Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I really loved the 'well that's sweet, looks like he really cares for her' because it just sums up Speed. :lol: But I had to go with 'Now what do I do?' and 'We'll go through windows if we have to'.

Megan, he IS dedicated to the job, huh? :lol: I'd like to see him making his way through a suspect's window, lol. Knowing him though, he'd send in Eric and stand outside the window offering 'moral support'. :lol:

Ooh, I love how active this thread seems to be. Warms my heart. :D [/random]

Okay back to the Speedness!

If I could ask Rory one question, it would be...Hmm, it's slightly harder because for me it would be easier to ask a fictional character something rather than an actor. :lol: But anyway, I'd probably ask him what his favorite job was. I'd like to know if he'd pick one of the Independant films, one of the box office films (A Scanner Darkly, Hart's War, etc) or CSI:Miami. I think it would be interesting to see his take on it. With that, I'd also cheat and ask him a second question, that being why he chose independant acting over say, larger scale movies or television.

If I were to ask Speed a question, I'd ask how he feels about every single one of his co-workers and he'd have to be honest about it. :lol: We never get to really find out what's going on in his head about the people he works with. Even if he does make fun of Eric, or picks on Calleigh a tad, I want to know if that's just the surface or if there is more underneath to be revealed. :p (and I don't mean what's under his clothes, lol)

Great questions!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I'd ask Rory whether he's had any regrets on leaving Miami, and as for Speed, I'd ask him for a ride on his motorcycle!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

if i could talk to Rory i'd ask what is his favorite film he worked on...in detail. like who he worked with, how long it took, did he have fun etc. ;)

if i could talk to Speed i'd ask for a personal tour of Miami. i want to spend as much time with him as possible. :devil: :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

if i could ask Rory one question it would be "will you help me pull pranks on David, Adam, and Emily?"

and I'd ask Speed "could i hang out with you......all the time? you're so awesome!"
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Ooh, I love how active this thread seems to be. Warms my heart. :D [/random]
Isn't it great? :D

I'd like to see him making his way through a suspect's window, lol. Knowing him though, he'd send in Eric and stand outside the window offering 'moral support'.
:lol: I can just see that scene. I'm sure he'd make lots of 'helpful' comments as Eric struggled to get through :p

I had answers for both of the questions, but they seem to have escaped me at the moment. I'm tired :p I'll have to sleep on it and get back to you in the morning.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

that reminds me of the Ep Stalkerazzi!!! where Eric climbed the tree and Speed offered "moral support" and just watched Eric climb. i love that ep!!!!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

that kinda sounds like me sometimes. :D i'm pretty sure we all do that at least once. ;)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

:eek: Uh oh, Need4Speed, you included a black dress shirt picture. *squees* :lol:

Okay, fangirl moment over! Thanks for those pictures, especially the one where he's doing that hand thing. That cracks me up, lol.

It's sad that I went to a motorcycle store with my dad and he asked me what kind of bike he should buy and I yelled "DUCATI!" and then he proceeded to say "They only sell Hondas here." :rolleyes: Fine. I'll just have to go find one for him.

DragonflyDreamer said
:lol: I can just see that scene. I'm sure he'd make lots of 'helpful' comments as Eric struggled to get through. :p

Somehow, if that happened on the show, it would be my favorite scene. :lol: It's great because if they ever decided to have a Speed flashback sometime next season, we could totally write his lines. :p I don't think the writers would do him much justice.

^^ luvspeed, that's one of the reasons I really love his character. You can definitely identify with how he acts sometimes. I mean, at work you're supposed to be professional but sometimes you just want to let someone else do the work because you think you're 'just too old for this crap'. :p (Not that he's old, but you get the idea, lol) Plus, we've all wanted to snap a sarcastic comment at someone because of their stupidity every now and then.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Picuters! Squee! *cough* I'm done now...

speed_cochrane said:Somehow, if that happened on the show, it would be my favorite scene. :lol:
:lol: For sure!

It's great because if they ever decided to have a Speed flashback sometime next season, we could totally write his lines. :p I don't think the writers would do him much justice.
It's so true! We really could. And no one would ever know the difference :devil:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

wow!!!! those pics are great!!!!! :eek: balck dress shirt!!! *squee* *drool* and he has such a sexy smile and the second one!!!! omg!!!!! there's some skin in that one!!!!!!! wow!!* gets bucket to drool in* OMG!!! i love that last one of the whole cast!!!!!! wow!!!! Rory in that white shirt!!! and Adam in that tight white t-shirt!!!! :eek: and Rory's smile is just so sexy!! he needs to do it more!!!!!!!!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Need4Speed...we're allowed to have either text or a banner in our sigs, but not both. If you'd like to credit your icon/banner makers, we usually suggest using the bio section of your profile to do so.

Thanks. :)
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