatio's a father, Horatio's a father...AND SHE'S A REDHEAD! I love the name choice, it's beautiful! She must be beautiful! Congrats to the Caines! Wonderful chapter!