Show Hill Harper some love!

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quietgirl said:
Yep, I got love for Hill Harper!!! He's witty, clever, intelligent, and charismatic. He brings something extra to the show. Frankly, I would never imagine a Medical Examiner to have that much enthusiam and charm working out of a But that was one the things that caught my eye in his portrayal of Dr. Sheldon Hawkes. Now that he is a CSI, we get to see even more of him! As long as he is on the show, I will always be a dedicated viewer!!!!
Man oh man! Did you see the episode 'Grand Station'? Hawkes was just friggin' hilarious in it! Especially at that J.Lo part! Ahaha! I was just laughing my arse off!

"Did you know that J.Lo had her butt insured for 1billion dollars? 5million per cheek."

:lol: :lol: Ohh! *dries tears* Hilarious! Rock on Hill Harper! And yes, S2 is awesome with him working in the field. Was really sad when Aiden had to leave though :(.
OK, this is from the "Ask a question" thread in the general forum, but I thought I'd bring it here and see if anyone here has any ideas...

In NY, the CSIs have all been cops. Do we know if Hawkes became a cop or is he just a CSI?
I think that in Summer in the City Mac asked him how his basic exams went so i'm assuming that Hawkes isn't a Detective. Giving his science/medical background I don't think that it would be necessary for him to go back to the police acadmey.

Hill hasn't been getting much love on the show recently, so let's give him some love on here. ;)

I was wondering: has anybody who posts on here read his book?
I'm not sure his book is even out here yet - I'd probably have to get it shipped over.

Seriously though, Hill is an amazing actor and he's being wasted right now. I'm missing him! I hope we see more of him in the next few episodes, and he gets some serious airtime in series three.
I would love to see a Hawkes centric episode. Maybe learn a little more about his past, get into his head a little. Everybody else has had their own episodes already, this week even Lindsay's getting one and she only just joined the cast this season.
We need a Hawkes-centric story! We sort of had one in "Coroporate Warriors"--that episode really showed his compassion and depth--but that was at the beginning of the season.

I miss him working with Danny, too! Those two had a really great dynamic together--Hawkes kind of calmed Danny down and seemed to chill him out a bit, so I'd love to see them paired up again (maybe next season, since this one is winding down).
More Hawkes is the number one item on my CSI: NY wish list. I really wish they'd put him on cases with one other person instead of being third or forth on the case. I loved him in Corporate Warriors and thought he worked really well with Stella in Zoo York. I would really like to see him paired up with Mac or Lindsay too.
Faylinn said:

Hill hasn't been getting much love on the show recently, so let's give him some love on here. ;)
Good job, Fay! The man deserves some more consistent lovin' from us. :devil:

I was wondering: has anybody who posts on here read his book?
I'm currently reading it. Not finished yet, but it's a good book. Well written for its target audience, straight answers to a lot of things they probably don't get answers to elsewhere, and it's a light easy read. ... And you've gotta love a man who is ambitious enough to write a book in his spare time.

We really do need some Hawkes-centric episodes. If we could dissect his character to the extent that Danny can be dissected, I'm sure we would. Poor Hawkes. :(
He had that whole trauma that made him quite his job as a surgeon and become an ME, didn't we? And we know he's a child prodigy. Plus I believe he built that little camping bed place in the morgue when he worked through 9/11.

Come on, we've got loads of starting points TPTB! Let's have us some Hawkes-time :)
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