The British and Irish Thread

I'm slap bang in the middle between london and brighton as i like to say. I'm supposedly from posh county of Surrey but yeah according to my friends i have a habit of being very common when i speak.
ooh that's a nice area to live (and brighton is wicked, i've had lots of good times there), are you near the downs? i'm from a posh family and i also speak, well, i think it's normally but my mum's appalled. and i swear like a sailor which probably bothers her even more, especially as my dad's a vicar. of course, as a posh vicar's daughter, i feel it is my duty to (a) swear as much and often as possible (b) do the whole sex/drugs/rock'n'roll thing (c) be staunchly socialist and (d) be an antitheist - i like to think i carry out my duty to the best of my abilities ;) all those people who say swearing is ruining english/a sign of bad vocabulary are talking rubbish - chaucer, shakespeare and pepys all swore loads and they are seen as some of the best english writers/speakers in history, and i think swearing is a sign of the richness of language, so b*ll*cks to everyone else! wow, i just censored myself!

hmm that was another digression...
I'm near Gatwick Airport... so kinda not far from downs but still a fair bit.

I went to Uni in Brighton so love that place soo much was there last weekend for 4 days with some of my best friends was just soo good.

I swear a lot but thats because my job i think makes me swear more and its just ended up something i do mum moans at me and is like mind your language i'm trying to get better and rephrase stuff before it comes out my mouth.

Ahh see where i am we have your typical Chav and chavish town and then you move liek 10min other way and you get posher area.. and i'm merged inbetween lol.
round crawley way? one of my mates lived there for a while. brighton really is great, i love it, i've seen many a good gig there, and i got concussion there after being dropped on my head from about 7 feet onto a pavement, which is, oddly, one of my happier memories :lol:
just popped in to say hello to my fellow brits.......oh your discussing accents, hmmmmmmmm I'm a geordie............slips away quietly.
i like the geordie accent :) i'm about to try to write an essay (it's been due for ages, but i can't get my a into g) which will be partly about the south shields dialect, which obviously isn't quite geordie but it's closer to it than, say, london dialect.
^^ you're writing an eassy on the South Shields dialect?? Are you a sanddancer? It is pretty similar to Geordie, some old Saxon words and some old Norse words - we're very old skool up here.
just popped in to say hello to my fellow brits.......oh your discussing accents, hmmmmmmmm I'm a geordie............slips away quietly.

Hello! The Geordie accent is one of my favourites. Although when I went to Uni and people mistook me for a Geordie I was annoyed- Im from County Durham and to me my accent is nothing like Geordie :rolleyes:

i like the geordie accent :) i'm about to try to write an essay (it's been due for ages, but i can't get my a into g) which will be partly about the south shields dialect, which obviously isn't quite geordie but it's closer to it than, say, london dialect.

Good luck with the essay. Sounds interesting but difficult.
^^ you're writing an eassy on the South Shields dialect?? Are you a sanddancer? It is pretty similar to Geordie, some old Saxon words and some old Norse words - we're very old skool up here.

i'm not one no, but i have to write an essay on news reports about dialect and i found some good material in the south shields gazette that i think i'll use. it's about that and the newly classified dialect MLE, i think i'm going to do how the gazette has tried to keep the dialect going - kind of old dialect revival versus the beginning of a new dialect. something like that!

[Im from County Durham and to me my accent is nothing like Geordie :rolleyes:

yeah, i've got friends from durham who would be really annoyed if they were called geordie, and vice versa.

they do have similarities which go back centuries but they're quite different as well - that's what i love about english, it's so varied and comes from so many sources, it's a great language and it's still changing now. i've just booked to go to a lecture tomorrow at the shakespeare's globe all about slang in shakespeare and how english slang has developed over the years - it should be good :D

Good luck with the essay. Sounds interesting but difficult.

it's not so much that it's difficult even, once i get going i'll be ok, but i'm so bad at focussing!
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I get people laughing at my accent all the time :rolleyes: Irish people think I sound Canadian, whereas Canadians back home think I sound Irish.

And since I use Irish lingo and phrases, it sounds funny to Irish people when I talk.

I always say, I'm in between accents right now. :lol:
Hello! The Geordie accent is one of my favourites. Although when I went to Uni and people mistook me for a Geordie I was annoyed- Im from County Durham and to me my accent is nothing like Geordie :rolleyes:

There are several different accents within County Durham itself, but I suppose I can understand we people outside the area think we all sound the same. I spent several years in London where alot of people initially thought I was Irish?????:confused:

i'm not one no, but i have to write an essay on news reports about dialect and i found some good material in the south shields gazette that i think i'll use. it's about that and the newly classified dialect MLE, i think i'm going to do how the gazette has tried to keep the dialect going - kind of old dialect revival versus the beginning of a new dialect. something like that!

Good Luck with it!

Egeria - I know a few people who have moved around and now have mixed accents, I always think they sound kinda interesting
I get people laughing at my accent all the time :rolleyes: Irish people think I sound Canadian, whereas Canadians back home think I sound Irish.

i remember the first few times i went to america i was asked if i was irish, welsh, scottish, australian, all kinds and then when i said i was english i was asked if i knew princess di. random :rolleyes:

i don't like my accent, it's so bland. americans tell me i have an accent and i'm like "london english? are you kidding?!" it's so boring! maybe it sounds exotic to others. i love cockney too actually, especially as it has its own entire grammar structure and words, people think it's just rhyming slang and sounding like a barrow boy but it's really complex, i love it.
I always think my accents boring my mate once said i was posh but that changed, my mates from Glouster(sp... i know its wrong but cant for life of me spell it at the mo) and she to me sounds like a farmer and i tell her and anothers from Bristol and they have strong accents and there is me... Its london accent but not totally as I'm from more south east.
i know it's wrong of me but i do find the bristolian accent very very funny. i used to know this guy (not very well, just through friends) and he was hyped out as being this really hardcore rocker type, actually that's a contradiction, he liked stuff like AMEN which he probably thought was really punk but had no idea - anyway, the first time i met him i was with a mate of mine and we'd gone to bristol for a meet up and he did kinda look the part but then he opened his mouth and all i could think was that he should be milking cows or something. i can't stand him anyway, as i found out very shortly afterwards, and that's just another thing i can throw at him i guess.

but then i lived in norfolk for a while and that accent's quite similar so i can't really say it's that bad (not that i have a norfolk accent, i'm straight up estuary english!).