Show Hill Harper some love!

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Thanks for those pics ThisIsMe :D. I prefer Hill for facial hair and ooh, what is Constantine Maroulis doing there :lol:?
jorja_fan86 said:
Thanks for those pics ThisIsMe :D. I prefer Hill for facial hair
You're welcome :D
He definately looks different when he's clean shaven! I like him with a little scruffiness too, but hey, I'd take him either way. :p :lol: :D
I like the one where he's holding his book. :)

I was thinking about why he looks different in these pics and realized that he shaved his facial hair off and that's what confused me. :lol: I liked his look on the show more too. :)
I found this photo of Hill over on google and I must say he looks beyond sexy in this pic :D:

He HAS MY UNDYING LOVE, don't fret none! Love me some Hill and Sheldon Hawkes! He's sexy, adorable, intelligent, witty, charming, strong and compassionate. What is there not to love seriously?
I HEART HILL. :D Thanks for the pic jorja_fan. He's so Fine and cool in his own skin. :D
Definitely Hill with the facial hair. What the heck is Naima doing in those poses? "Modeling"?!!! She looks terrible. :devil:
Definitely prefer him with facial hair! Thanks for posting the book party pictures! :D
I posted pics of Hill from 'The Handler', in my thread with the news that it's on air on one of our hungarian channels. Feel free to take any of those pictures. :) Hill looks weird with that big hair! :D
He's so cute!!! I wanna smoosh him like a Shar-Pei puppy and bake him until he's all fluffy!!

Oh. This isn't the angry_love LJ community. Whoops. :eek: :lol: But seriously, Hill looks much better with facial hair to me. Then again, I have a major luv for men with facial hair. ;)
Er...I wish I had something interesting to say...but I don't, so here're some pictures. :eek:

Tee hee hee, he's cute even when his hair is funny. ;)

I love his smile. >_<

You know, I'm still waiting for a picture of Hill playing his guitar. :devil: But I'll settle for proof of teh hot abs. :p

My mother swears that she saw Hill playing one of the cops in "The Fifth Element"...must put in my DVD to check this out. ;) :p It wouldn't surprise me if it is him, because my mom has a secret crush on Hill, so she'd be the one to spot him in a teeny little role. :p

The only thing I've seen Hill in other than NY is Lackawana Blues, which was an amazing movie by the way. :)

Oh, and I've flipped past "Love, Sex, and Eating the Bones," but I can't quite bring myself to watch it. :eek:

Edit: Er, I watched some of "The Fifth Element" last night and, uh...I didn't see Hill in it. I don't know who my mother thought was him, but I don't think he's in I feel like a dork. :eek: ;)
^Don't feel like a dork! I do that all the time--think I've seen someone in something and then find out I was wrong. And in this case it wasn't even you who made the mistake. :D

I definitely prefer Hill with the facial hair and the close-cropped haircut. He's such a striking man! And his smile rules--I love big smiles. :D
Oh that thread is back! yeah! :lol:
I agree he looks good with facial hair :) but then I also like him without. He is just so sweet :)
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