I must admit I do wonder when people comment on how much Mac, Grissom and such know about things which could be considered outside their job. I know quite a lot about a few odd (most people would think considering my job) things, and a little about a lot of other things. What people should remember is that Mac and Grissom are late 40's to 50's. They both thirst for knowledge. Which will take in things outside what their job entails. Mac will be well travelled due to his Marine service, we know he did cold weather training in Scandinavia, and he served in Israel, he likes (respects) weapons (both guns and blades), he likes physics, and like me he has an interest in Nostradamus.
I am an admin assistant in the UK, I dont drive. My interests include - Cars (I have always loved cars, how they perform and the specifications and I have a dream list of ones I would want), Guns (life long love, and I used to belong to a gun club - and yes I am femail), Black and White movies, Cowboy movies, hill walking, reading - all kinds of stuff (fiction, science fiction, horror, non fiction) San Francisco, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Dinosaurs, Nostradamus, Michelangelo, Vincent Van Gough, Writing, Wine, Wildlife Conservation, Global Warming, Steam Trains, Helicopters (Mine of useless information on them and a list of ones I want to ride in.) Bats, Big Cats, Cartoons and Comics (Warner Brothers, X-Men, Batman, Spiderman), Old Murder Cases (Friend of the family was an ex New Scotland Yard pathologist he started my interest when he wrote a book) and Heavy Metal Music.
I have picked up a lot of info in my life and I could hold my own in a discussion on most of them and know basic facts on others. But Back to Grissom and Mac, I think they would be even more anal retentive than my self, so I don’t find it odd or strange that they know a lot about things, there is nothing to say that ALL they should know about is what they need to do their job.
I remember a few comments when Stella mentioned that she took dance classes, what was so strange about that? What, all she can be is a scientist and a cop? Please! If all I had was my work I think I would find the nearest bridge and jump! Sorry about the rant but its been building for a while