Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants
I heard as well that it was picked up for BBC and I happen to have that channel.

(Hmm, y'think it'll be picked up on BBC Canada as well?)
As for TNT, those jerks. Why must they pick the only channel Canada doesn't seem to have in a basic satellite/cable/digital cable package?
Anyway, I'll just be glad to see it if I can catch it on BBC this summer or by the end of the year.
I wonder when Rory's going to get into something else? He's done 'A Scanner Darkly', 'Right at Your Door' and now 'The Company' in about a three year span. Hopefully he'll be doing some more projects soon as 'The Company' is in post-production. I'd actually really like to see him get back into TV as maybe a guest star on some TV shows. (Not necessarily Miami.

) Since his contract (I believe) is already up with CBS and they no longer own him (

) maybe he'd be willing to do some other networks the pleasure of his acting skills. I know he said once in an interview that he's always picked for these stoner roles, and he'd like to be a lawyer or something. I think he'd fit in well with that role. Plus, television isn't always contracted and I know he said that he doesn't want to get into a weekly gig. Any thoughts?