Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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I heard they are doing more with Stella's situation, TV Guide said it.

I don't m ind the D/L ness myself, I might just enjoy it.
Wow, I'm a little surprised at the negativity here. I'm sure the new season will be great! No show can be perfect or be all things to all people, but it's well done overall. I think Danny and Lindsay are great together, but even if you don't, their moments together only take up 30-60 seconds per show. There's still all the crime-solving to enjoy!

I was wondering how people's impressions of the Jennifer Angell role changed once Claire Forlani was cast? When the character was described as young and fresh out of training, I had been picturing someone about 22. But Ms. Forlani is 34. Also, I wondered if she would be speaking with a British accent. (Ha, maybe she's Jane's cousin! lol)
I don't think my impression of the "Jennifer Angell" character changed learning who played her, but the fact that it seems to be just a small story arc for now made me less suspicious about why the character was being introduced. ;)

As for the D/L thing that may or may not happen, I'm just going to wait and see what really happens. I can't imagine why Lindsay would be allowed to go undercover, unless it's revealed that she has a history of that sort of thing from when she was in Montana. She was a CSI there for 3 years, but it's possible she'd been a regular police officer before that, and even that she'd done some undercover work. *shrug* As I said, I'm just going to wait it out. I don't want to get all worked up over something that may or may not be a bad thing. NY is still my favorite show, so I want to give it the benefit of the doubt before I toss the tv show trophy to Criminal Minds. ;)
I just don't see why TPTB would want to ruin a good show with D/L. All of their flirting scenes are painful to watch. Danny flirts with everybody so what makes her different. I don't see where he really shows interest in her. I think she has a thing for him but it doesn't seem to be returned. There's millions of people in NY, can't she find someone else? Danny had great chemistry with Aiden and the worked well together. They were good friends but that's as far as it went. If they were gonna ship Danny with someone, it should have been Aiden. I'd prefer no ship at all. But why ship two characters that obviously have no chemistry. :(

As for the D/L spoilers, I'm still not too sure they are reliable. I thought the source was supposed to be named. How do we know these aren't just made up? I like spoilers but I want them from credible (or at least known) sources. :confused:
Well, I'm going to hope that after he finds her, he'll realize that ... no. No, I'm hoping this spoilers has been made up by some sadistic asshole who thinks that ruining the show would be funny.

This is the worst news I've had today, second worst news all week.
^^What was worse than D/L??

Fine, let them get together and then let them fall apart. They'll hate each other and Lindsay will have to leave NY. :D Then Danny will finally realize his love for Flack and the rest is history. :p
Mel23 said:
I heard they are doing more with Stella's situation, TV Guide said it.

Thank god! I'm so glad that they're not droping the story but I hope they don't show flashbacks of her being tied up by Frankie as that was not a pleasent scene to watch. I'm not too pleased about how the whole D/L ship might be canon. It's fun to talk about what you want to see but seeing happen is different. Also, I'm not a big fan of D/L so...

Any news on Hawkes getting an episode that resolves around him?
My two cents is, according to the spoilers, that Danny worries about Lindsay going undercover, is frantic to find her and then is glad he did. Now I like Lindsay, but to me, too much is being read into this. I think someone earlier in this thread - forgive me, I just am too tired to look for who right now - said Danny is probably frantic because he lost his brother, his close friend (aiden) and almost lost Flack. He's just freaked out about losing someone else he cares about - Lindsay. I kind of agree, and there's no mention of them so much as hugging. So right now? I hardly think they're going to be suddenly getting married or anything, and will likey remain only a peripheral part of the show. So if you like CSI:NY, I don't think this change should make that much of a difference - just my opinion. I have continued watching shows even when pairings weren't what I would have liked because in a true ensemble, like CSI:NY, there's always something else to focus on. If you hate DL you can always go potty during their scenes. Hee Hee .... nighty night all. Sorry for the long post.
^^You're right. There is something else to focus on-FLACK. I'll just spend my season drooling over Flack. Well...I kinda do that anyway. :rolleyes:

I guess we might have over-reacted audrina but it just came so out of left field. I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that. BTW, I was one of them who mentioned Danny might be upset because of Aiden, Stella, Louie, and Flack. It's only natural that he'd be worried about Lindsay too. It will probably be more subtle than I'm thinking, if it happens at all. Only time will tell and more spoilers. :)
I just don't see why TPTB would want to ruin a good show with D/L. All of their flirting scenes are painful to watch. Danny flirts with everybody so what makes her different.

Amen to that. He flirts with Aiden then Lindsay. What does that spell? PLAYA. Stone Cold Player.
1CSIMfan said:
^^You're right. There is something else to focus on-FLACK. I'll just spend my season drooling over Flack. Well...I kinda do that anyway. :rolleyes:

I guess we might have over-reacted audrina but it just came so out of left field. I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that. BTW, I was one of them who mentioned Danny might be upset because of Aiden, Stella, Louie, and Flack. It's only natural that he'd be worried about Lindsay too. It will probably be more subtle than I'm thinking, if it happens at all. Only time will tell and more spoilers. :)

I overreacted too ... I was like, really??? Even though I like Lindsay, to suddenly have them fall head over heels would just be weird and incongruent with the characters. Full credit for the idea I mentioned above, BTW. :) I will also look forward to Flack ... the man is just beautiful. They better not have him out of the picture from injuries ...
^^Well, if the spoilers are true (and I hope this one is) Flack will be up and running in season 3. Rumor has it that he will be working with Mac, Stella, and Lindsay on the bungee jump thing. I thought maybe TPTB left his name out of the 1st episode release on purpose so we would wonder about his condition.

audrina, I think we all freaked out and over-reacted about D/L. ;) Nobody (not even the D/L shippers), were ready for that one. :)
1CSIMfan said:
audrina, I think we all freaked out and over-reacted about D/L. ;) Nobody (not even the D/L shippers), were ready for that one. :)

Does this mean I can keep sharing info with you guys? ;)
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