Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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*bows before all the powerful Mac*

Oh the great Mac Taylor! Is there nothing you can't do? :eek: :lol:

Sorry, I find it funny all the team leaders on the CSI shows know a bit of everything. I mean, apparently Mac was a casual reader of Nostradamus while in the marines. :rolleyes:

I think this episode has the potential to be really entertaining or really far out there. I'm excited to watch Sid's little storyline and continuity for Stella.
I was just saying, I like Peyton really do she has brought something sweet inside of Mac and makes the storie appealing.
I still think Stella will hesitate because of her possible infection. Even though our rational minds know certain things, like that HIV can't be transmitted through saliva/mouth-to-mouth, in a crisis not all fear is rational.

I'm excited to see Sid get a storyline as well. Robert Joy does such a great job of making him stand out, and I hope to see him become a regular cast member.
I must admit I do wonder when people comment on how much Mac, Grissom and such know about things which could be considered outside their job. I know quite a lot about a few odd (most people would think considering my job) things, and a little about a lot of other things. What people should remember is that Mac and Grissom are late 40's to 50's. They both thirst for knowledge. Which will take in things outside what their job entails. Mac will be well travelled due to his Marine service, we know he did cold weather training in Scandinavia, and he served in Israel, he likes (respects) weapons (both guns and blades), he likes physics, and like me he has an interest in Nostradamus.

I am an admin assistant in the UK, I dont drive. My interests include - Cars (I have always loved cars, how they perform and the specifications and I have a dream list of ones I would want), Guns (life long love, and I used to belong to a gun club - and yes I am femail), Black and White movies, Cowboy movies, hill walking, reading - all kinds of stuff (fiction, science fiction, horror, non fiction) San Francisco, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Dinosaurs, Nostradamus, Michelangelo, Vincent Van Gough, Writing, Wine, Wildlife Conservation, Global Warming, Steam Trains, Helicopters (Mine of useless information on them and a list of ones I want to ride in.) Bats, Big Cats, Cartoons and Comics (Warner Brothers, X-Men, Batman, Spiderman), Old Murder Cases (Friend of the family was an ex New Scotland Yard pathologist he started my interest when he wrote a book) and Heavy Metal Music.

I have picked up a lot of info in my life and I could hold my own in a discussion on most of them and know basic facts on others. But Back to Grissom and Mac, I think they would be even more anal retentive than my self, so I don’t find it odd or strange that they know a lot about things, there is nothing to say that ALL they should know about is what they need to do their job.

I remember a few comments when Stella mentioned that she took dance classes, what was so strange about that? What, all she can be is a scientist and a cop? Please! If all I had was my work I think I would find the nearest bridge and jump! Sorry about the rant but its been building for a while :D
I don't recall anyone having a big fap over Stella being familiar with dance, and I, for one was glad to see her have an outside interest. As one who is routinely critical of the burgeoning phenomenon of Super!Mac, my irritation stems from the fact that not only does he have a basic knowledge of all the subjects you mentioned and then some, but he seems to be an expert in all of them as well. Doesn't the spoiler say it's 15th-century French, or am I mistaken? If so, that's not something you pick up in high school or basic training.

Add to that the constant, niggling reminders of Mac's moral infallibility, and it strains credulity. Nobody is that consistently perfect, and it makes Mac look like a smug ass. Not like he needs much help there.
Excuse me but where has it been pointed out that Mac was perfect? He has been wrong and has misjudged a few times. None of the characters are perfect, if they were then there were would be no cases to solve or they would be solved in a few minutes. As for the Stella comments I dint say there was a flap, just that comments were passed on a couple of threads after that ep that the CSI's had to know about everything and used Stella knowing the dance steps as an example.

As for Nostadamus I didnt get him in school, Scottish schools don't go in much for his stuff. I got interested after watching a ducumentary. His book Les Propheties was first published in 1550's.
Jesus Christ. I sodding did, because it's my opinion that the powers that be would have us believe that Mac can do no wrong. Other people have noticed Mac's occasional and ever-increasing lapses into moral superiority as well, though most of them take the tongue-in-cheek approach.

I'm sorry if you don't like my opinion, but I have just as much right to complain about him as you do to like him.
Well excuse me for not agreeing with you.

I was just commenting that I did not say that Mac was perfect. I was just using him as an example as well as Grissom and Stella. Sorry you don't share my POV but as you point out we all can have our say and I do not see the need to be rude!
wooooooah!!! Ladies!!!!!!! Calm down! :lol: everyone has a right to their opinion.. no need to take it personally!! Everyone here should feel free express their opinions and not get judged by them! You both have different views, yeah i agree, but ya need to respect each others views.!!

Anyways.. i cant wait to see the upcoming episode (Damn the UK!!!! :( :lol: ) it looks like a tough one for Stella... and poor sid!!!! :(
chelliyah said:
Everyone here should feel free express their opinions and not get judged by them! You both have different views, yeah i agree, but ya need to respect each others views.!!

Anyways.. i cant wait to see the upcoming episode (Damn the UK!!!! :( :lol: ) it looks like a tough one for Stella... and poor sid!!!! :(

Well said...*g*

I hope we get a lot more of Sid, I like his quirky ways, it does look interesting, and the Stella story and its far reaching implications (i.e. blood test results) looks to be good as well.
Sid is a brilliant character and I am glad he is going to get a storyline! Loving the sexy glasses! lol
I dont know how much of Sid we will get but anything that brings him more into the show I am all for it. I like his character...he is strange..and I love strange... And I agree I love the glasses.
yeah i love the way he jus comes out with random things lol especially when he is with hawkes :lol:
I wonder what his story line is going to be?
I don't think he's getting a storyline so much as just a few bits of development--it seems like the scene(s) we're talking about are more about Stella than actually being about Sid. But we'll still learn a bit about him, so it can't be a bad thing. :)
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