Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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…maybe even Adam or soemone like that who gets shot.
Don’t say such blasphemous things! :lol: :p

But no, no one said someone was going to get shot. I’m pretty sure midnight meant it as a sarcastic joke. CSI: NY seems to potentially be heading for an action-packed finale, and in a great sense of irony (for me at least), it seems like the time and place that someone would be shot.

That and the writers' whimsical, and at times, questionable plotlines.

But I’m surprised Miami hasn’t beaten them to this particular storyline yet, lol. I'll be interested to see how it's handled in New York. ;)
It is indeed an interesting storyline, one I'm glad to see on NY rather than Miami first. :lol: Hopefully there'll be more information soon.
So it's gonna be all about the drugs case the last few episodes. Does it all tie back to the episode Consequenses? Looks like it. Interesting, but I was hoping for more that that. But I guess, we have to wait for season 4 for that.

Orison said:
It is indeed an interesting storyline, one I'm glad to see on NY rather than Miami first. :lol:

You never know with Miami :lol: ... but as long there is no mole in the NY lab :p, I'm fine with this one, let's see how it plays out
I vote that the guys are stuck in the vault and it starts getting hot and there is some stripping of ze clothes...:devil: *nudges Adam into the vault with the other guys* :D (I kid, I kid! :p)

But I think it'll be interesting if this ties in with Truby and that whole thing from "Consequences." Maybe it was bigger than just one corrupt cop in the NYPD...

*sniffs the air* I smell Super!Mac (although he might prefer Sgt. Rock or whatever it was :lol:) on the air. :p
Faylinn said:
I vote that the guys are stuck in the vault and it starts getting hot and there is some stripping of ze clothes...:devil: *nudges Adam into the vault with the other guys* :D (I kid, I kid! :p)

Me thinks there is no kidding on your part. :p :lol: :devil:
Who's gonna get shot??? *hmmm*

Well I don't think it's Stella since the poor girl has the HIV thingy, and then her real identity :p, Flack was almost dead in last season's finale, Lindsay had her big story with the trial, Hawkes was in jail *hmmm* I vote for Danny or Mac. Danny 'cause he hasn't had a big story this season, Mac 'cause.. well he's always in trouble at the end of the seasons :lol: since the beginning of the season I've been wondering what will happen to Mac this year??? :p, and that could lead to Smacked things too :devil:

ETA: I like the "stripping of ze clothes.." part Faylinn but I vote for Mac and Stella ... trapped :eek: :eek: :devil:
THe whole heist/vault thing reaks of Miami to me. If I see Mac suddenly put his shades on on slo-mo I'm out. :rolleyes:

Let's see ... if someone gets shot, I'm guessing Adam. Just a guess! If he does get shot, I hope they have to rip his clothes off to save him, just for Fay. :D
Where did all this, "If so-and-so gets shot" talk come from..? It's just speculation right, there's nothing actually saying someone gets shot..?
Audrina, don't make me sit on you. :lol: I really don't see why they'd shoot Adam, although they would definitely make all of us cry--who wouldn't cry if The Adam got shot?!?! But then they'd probably have his personality change next season, and I could do without that.

In any case, we don't know that anybody gets shot or anything specific about what happens, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. :)
Faylinn said:

But I think it'll be interesting if this ties in with Truby and that whole thing from "Consequences." Maybe it was bigger than just one corrupt cop in the NYPD...

Now see I like this idea. I am hopping for more scenes with Mac and Flack. Cause Gary and Eddie both came across very well in the scenes in Consequences and the following eps.

Looks like we may not be seeing Reed again this season but hopefully in season 4.

Re Midnight's sweep (joke) about someone getting shot lets see....hmmmm. Flack - Dont think so not after last year! Lindsay - Unlikely. Danny - Possibly. Stella - Dont think they would go down that route with her story line. Adam - Possible but unlikely. Peyton - Possible just think of the Mac Angst. Sid - Dont think so. Hawkes - More likely than the rest to give him some focus in the final ep. Mac - Entirely possible given the case connection from previous eps.

But dont worry as Midnight said she was just starting a What if discussion. As far as we know no one gets shot - mind you I can see the possibility of a Hostage situation .....ooohh I cant wait....
Re Midnight's sweep (joke) about someone getting shot lets see....hmmmm. Flack - Dont think so not after last year!

Hmm, I don't know. I could see Flack getting maybe a minor GSW and Mac having to patch him up and Flack could say something snarky about deja-vu! But of course that would mean TPTB remembering last seasons finale, grrr!!!
Well, most of the main characters have had their storyline shots (no pun intended..lol) Just as long as it's not my poor poor Sid gettin' shot......Nooooo....... Hammerback will not be a visitor on his own slab..........runs away screaming.........
Wasn't there some reason why Danny and Lindsey were prevented from *ahem* 'taking their relationship to the next level'? Danny getting shot in the nuts would sure explain that one....
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