THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

CSIStokes said:

Dan looked at him "Why are you so worried about her, I was the one he was holding up. Besides he would never do enything to her enyways" he said smiling.

Gil smiled. too. "Well. Nick and Sara are close."
He had a big grin on his face "Ohhhh" he laughed "I knew something was going on" he looked at Gil "So who are you dating?"
"Good, if you wasnt i would get a little worried" he smiled "Me Im taking by Brittany, hot girl to." he laughed "She didnt really want me taking this jod though!"
"Well, like what happend today. Gil I have had so many guns stuck in my face it like water flowing in a river, but she hates tha danger im in. Sience I was a cop people have thretend me so much and she's scared that she would loose me one day" he looked at him "But I have way to much training for that to happen, if ou want to see. try to take my case" he pointed to it on the ground.
He laughed "I never thought you would be the scared type" he looked at him "Well let's start by finding more stuff, we dont have much really"
He grabed his arm and took him to the ground and was on top of him quicker then he could blik "Ha!" he yelled laughing.
"Hope I didnt break enything" he laughed "Well Ill be up stairs, looking around. I looked in there purses and the woman with the skin under her nails lives here so i'll be in her room" he walked up the stairs.
Dan looked down and at Gil *Dont think I can do it on my own* he said to himself. He walked into her room and noticed about 15 pictures of her and this guy.