Show Hill Harper some love!

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Ha, Faylinn, I lost a bet to someone because I thought I saw some guy in a show who wasn't. I checked out his filmography on - the movie's not on it!
Heh, thought you guys might like to hear this.

On my cable service, there was a new advertisement for CSI:NY, and Hill was asked about his character Hawkes. And in his own words, "My character is the most intelligent person on the show." :lol: Don'tcha just love him? ;)
Heh. I'm glad he's so humble about that sort of thing. ;) :lol:

BTW, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's done the mis-identification thing with a movie (although, to be fair, Top was right that it wasn't really my fault...*cough* ;)).

I've been watching S1 episodes, and I have to mention "Blood, Sweat and Tears." :p Hill said in the chat that his favorite scene was the one where they were taking the kid out of the box, and I have to agree. That scene just fit Hawkes so well. :lol: What doesn't bring that man joy?

Guh...he looks so hot in black and white pictures--I wish this one was better quality.


The lips, the lips!! *drifts off into naughty thoughts* ;)
Kimmychu said:
Heh, thought you guys might like to hear this.

On my cable service, there was a new advertisement for CSI:NY, and Hill was asked about his character Hawkes. And in his own words, "My character is the most intelligent person on the show." :lol: Don'tcha just love him? ;)

I love a complete lack of modesty in a man! :lol:

But Hill is right. Hawkes is a genius! I also love how Hill said in the interview here that Hawkes had the most money and therefore has the nicest clothes. :lol: He cracks me up!
Top41 said:
I also love how Hill said in the interview here that Hawkes had the most money and therefore has the nicest clothes. :lol: He cracks me up!
I liked that too. However, that might not work to his benefit. I'd have no hesitation to rip that 3 buck Hanes tank top right off Danny's bod and throw it on my bedroom floor. But I'd probably treat an Armani with a bit more care, which might be to Hawkes' disadvantage. ;)
Faylinn, thanks for posting that photo! He's got an adorable smile, but that serious look -uhhhhhmmmm - totally makes me lose my train of thought.
I bought 'The 4400' 's second season on DVD today and while screencapping it for my website I took some screencaps of Hill during the episode in which he appeared.

Just thought I'd show Hill Harper some love. :p
It's sad that Harper doesn't get any real screen-time on CSI:NY. I think he should at least get more time than Anna/Linsday, if anything.
Or maybe just more screen time than characters that aren't in the opening credits (Hammerback, Adam, Stella's breasts, etc.)
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I love a man with big lips and Hill has the perfect size...lips that is :lol:. Seriously the man needs much more screen time. He's a fantastic actor and plus he's super smart as well and who doesn't adore an intelligent man?
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