The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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I hope there is a second Tanglewood. I got the DVD for Christmas and was re-watching the episode and missed alot when I first seen it. They left ALOT there.
I know! So much cliffhanger. Just how deep was Danny involved with Tanglewood? Does he have the tattoo? Does the tattoo have an out date? And his brother Louie, who I suspect they're going to bring in again during Tanglewood 2, just to make it more dramatic, how is he going to fit into all this?
Hi all, it's been awhile. Have missed you. That's a pretty fantastic transcript, lookaboomerang. And hey! Great news, woman--I have, in my possession, your two tapes of the first 10 episodes of season 2 at loooong last! So screw waiting till April to see everything, I'm having my Dannyfest right now! :D
*sidles over to Danny and tries to peek under the edge of his tanktop to look for a tattoo*
DANNY: What are you doing?
FAY: *jerks hand back* Nothing, nothing at all...
DANNY: You know you're just going to have to wait like the rest of the fangirls to find out.
FAY: *gives puppy-dog eyes* Pweeze?
DANNY: *is unmoved* No. I'm immune to your charms, Fay--you forget that I'm People's Sexiest CSI, so I'm used to women trying their wiles on me. It won't work.
FAY: Drat!


Anyway, they probably like making us squirm ;)--we've still got half of a season's worth of episodes, so surely the Tanglewood Boys will fit into at least one of them (hopefully, anyway :p).

I hope you're enjoying season 2, Tala. :D Danny's arms are certainly enjoying the exposure this season! :lol:
they have to have tanglewood2 or else the story becomes incomplete....
There's no doubt Tanglewood will be completed. It's just a matter of when that' we're all wondering about, isn't it?

Fay, I'm loving it. It comes with a personalized Wednesday note from Lookaboomerang that gives me a rundown of what to expect per episode. My Danny drought went on long enough for me to be ready to forgive even the poorly written ones when I see them. And we all know which ones I'm referring to, don't we? ;)
I agree tala I'm not only going through a Danny-drought, I'm going through a CSI drought! I at least want one new episode! I've started watching soap operas, I'm so bored!
Why Alyssa? Where are you located?

Have to admit my next dilemma is dealing with waiting till... July?... before I get to see Trapped! Unless *cough* Lookaboomerang wants to mail more tapes my way ahead of time. :D I'm not hinting at anything here. :rolleyes:
Wooh. DannyDrought '05 is over! :lol: I don't think I told you guys this, but my parents got me a Carmine flick for Christmas. I'm now the proud owner of The Learning Curve on DVD. :D
Congrats, lookaboomerang, I've seen the trailer for that one, but I haven't seen the movie--I might have heard something not-so-nice about the ending, but Carmine is Carmine, however the movie goes.

I watched the Tanglewood episode with the audio commentary, and Anthony Zuiker (or however it's spelled) said that there would be a Tanglewood 2 episode. He also said something about it being in November, so we know how wrong that was--let's just hope that they have it in January.

Is it just me, or is this thread going much slower than LR#9? We simply must find a new topic to discuss...*thinking*... ;)
I think it's just moving slow because it was started right before the holidays and everyone was busy. It might start picking up again tomorrow when a lot of us resume normal 'activity' again. IE: Work. :lol:
Oh yeah once the holidays are over all the loyal LR groupies will be back here posting like mad. I wonder what Carmine got under the Christmas tree this year heh.
Hmm. Quiet.
Well, actually I've been pretty free for the holidays, but I haven't been posting here, cause... eh heh, I just... find it... harder to reply to this thread nowadays. Don't know why.
Wooh. DannyDrought '05 is over! :lol: I don't think I told you guys this, but my parents got me a Carmine flick for Christmas. I'm now the proud owner of The Learning Curve on DVD. :D

Sweet! I was wondering if you'd gotten it.

Yes, ugh, work tomorrow. It was a nice four day break! Who got the CSI: NY DVDs for Christmas? I already had them, but I still haven't listened to the commentaries! I have to get on that.

tala, you have to let us know what you think of the eps as you watch them!
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