Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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A rumor was posted to one of the NCIS lists about there being major cast shake ups in both CSI Miami and CSI New York (okay, the rumor said C NCIS, but we think it meant NY)

I have heard its CSI LV. Apparantly there is rumors of Jorja Fox not returning and Louise Lomard(Sophia)has apparantly signed on to do a pilot on another network.
I pray that Stella not a twin, mainly because CSI: NY is a Crime Drama not a Soap Opera. As interesting as your theory is CalleighWolfe it (in my opinion) is way to far fetch. Stella being kidnapped having a twin she may or may not know about seriously sounds like a plot line on Days Of Our Lives. Why not just have Mac have an evil twin who kills Mac and takes over the crime lab and no one knows about it til Mac comes back from “the dead” and exposes the evil twin. Is that a good storyline?

I think Scotty comes to NY with info on Stella parents (bio). They are some cold case the team is working. Because we have no info on her parents she has never met them. So why not just have them be dead, its not like they will become characters on the show. Whatever the storyline I think its cool the a CSI is having a cross-over episode with a show that is not CSI.
Dear La Guera just made me realize that the new male detective that we were talking about in the foster care episode isn't a new detective at all--it's Valens from "Cold Case." That explains why he asked the woman at the foster home about Stella. ;) So we at least know that we'll get to see him and Danny in a scene or two. :D
Raylinn :lol: :lol: don't worry, we're speculating :lol:

Although La Guera I like the black market theory too :p. And I forgot to say I really loved your manip Faylinn :lol: maybe she's a superhero.

Now serious: I really hope it's not something weird, poor Stella has been through these bad things, like Frankie, then the HIV and now she's gonna know who she really is?, man that's far fetch, poor girl. I really hope she finds out something good about her family, although all these dramatic stories that have been happening in the CSI shows lately make me things about more dramatic stories to come. I agree about not wanting the show to become a soap opera, but hey that's what they're doing. Every single character of CSI has had a problem (or more :|).

BTW, I'm confused: so Stella will know the HIV tests results, know about her real identity, and Mac has to give his badge and gun, all in episode 22???? :confused:. If I'm wrong guys, please tell me. ;) Thanks a lot!!!

1 month and 4 days to go :eek:
Say, where are you guys getting all these spoilers? Just curious......

I cannot imagine how my perspective on Stella will change if we end up learning that Stella Bonasera may not be her real name after all. Maybe perhaps she may be connected to a murder she committed in the late 1980s as a teenager and managed to get away for almost 20 years. Imagine how it would literally cause us to reexamine everything we thought we knew about the charachters.
thanks for posting the new spoilers..I am so excited about the Flack/Mac scene and the fact that Peyton is back

Question though--will Reed be back again this season?
^ :lol: :lol: :lol:

Twins, kidnapping, mistaken identities...please, please no. I have a feeling we're going to find out that Stella has a sister (that's been in the works almost since the beginning of the series), but please, let it not be soapy and let Stella not be turned into some sort of a victim. *sigh*

Fay, good point about Valens. But usually if it's a crossover, the characters from show A are on show B and vice versa (at least 1-2 characters). So it would be weird to have characters from Cold Case show up on NY and not have characters from NY on Cold Case. I guess we'll see, but generally crossovers are supposed to benefit both shows.

I'm looking forward to seeing the investigation into Mac, too. I have to say, I've found him to be less sanctimonious this season than in past ones, but he does have a holier-than-thou attitude that really grates sometimes. It will be interesting see how he does when the heat's on him.
Faylinn said:
Dear La Guera just made me realize that the new male detective that we were talking about in the foster care episode isn't a new detective at all--it's Valens from "Cold Case."

Duh. *smacks self* That proves how dumb I can be... :lol: I kept asking myself who this new guy was and why it sounded like they were familiar with each other if we hadn't seen him before. Now it makes sense. Thanks for opening my eyes, ladies. :D

As for Cold Case, I read spoilers for that too but there's no mention of any of the NY characters paying a visit. Weird if like Top said, crossovers go both way.

This said,, I'm definitely interested in Scotty travelling to the Big Apple. :)
Thanks for the spoilers! It sounds like we've got a lot of intriguing things happening for end of season!

I'm excited to see the Mac storyline, and I do like the thought of he and Flack talking, and Danny walking out, too. Re: Mac being sanctimonious, I don't find him any more so than Horatio, and actually I find him a helluva lot less holier-than-thou than that pompous asshat Grissom (JMO) but that said, yes, Mac can definitely be a pill - I just don't think he has the market cornered in that department, in CSI-land :lol: I'm very intrigued to see how it all plays out, and as someone mentioned above, how he does when the heat is on him and his actions for a change.

And yeah, 3 Cheers for the Continuity Fairy! "Consequences" hasn't been forgotten. Now if we can only scrape a wee mention of or scene with Louie...
Oh my God!! I've always loved you, Faylinn! But that's a great spoiler!!! Thank you!! I can barely wait... it sounds way too good.
You're lovin' on the wrong person kissmesweet. **sobs** As Fay stated, that was me. :p
Thanks Faylinn
Fay, damn you, why are you getting all the credits for my posts? :rolleyes:
Say, where are you guys getting all these spoilers? Just curious......
Sorry but we can't reveal our sources for fear of losing them. ;)
Question though--will Reed be back again this season?
Haven't seen him mentioned anywhere.
*basks in the misguided glow*
You paid them off, didn't you? :lol: :p
Fay, damn you, why are you getting all the credits for my posts?
It's because I'm so generally awesome. :lol: Just kidding. :p

Really, I think you and I are just melding into one uber-poster or something. :lol:

I definitely hope that we see more of Reed by the end of the season--otherwise they might pull a Louie with him and we'll never hear about him again.
It was supposed to be 4/18, but the Futon Critic is listing it as 4/11 now, so it may be airing a week sooner...
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