Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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I think we all freaked out and over-reacted about D/L. Nobody (not even the D/L shippers), were ready for that one.
I'm ready for it, but not in the traditional sense. I think Lindsay's been good for Danny, in that she's helped him become more mature. He's not so whiny (yes, I'm ducking from the lemons being thrown at me). :) Also, like it or not, she has become one constant in his life, at a time when he really needs some consistency. He's assisted her in adapting to the city and becoming part of the NY team. She's stood by him through Tanglewood and Louie (are we going to find out if he's out of the coma this season?), Flack, and Aiden. They are doing what partners do...if that leads to something extra, so be it.

I don't know if any of you ever watched NYPD Blue, but the DL relationship sort of parallels the Sipowicz-McDowell friendship before they became romantic. If you're really old school, parallel to Hunter-McCall.
Please don't kill me, but I like the whole D/L pairing. Though I prefer me and Carmine... They just go together really well - Lindsay, the sweet country girl and Danny, the tough New Yorker.. I just love it. *runs away from Danny/Flack shippers*
^I'm the opposite. While I agree completely that Danny was a whiny little bitch first season (and I mean that with all due affection :lol: ), I liked that about him. I liked the drama he brought. The interactions with Lindsay have made his character bland. Just as I think it's a shame when a woman changes herself for a guy, I think it's pretty disappointing that Danny would feel the need to tone down who he is around Lindsay. Or that the writers would sacrifice a unique character so that they could have a run-of-the-mill, unoriginal romance that we've seen many times before on many other shows.
^ I couldn't agree more. I think Lindsey has stabilized Danny a bit and that's not really a good thing, in my mind. What made Danny unique and interesting in season 1 is that he wasn't always normal or rational. He had strong reactions to everything. Stable Danny is just too normal and average. I'd hate to think his character was changing to become more aligned with a boring woman. There's nothing remotely intriguing about that. We hate to see a woman change for a man and that loss of self is equally unattractive on a man.
Hence the reason for me going back to loving Aiden.

She brought out the real Danny and I don't see that anymore.

Sigh. Poor show. What are you doing to yourself?
I'm all for drama-queen Danny. He made every episode so unpredictable... and the reason why Kimmy's fics work so well!
very true. danny is such a diva, and that's what i loved about him. sometimes it was a bit too much in s1, but s2, he was pretty much stable until bad stuff started happening towards the end of the season.
1CSIMfan said:
^^What was worse than D/L??

Fine, let them get together and then let them fall apart. They'll hate each other and Lindsay will have to leave NY. :D Then Danny will finally realize his love for Flack and the rest is history. :p

Prfect idea. As much as possible, I just don't give a crap about Danny anymore. Like, same 'ol, same 'ol. ENOUGH!
^^Sorry :( but Lindsay is part of the spoilers since one spoiler is about a possible hookup between Danny and Lindsay. IMO, I just don't like it (the D/L spoiler) and it's not Lindsay bashing. Just a discussion on the dislikes of D/L possibly becoming canon.
^^ Stay calm. No one is bashing Lindsey any more than they are bashing Danny. The comments seem more directed toward unhappiness with the change in Danny's character. Everyone is entitled to express their opinion of a spoiler in this thread and no one should take that personally.
The only thing I will say in defense of Danny's change in character is that the guy is growing up, in a sense. His outbursts have been tempered, and I think that naturally happens in life as we mature. I still find him fascinating, how he interrogates suspects, his intensity. I think this year we will see him more with some of the other CSIs as well, and more cocky banter. So to me Danny is just maturing, not becoming boring. JMO.
i agree. drama queen danny was a bit much for me in s1. watching s2, i found him just as interesting without the frequent tears and outbursts. i like the more mature danny, because i think he really does need to grow up, but i don't think the change in him was brought on by lindsay. i think maybe other factors in s1 may have brought him to his senses, but as for lindsay stablizing him, i don't necessarily agree.
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