THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Nick sighed. "Fine, ill tell her you where taking a crap. With your friend... ass." he smerked, then left headed back toward the breakroom, he figured he would try talking to sara again.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Why the hell is he so pissed at me?" he put his feet on his desk and set back. He looked at Greg "Im not a bad guy once you get to know me"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

{Ah, but you see, Cordi and I share Sara, so I can play her when you want. Both of you, my site will pop up if you click my banner. ;)}

Watching Nick leave, Greg sighed. For a moment, he had to wonder if Sara really wanted to ask him something, or if the man just wanted to go face to face with Dan. "I think it's because of Sara..." Greg trailed off, informing the man behind the desk of Nick's problem. Greg wasn't positive, but to him, it appeared as though both men were having a tug of war contest, and Sara was their prize. Luckily, he had gotten over his crush, and therefore, wasn't wrapped up in it.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

(thanx... so hurry up and play sara then! do you know whats happening so far?)

Nick walked back to the breakroom. "Hi sara, honey. Do you want to talk about what i had said earlier? i kind of do." he sat down besid her and put his hand on her hand. "i meant what i said when i told you i loved you." He then reached up on his own face and rubbed a one of the many cuts he had recieved by Dan, and a red cheak recieved by Sara.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

(You can now if ya want)

"Well... he can just forget about it i mean god" he looekd at him "I know he's your friend and all but I havent seen him push you to the ground"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

{Right...Yeah, I think I do.}

Sara frowned deeply. She was quite confused at this point. It wasn't that she didn't love Nick, she thought she did. But now she just wasn't sure. "Nick..." Sara began, sighing slightly as she did so. The brunette really didn't know what to say...


"Nick pushed you to the ground?" He asked, almost as if in disbelief. Nick Stokes had always been a man that Greg had looked up to, so, to hear him do something like that was upsetting. Not to mention heartwrenching. "Do you like Sara?" Greg asked, his head tilting to the side slightly.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Ya I guess. I cant tell you much I just met her. And ya he pushed me down and I punched him" he looked at him "That has never happend to me before, well in my training ya" he looked at his wall.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Greg frowned, slumping even farther into his chair as he did so. Sara could have that effect on people. Actually, loads of guys that he met had a crush on her at some point. It was a bit scary, really. But, in the end, he could understand the attraction. Greg didn't have a clue how to respond to this, it was hard enough to come to terms with the fact that Nick had done this to someone; especially the new guy.

"Training for what?" Greg asked curiously, wondering what Dan meant by 'training'. There was training for becoming a CSI, sure, but he couldn't remember getting pushed and punched.

{I think I'll make an RP over at my site...Just for fun...I'll still be over here, of course. Because I love Talk.}
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Nick felt like crap. "Sara, tell me how you feel when you see me! Tell me if you still love me." he said. He tried looking into her eyes, but she kept looking away. "do you understand how it wasnt just me who was in the fight, and how he brought it on to himself. If only you understood that!" he got up and turned stood behind Sara, he then placed his hands on her sholders, and began to rub. "The feeling you get when i do this... is how i feel when ever i see you..." he smiled. "LIKE MUSH!" he said. He kept on rubbing until she had begun to talk
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"The Marines. Marine sniper. I've been off for about 5 years now." he looked at Greg "So I decided to become a cop and then a CSI"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Sara had to suck it up and keep going, although she was turning to mush under Nick's hands. After a moment, she shook her head and pushed his hands off of her shoulders. "Nick. He didn't do anything, and you've been giving him crap all day." Sara's tone was firm, almost as if she was defending her new...friend? She was obviously ignoring Nick's love confessions at the moment.


Greg's face nearly broke in half as an interested smile formed upon his lips. "A sniper? Cool." For some reason, Greg had seemed like a teenager...or a ten year old obsessed with guns and such. He wasn't, of course, but it still interested him. "How old are you?" The man questioned, realizing that Dan would have to be older then him to have been a Marine and then become a cop after five years of off time. The training and working up would take a year in its' self.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Well im 34. I joined the Marines before i graduated so I would go for training right after I graduated." he looked up then into his desk "Here a picture with a couple of my friends, we just passed the test on the first time" he handed him the picture "We had loads of fun that night!" he laughed.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Ah..." Greg said, his head rising and falling to form a single exagurated nod. Leaning forward, the CSI grasped the picture of Dan and his buddies, and brought it back his way to look at. Brown eyes scanned over the photograph and a small grin began to spred across Greg's pale red lips again. "I bet you guys did." He commented, glancing up at Dan again before handing the picture back.