THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Dan over herd them. He was mad at Nick and sad for Sara. He knew she was in a tough situation. He started to hang pictures up and finish off is office.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"sara, my actions where out of love." pure love!" he took her hand, "when i saw you enjoying Dan, more so then me, i got extreamly jelouse." he wiped her tears away. "im sorry, i was out of line, and i really, sencerly wish i never put you in the possition your in now." he looked at her with the sadest puppy dog face he could make. A face he knew almost always made her laugh. "i promise i will never do it again." he said.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He looked around and he finished his office and put on his hat and walked outside and sat on the bench and looked around in thought. He knew just about everyone hated him.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Greg was tired of standing alone in the hall, compleately oblivious to everything around him. "Hey," He began, poking his head inside Dan's office. The man put on a small smile of greeting, deciding not to judge the new guy just yet. "Your the new guy, right?" Greg asked, standing up a bit straiter, glad he wasn't going to be the 'new guy' in the field any longer.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He stood up "Ya. Names Dan" he put his hand for him to shake "And you must be Greg, am I right?"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Greg's smile widened a bit as Dan introduced himself. In turn, the former lab tech grasped the man's hand, engaging in a friendly hand shake. "Yeah, how'd you know?" Greg questioned him, that grin still not fading. Obviously, there must have been something about him that gave Dan a 'my name is Greg, deal with it.' sort of message. If only he knew what it was...
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Well I checked out with this team before I jind, and you seemed like a pretty cool guy. You love rock, and I do." he smiled and let go sitting down "Have a seat if ya want"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Oh..." Greg said, his memory snapping into action. He remembered that someone had checked the team out a while back, but certain things had made him forget. "Thanks...You love rock too?" An eager expression took Greg's face over. Finally, someone he could talk about music with. God only knows that Sara was horribly boring about it.

Taking up Dan's offer, Greg slumped into a seat across from him. The man let the breath that he had been holding out, relieved that Dan actually had some form of personality.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"You bet. Just about every kind. Really hard rock" he smiled "Not to much soft but ya sometimes... you?" he looked at his desk putting his coffee to the side then looked at him.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Greg's hand instictivly rubbed his ear, but he quickly pulled away. He had always done that, if only because his co-workers would constantly tease him about the horribly loud music that he'd always play when he was working. "Pretty much the same." Greg said, nodding his head. "Some soft rock is good though." He commented, thinking about the music that he liked.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He lughed "Your right" he looked at him and took a sip of his coffee. He was thinking of something to say.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Greg, Sara wants you, she's out side" Nick said standing a good two feet away from the door. He stood there stairing at the floor, and he lifted his eyes once to see if greg was coming.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Like Nickelback. They are a good band." He commented, looking at Dan to see his reaction. However, before he could get one, Nick called him. "I'm kind of busy, Nick." He said in a coldish tone, not especially happy that he had interupted. "What does she want?" Greg looked over his shoulder at Nick Stokes curiously.

{Still all alone at my site...Oh well.}
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

(what is your site, let me take a look at it!)

"Um, i donno, but i think she has to ask you something. I've decided to give her some space, so i didnt bother asking." he stood there. "hey, its Sara... she has to ask you something! so come on!" Nick looked at Dan, then back at Greg. He then began to walk away.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

(Oh my bad. man I tried to go on it but my computer froze. Ill try it again)

"I love Nickleback, I have there new CD" he held it up from his desk. He looked at Nick.