Show Hill Harper some love!

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:lol: I just read the transcript of the chat and feel I must express my love for Hawkes! First off Hill Harper, is truly a well rounded highly intriguing man. I'm interested in reading his book and loved the thought in which he answered the questions. I wish I wasn't so inept with time that I missed the chat. It looked like a good time.

Now Hawkes...what can ya say? I absolutely adored his interaction with the litter girl in 'Grand Murder at Central Station' in regard to her teddy bear, and the care in which he processed it. SO SWEET! Also in 'Coporate Warriors' the way he dealt with the man who inadvertantly killed his girlfriend's that was so beautiful it made that episode for me.

I look forward to more backstory on this man and have been quite curious about why he went from being a surgeon, to ME, to CSI. And has anyone else noticed that he has this calm intensity about him...the only time I can recall this season where he's acted at ALL strongly is when the vic died on the way to the hopsital in 'Grand Murder'...bring on more Hawkes I'm all for it! :D

Oh and as a sidenote if he's boasting better abs than Carmine then he might have to show us the goods soon! Vic in a pool somewhere?? Hawkes has to go in?? Come it in people. :D
I missed the chat because I was asleep. (We'll ignore the fact that I was planning on being there but actually forgot...)

Either way... Hill, yay! I loved him in ER - that's one of my all time favourite episodes, it was long before I really knew who Hill was. Sheldon is adorable, he was so great with the little girl in 202 and he's just... all round wonderful. *giggles foolishly*
Usually surgeons who lost someone, someone close whose life was in the surgeon's hands is the reason why they choose pathology. They can't take the stress of someone's life depending on their knowledge and calm hands. It really must be an overwhelming feeling, I know I couldn't ever do it.

Well I didn't get any anonymus emails with pictures so yeah, we're still waiting! :lol: But now if you click on my name on the side you can get my secondary email address (if you can't find my other one), where some people can send their pictures of their abs. *hint, hint* :D
LMAO...way to pimp yourself out there as the picture queen Blue

I'd love an HQ of his apparent lovely abs...that'd make my day. ;)

Usually surgeons who lost someone, someone close whose life was in the surgeon hands is the reason why they chose pathology.

See now that just makes me insanely curious about what could have happened. Did a child die? Someone he thought he should have saved? What? Yes I'm full of questions today. :p
What can I say? I'd take the pictures myself, but since there's... what... an ocean between us I'd take the pictures he takes of himself. ;)

Yeah, that brings up tons of questions. It could be that his girlfriend/wife died that way. We don't know. I'm curious about it too.
Hey there is no ocean between him and I...just a lot of land...I volunteer! Oooh oooh pick me!

Well he did mention something about more about Hawkes, Flack and Lindsay next I really look forward to that!
^^ I know I know...he is the god of backstory and we just might see him decend on CSI:NY!! You know and not souly focus on Danny Messer, however much I love that man I'd like more on Hawkes and Flack. :p
Having Hawkes and Flack work on a case together would be like heaven on earth to me. Seeing two sexy and witty guys share the screen is just *guh*. So writers, if you're reading this...just do all us Hawkes groupies a favour and show us some love. Hawkes doesn't need to be shafted!
Not that I don't want it to happen again, but Hawkes and Flack did work together. They worked the arson case in "Corporate Warriors" They were so cute together.
I liked that there was a little conflict between them in that ep, too. It makes sense that Hawkes would make a few missteps while he's learning how to be a CSI.
i adore hill harper...he was on this uber cool show called the handler (which they cancelled :mad: *grumble grumble*) and he was just phenomenal...

i swear, i watch NY for hill and eddie...not that i don't love csi...but honestly, yeah. that's why.
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