THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

When she came in there was a white male holding a gun to Dan's head.

Guy:"Throw your gun over here right now" he shoved the gun into Dan's head "DO IT NOW!"

Dan just looked at her. Lost of words.
Sara took a deep breath, looking at Dan for a moment. Her dark eyes came onto the man, and she gave in. The woman tossed her gun over to the spot the man had gestured too, and continued to watch. Dan was ending up just like Holly, only, she had to witness this one.
Sara frowned. Once again, she felt helpless, which really ticked her off. She wasn't the type of person to just stand around and be ordered. That was probably the reason she had such athority issues. "No." She replied making up her mind.
Guy:He put the gun up and fired the gun "I said leave NOW!"

Dan:"Sara go... I'll be fine I promise" he gave her a wink.
Sara, slightly startled by the gun shot, looked back at Dan. Frown deepening, she nodded. With a glance between the two men again, Sara retreated down the stairs. "Damn it." She repeated, reaching the bottom.
Sara looked startled as she jumped. The shots had spooked her, that's for sure. Looking back up the stairs, the woman awaited to find out who the victor was. These were those moments that her mind raced, heart rising and falling.
Dan walked to the top of the stairs and smiled lookined at Sara with a gun in his hand "Damn. What a first day" he said smiling walking down the stairs.
"Ya Im fine, and yes what a first night" he laughed "Ya she helped me, she got his attion all messed up. Oh and we have another body" he looked at Gil.