The British and Irish Thread

i'm sure you can, we brits are generally an inclusive lot, after all we got a fair bit of practice what with the vikings, jutes, celts, normans, saxons etc :D
:lol: :lol: No, really? :eek: I never knew the English had such a widespread influence from others :eek: :lol:

Well, I'm Anglo-Norman Irish on one side of my dad's family :D

What do you think of fish and chip?
tbh most british people are norman somewhere in their history, and those that are are also a bit nordic (since the normans started out up there). this is why all the "england for the english" crap bothers me so much - the only *truly* english people, well there are probably only a few hundred left and they're all living in north wales (ie a whole other country, contrary to popular belief, even within the uk!) or brittany (which is in france...). english people are mongrels, and i like it that way! i'm not sure if many indigenous irish have norman, but after the british colonisation of ireland, i bet quite a few gained some!

i love fish and chips, i think i'd be extradited (back to normandy no doubt!) for treason if i didn't! i'd probably rather have a cornish pasty though :D
Hmm, chips. Im not into fish (I know, its terrible) but I like a good bag of chips. Especially at the seaside. They always taste so much nicer there.
Speed.delko- Yes, of course you can post here. The more the merrier.
Lisa is right. We have been invaded that many times, way back when, that we have a great mix of influences.
Yeah, my family moved from England to Ireland around the 15th century :)
A lot of the people here are of Irish decendance as Massachusetts is such a strong Irish state. Then there are those that came straight from England all those centuries before :lol: My hometown even has English roots :D Let's see: There are several businesses with the UK flag, two English restaurants. Only one of the two is really good! :D The other is family owned, I've never been.
F&C is a specalty here, but I refuse to have it from restaurants, I like it frozen! It tastes so much better that way.
I'm actually with you, solitaire, the only time I will have fish is frozen. Now the 'chips' I love. But I like it popped :p

The other half of me has no English influence. Sad. :(

ETA: Map from wikipedia :)

South Sore and the Cape have the most English population, going back 350+ years perhaps.
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i remember driving through mass and ny state as a teenager (well, dad was driving) and being quite shocked by all the irish flags, irish signs, irish pubs, bars, etc. not shocked in a bad way, i just wasn't expecting it. but yeah, there are a lot of irish in new england and particularly ny and mass.

i don't know what my roots are, i think i'm a bit english, a bit french, a bit scottish and a bit welsh. i don't speak gaelic but i can manage a little bit of welsh and a fair bit of french. i like to keep up with these things ;)
So, what did everyone get upto for Bonfire night?
We had ours early- there was a display in town on Halloween night. I think they did it to keep the kids off the streets. It worked, anyway. And it was a lovely, dry day. So we were very lucky. My little nephew didn't like the fireworks though.
When we were little we would have people around our house, and make it into a little party. Very nice................
i went to see morrissey - better than fireworks any day :D i <3 morrissey. anyway, there've been kids setting off fireworks in the park across the road from my house every night for the last 2 weeks, and probably for the next two weeks as well, at least!
I have been quite lucky- there havent really heard any fireworks near my house this year. But I have always loved Bonfire night.
That is good that you got to see Morrissey. I see he has been cancelling some gigs recently.
yeah loads of them, he cancelled most of his tour in may because he had laryngitis or something like that. i had tickets to 2 of those, they were rescheduled. the first resched gig went off ok in july, but he added more dates around the second batch of resched gigs because he wanted to make up for being ill before. so he started the new lots of shows and promptly collapsed on stage. result! my resched gig went ahead anyway, as did the new gig i had a ticket for (yaaaaay!) but then at the next gig he did, some idiot threw a full pint glass at him which hit him right in the head. so he said hello to the gig and then left immediately. what kind of idiot throws full pints all over the star of a gig? haven't they realised they'd ruin it for the several hundred others that are there? and if they hate him, why pay 45 quid for a ticket to a show to try a stunt that may not even work, just to show public dislike for someone you've never met? it's pathetic!
How is everyone doing in this weather?
I have to admit, apart from the ice on the pavements I am enjoying it. Mainly because I returned to work last Tuesday after my nice Christmas break, and got sent home early because of the snow! And then the same happened on Wednesday. A good start to the working week!!!
i quite like it because i have a river and park over the road from my house and it means i look out and see dead trees and ducks and grass all covered in snow, it's very pretty - until you look beyond them to the high street!

it's probably quite good for me as i'm in the middle of an essay (2000 words to go, it's due tomorrow, ouch) and it keeps me indoors!

i know a lot of people are annoyed as they have to get places though. and it bugs me that every single year all the transport agencies/government/other services are apparently completely surprised by the snow, and the whole country descends into chaos with trains cancelled, roads closed and a general sense of impending apocalypse. we're in northern europe for god's sake, it snows!!! it happens almost every year, and we're still totally incapable of dealing with it - ohnoz! there's a snowflake! eek! *closes down entire rail network*....

one of my friends went to sainsbury's yesterday and she told me that because of a forecast for 18 inches of snow tonight, people were bulk buying, because clearly this time the apocalypse is actually happening. she stood in a checkout queue for 20 mins without moving, even though it stretched right back into the aisles, and someone in front of her was buying 25 packets of toilet roll - wtf?! 18 inches of snow is quite a lot here, but she lives in clapham! i could understand more if they were living in some remote village on the moors or something, but snow almost never settles in london, it's too urban, too warm, too many people in the way etc, why on earth the people in sainsburys thought they'd have to go into their nuclear snow bunker in clapham is bizarre - it's not like they wouldn't be able to nip to the corner shop still (and sainsburys is the corner shop there), the tube would almost certainly be going still and nowhere in clapham is more than about 15 mins walk from it. [/rant]
Eurgh, snow is evil... I really hate it... :lol: It's pretty to look at, but I hate having to go out in it, especially when my brother is around and wants to throw snowballs at me... :eek: There has been quite a bit of it here the past few weeks, and apparently another large fall is forecast for tonight/tomorrow morning, totally not looking forward to that... I just wish it would hurry up and be gone, I've had enough of it, I want for it to hurry and warm up...
^ Yeah, I hate snowballs!
At the moment here its mainly ice and slush. Dont like that. Proper snow I really do love. It makes everything look so beautiful.

Lisa- that sounds very picturesque. Unfortunately im overlooking a carpark on one side and more buildings on the other. Not quite the same!

I have to say I have been impressed with the trains so far. I went back to my Parents for Christmas and despite the snow I arrived back right on time. Then I came back from it last Tuesday, so the day that there had been the really big snow fall here in Manchester, and my train was only delayed by a couple of minutes. So I cant say anything bad about the trains.

People do panic so easily. I had read about people buying in bulk, but that is alot of toilet rolls!

Hope you finished your essay. x