The British and Irish Thread

how did you go through wales? did you start in the atlantic? :lol: (i'm kidding!)

i assume you went through the borders region on a journey from cheshire or similar? wales is lovely - their language is so cool (i can speak a whole sentence in it!), and leeks are a great food, fried leek sandwiches = :thumbsup:

rydw i'n hoffi coffi :hugegrin:
Oooh how come I never saw this thread before?!

because it was buried on the 5th or 6th page of the forum :) I'll jsut sit back with my tea and enjoy all things English, Scottish and Irish :)

oi! you can't forget the welsh, please! i lived in wales for a while. it was a living hell but i don't blame wales. in fact i still love wales. just not that building!
glad i found the thread :) finally
and yh u cnt 4 get the welsh im only half but it still kinda counts:guffaw:
My apologies to the Welsh for forgetting them. I managed to get there on my second trip to the UK and it is a gorgeous place. Maybe if I get a chance to take a 3rd trip to the UK I'll actually get to see Northern Ireland and Ireland. I've heard it is beautiful but as I've yet I've not been there to see it's loveliness.
I went to Wales many a time when i was younger for hoildays although I wasnt a fan of the long 5/7hr drive through the green hills :lol: But its a really nice place. Ive never been to scotland or Ireland but i really want to go to Ireland one day, I just love their accent ;) I love living in England though, and definatly have a lot of British pride :)
Oh Jacquie, come to Northern Ireland and visit me. :D I've been to Scotland and Rep of Ireland on numerous occasions, I've been to England on quite a few occasion as well, not recently though, however I am going to England for a week in August. Holidaying with the parents. I've never been in Wales though. I'd like to visit it some day too.
how did you go through wales? did you start in the atlantic? :lol: (i'm kidding!)

i assume you went through the borders region on a journey from cheshire or similar? wales is lovely - their language is so cool (i can speak a whole sentence in it!), and leeks are a great food, fried leek sandwiches = :thumbsup:

rydw i'n hoffi coffi :hugegrin:

Erm...well I took the ferry to Holyhead and then the train to London. Holyhead is North Wales isn't it? Um..unless I'm wrong. In which case I haven't been through Wales. Sorry!
oh yeah, of course! i forgot the ferries. oops.

yeah, holyhead is north wales. i've not been to that bit, the furthest north i've been is machynlleth (it's also the place i was proudest of learning to pronounce :lol:).
Where did this thread come from?!

I've been to Wales a few times, but only North Wales.
I live in Manchester so I can easily do day trips there. I really like Wales. Llandudno is lovely, and I like my Castles- so Conwy and Caernarfon are really good places to visit.
The furthest i've been is to Beaumaris, on Anglessey. I do find it really strange, listening to the Welsh language, but in a good way.
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I might wait until I have finished work to wave- i'd get some strange looks :)
I've lived in Manchester more than 9 years now, and I do really like it here.

I can imagine Welsh is really hard to learn. Its good that you gave it a shot.
^^ i'll let you off the wave if you like, i actually prefer sheffield anyway :p

it is quite hard because of the way the alphabet works there - i found it harder than russian even because at least in russian the alphabet is so different it's like learning a whole new thing, whereas with welsh it's the same letters doing different things which can be kind of confusing. it sounds lovely when it's done properly tho.
The northern accent always makes me giggle I have family up in Yorkshire near leeds/bradford and my cousins are young and tehy sound so funny with there accent.

Me i'm boring from south east so I'm normal.
i'm from the south east too - grew up in east anglia and moved to london at 18. i do adore a northern accent though, they're really lovely. i've been out with a few yorkshiremen, as well as one or two from manc/lancs, one from liverpool and one from, er, dudley, which has a slightly less salubrious accent (although i actually really liked it!).
I suppose living up here, im more used to the northern accent. To me its weird hearing a cockney accent!

But I think it is good that there are so mant regional variations. Its great to listen to.
i agree, i'm trying to write an essay on dialect at the moment, i just love all the variations and england (well, britain, but it's more complex with wales/ireland/scotland/cornwall because they have their own languages) has a huge range of them, it's great. that's why i want to learn old/middle english, to try to see where they all come from [/geek]