THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open.

Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

He took the picture "Ya it's rarely that yo pass it for the first time" he put the picture back into his desk and looked at him. "So how long have you been a CSI?"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"He didnt do anything?" nick said quietly, but pissed. "He humiliated me, then pushed me around, its only normal for a guy to defend himself, especally infront of someone he loves. And then it all added on from there!" he pointed to his pink cheak, "remember?!? you got so conserned... you slapped the good guy!" he looked at his hands, which where now folded, he then looked up at sara. He wiped a strand of hair away from her face. "it was only because i didnt want you to get hurt." he smiled. "I can see how that didnt work very well."
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Sara stood up, her face now out of his reach. "Nick, you humiliated yourself." The brunette's words came out in a cold fasion. She was turning that cold shoulder to him again, as much as she hated to do it to one of her best friends. "I can handle myself, Nick, I don't need your help. And if your going to accuse someone of something like that, make sure you have some evidence." She was obviously refuring to the dope accusation against Dan.


Greg was always one to think that being a Marine would be cool, but he was too interested in Science to go after that type of occupation. Not to mention he would have gotten laughed out of training on his first day. "Just over a year." He answered Dan, leaning back in his seat comfortably. "But I was a lab tech for a long time before that."
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Oh cool" he looked at him "You dont seen like the science type" he stood up "Man my back hurts like hell" he poped it and stood up stright "Do you know how to shoot like a sniper, maybe just a little bit?" he looked at him "To prtice I play paintball. Sounds childish but its fun and you get to pratice your shooting"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Nick looked up at Sara. "Before you go, can i give you somthing?" he stood up and grabbed her hands. They where standing face to face, her body real close to his. He looked into her eyes. "I know you love me... why do you fight it?" he shook his head, "it doesnt matter, but i would like to know... can i give you something?"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Sara didn't want to answer his question of why she fought it, so the woman simply stood there. Her lips were turned down in a deep frown. "Sure." She had to admit, that curiousness that had driven her to be a CSI in the first place had gotten the better of her yet again. She'd allow Nick to give her something, though, she was almost afraid of what it was going to be.


Greg let out a laugh as Dan commented on his personality. It used to bother him that nobody thought of him as the scientific type, but it didn't really anymore. "That's what they all said." said Greg, looking up at Dan. "I haven't played paintball in years." He replied, recalling how fun it was when he actually did play.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Well I have a team. It's a sucky name but we are called Blue Thunder. We dont play in eny champoins or enything just to have fun." he walked to his door "Hey we just lost two people, would you like to join, and do you know enyone else?"
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Nick sighed in relief. 'finally, she's resoning with me!' he thought. He Looked into her eyes, "Close your eyes!" he said. Once she did, he pressed his lips against her's, causing her to break open her lips. He got his lips confortably possitioned against hers and allowed his tounge to slid into her mouth. They then preformed an old fashiond dance with their toungs. But after a while... a short while... nick broke the kiss and tried to open his eyes. He couldnt. He had just done what he had waited to do for a long long time. But once he did, he found her stairing right into his eyes.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Sara felt as though all of her breath had been sucked out of her by that kiss. It might have confused the brunette even more, but that was okay. "Nick..." She sighed, looking back at him. "Thanks." Her voice was quick, added maybe. But then, she forced a small smile and hurried out the door.


"I'd love to!" Greg said excitedly, lifting himself from the chair he had been sitting in. At Dan's next question, a frown took over slightly. Nick was one of the people that Greg thought would enjoy paintball. But, seeing as he and Dan weren't exactly on great terms, Greg shrugged. "Warrick maybe, but I haven't seen him around."
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Well ask him and we have pratice tomorrow. Cant make eny promises my team is very strict. Oh and the picture i showed you there are two of them who are on the team" he seen Sara running.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Nick frumped down in the chair and began to re-live the insidant that jsut happened. he then got up after about 5 min, and walked... practicly flutered... by Dans office, headed toward where ever Sara went.

(o ya, i just noticed how OOC this is... man!)
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Sounds good." Greg said, nodding his head. His brown eyes locked onto Sara's form running from the brakeroom. "I thought Nick said she was outside..." Greg's eyes were narrowed as he glanced at the brakeroom. "I'm going to go check it out." The man informed Dan, before setting off for the brake room.


"Damn it." Sara said, kicking the frame of the locker room door lightly. She wanted to kick it harder, somehow brake it, but that would get her in trouble. A week of leave wasn't something she wanted to think about right now. The brunette's mind was racing, but stuck on one thing. Shaking her head, the woman sat on the bench inside of the room and burried her face in her hands.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Should i give you some room right now? OR can i ask weather or not i should be regreting what i just did?" he asked. Nick was a little confused, but at the same time... he didnt care about ANYTHING! HE jsut knew that Dan could come and kick him in the balls, but he wouldnt care, he'd just be calm and sit dow beside Sara, the girl he had loved for the full 6 years he knew her.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

"Should I come or no?" he looked at him then at Sara. Running in the locker room wanting to know what happend.
Re: THE NEW GUY. A CSI:LV RP... very open

Nick looked at Dan and sighed. "its up to Sara man!" It was wierd, it was practicly the first time Nick was able to look/talk/breath around Dan without geting into a fight!