The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Shoot--if you need a life ThumpyG, we all do!!

From what I saw of the screencaps, he did look really hot! *drools*

Stop torturing me!! I need to heeeeear the laugh!!! :lol: Just kidding ;)

You know, if Danny is People's sexiest CSI, then I think that the people should get a chance to hug him...*hugs Danny and won't let go* :lol: I don't know why I said that--I just glanced up at the title and it kind of seemed funny to me that, if you don't know that People is a magazine, you might wonder what it means. ;)

*keeps hugging* Oh, the arms! (to echo someone else from LR#9) :lol::lol:
:D Wow LR #10 already.

I watched the Tony Danza Show yesterday, and I pretty much echo what everyone else has said, he looked great, it was pretty cool seeing his family, loved the the adorable chuckle, he looked great...etc...

C- I don't do caffiene, I can't drink caffiene. But that was one of the things where it was "What do you like to drink?" 'Well, I like to drink tea.'"And when it rains, what do you like to do?" 'I stay in' So, now I drink tea and stay in on rainy days.

^^^I loved the way he explained that! :lol: The whole 'giant tea cup' was so hilarious.

and since Faylinn mentioned arms, it gave me an excuse to post this pic again-I think I've managed to get it in the last 2 Locker Rooms. :lol:


THE ARMS!!! *drool* I love the picture ThumpyG42


*still hugging*


Anywho, I was just thinking about the whole glasses vs. no glasses thing, and I thought: What if he took off the glasses and didn't put in contacts?


DANNY: Stella? Is that you?
FLACK: No, Danny, it's me...*sigh*
DANNY: Oh...what am I standing in?
FLACK: That would be a pool of vomit.
DANNY: Ah...I thought it might's kinda sticky...
FLACK: Ugh...*walks away, shaking his head*

Would it be a naughty thing to go through his closet and replace all of his shirts with ones a size smaller? ;)

DANNY: Hey, I thought this shirt fit looser than this...does it look tight to you?
FAY: *drool* uhhhh...

No, Fay, it would not a bad thing. I think you are morally obligated to do so.

He either walks around with a shirt too small, or no shirt, until he goes out and buys new ones!! Either way I'm happy. :lol:
Oooh, I see arms! :devil: :D

Thanks for getting that transcript up, lookaboomerang! I think it gets everything that's important, and unfortunately a lot of people in other countries don't get the show (and some here in the U.S. too!) so it's nice to have it all written out.

ThumpyG42, that is one of my favorite pictures of Danny. That shirt is just so very tight, and those arms, those arms... :devil: ;)
I'm currently trying to download the video clip of the interview that Kimmychu kindly linked to on the Drool Picture thread. In case you can't find it on there, here's the link again: link to video clip

Send kimmychu cookies and presents!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D
Wow we made it...nice title I like it..
good choice...

i think a nice way to start is some trapped pics...
i know you love them...

Well I didn't watch the clip but I guess Carmine on the show is quite nice but I have to say even if you guys tell me it's like the funniest interview ever I wouldn't watch it 'cause I really hate Tony Danzer...
I watched it, I watched it!

I don't like Danza either, AlexxWoods, but I swallowed my dislike long enough to watch the clip--and I don't regret it! But if you reeeeeally don't like him, then I will watch it again in your honor! :lol: I'm off to drool over those screencaps of yours, AlexxWoods. :D
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