Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

^^It may say whether or not yours will in the instruction manual? But if it doesn't don't automatically assume it won't convert the formats.

Since I haven't done this in ages, and since I have my photobucket open:


^^My favorite picture ever. :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Thanks for the pic, Thumpy :) It's nice to see you in here again :)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Thanks for the picture, Jenn. :D I've always loved that one. Not only because he has the black dress shirt, (hee) but because I love his eyes there. He's just a pretty man. :devil:

For some reason, that's the only photoshoot type thing Rory's done apart from CSI:Miami. (Not counting things that have been done for red carpets, etc) I'd like to see another photoshoot but the poor guy's so elusive. :lol: I mean, the guy should get some updated headshots right?

One thing though that I really loved about Rory since he left the show, is he always seems to be sporting the dress shirt and stubble. :lol: I'm not sure if he'd always done that (because there were times where it was a coat and jeans or t-shirt and jeans, etc) but I really love the look for him and I hope he likes it as well. -- The stylists for CSI:Miami definitely got it right in season two.

And I know, I know, the crazy Geni is analysing his clothing again but I've always believed that you can tell a lot about a man by what he wears, lol.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I loved that pic!!! it's saved on my pc!!!! i had a Rory dream last night, here's what happened:

we were on a date and he took me to this realy nice restaurant. and we talked about our hobbies and stuff. then afterwards we went for a moonlight ride on his ducati to the beach and we sat there in each others arms. then we went back to his place and we watched a movie. we started kissing in the middle of the movie and then he carried me to his bedroom and then we *ahem* did certain things :D :devil:

well i'll let your imaginations take over from there :devil:
it was the best Rory dream i've ever had!!!!!!!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Oh my lordy! Thumpy! thank you , thank you thank you! :D :devil: that pic is sooo...yummy :p That is now number 200 in my Rory picture colection....and number 32 on my wall.... :lol: You know how some people collage on their bedroom walls with posters and the like? I do that with pictures of Emily and Rory :D

that must have been an awesome dream Bullet Girl.
I almost missed this comment! :D Yes, it was veery veeeery vivid..... Awesome as ever :D sorry, I'm just on a berry V high :p facials and getting my face poked with sharp pointy things all day...jesus...what a girl goes through to look gorgeous.. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I wathced Dazed and Confused last night. It was hilarious!!!! i love that movie!!! i never get tired of watching it....and i was watching Slater and i was like "OMG!!!!! that can't be that same person!!!" but it was infact our Rory. Slater looks so different from Speed it just makes you go OMG!!!!!! see what i mean...... Speed
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Didn't I say like 2 days ago that A Scanner Darkly didn't excite me one bit and that I'd wait until it came on Sky Movies to watch it? :rolleyes:

Then err why did I buy it today in HMV :lol: It was part of the 3 DVDs for £20 promotion. Right At Your Door was also in the offer but I already have that :lol: I also bought Munich and World Trade Centre/Center, and I bought JFK for £3. I told you I was sick in the head when it comes to those kind of movies :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

happy birthday Bullet Girl ! my gift to you is a fan video i found of Rory Cochrane! :D hope you like it. ;)

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Sorry luvspeed, unfortunately fan videos can no longer be linked here due to copyright infringement. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I had another Rory dream..i have them quite often actually :D and most of them end up with the two of us in the bedroom :devil: :D

in this dream we went to a club and we were having some drinks with Adam and Jon tagged along. and we were talking and Adam of course was trying to impress the ladies. and then Rory, Jon and i were laughing at a prank that Emily pulled on Adam. and then Rory says to me "why don't we finish this at my place" and then we go to his place...ditching Jon and Adam , but they were to distracted by women to notice. and then we started making out on the couch and then he led me into the bedroom and we *ahem* (i'll stop there before it gets to uhhhhh....yeah :devil: :D)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

thanks for the wishes, luvspeed! :D if you could, could you PM me the link? I'd love to see it :D

Need4Speed! :eek: :devil: I love smutty Rory dreams! :D yummy! :D

Empire Records is still the only Rory Cochrane movie I own :( I mean its great, funny....cute... but I need something different! :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Happy Birthday Bullet_Girl :D Have a great, and Speedlicious day :p Sorry, couldn't resist :rolleyes:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Speedlicous...i like that, Draginfly Dreamer!!! I'm gonna star saying that to all my friends now :D some of them like Speed too. and you know, i don't know why but all my Rory dreams end up smutty :devil: :D
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