Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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Oh my gosh, guys, can we stop discussing screen time? Let's give TPTB the benefit of the doubt and watch a month or so of episodes before griping. I know, in the past, CSI has not done the best job of handling breaking up the screen time. Warrick and Nick seem more like background characters most the time, which is unfortunate. Brass sometimes blips off the map for episodes at a time, and he's been there since day 1.

As for keeping every actor in every episode, it's almost impossible. Some actors have other projects going on during the usual shooting period of the season. And, often, this show tends to double shoot towards the end of the season. Rather than shooting a single episode at a time, they shoot two separate episodes at once. This makes it difficult for actors to be in every episode. It's one of those things that has to happen on a show that uses 8 business days to shoot an episode.

For Greg fans, I think what you're getting now is more than you used to. I know for fans who only came on in the last two seasons, it doesn't seem that way, but Greg used to be the Hodgins, in that, he was usually in a lot of episodes, but not for long.

I think that a lot of us have voiced our problems with the cast bloat, and I want to wait a while before griping anymore, if only to build up evidence to lodge a proper complaint.

So, if after a month or so, you think the cast bloat is detracting from the screen time of your favorites, you can try contacting CBS about it; but, remember, screen time comes mostly from contracts, so the actors will get as much screen time as their contracts allow. Therefore, don't always blame their lack of screentime on TPTB. Sometimes, you need to blame actors' agents. ;)

As for this new season, I am actually looking forward to it. I think the Season 7 opener will test my newfound re-appreciation of Catherine, but I'm trying to remain open-minded. "Toe Tags" sounds like a fun romp into the ALMOST paranormal, but I hope it's better than last year's "Shooting Stars." "Fannysmackin'" should be great because we get to see Greg really pushed for the first time since the lab blew up, and we get to see Grissom reminded that there are dangers for his team every day, not just in the extreme moments. "Double Cross" is one I'm nervous about; as a Christian, I'm always interested in what the mainstream media has to say about faith; and my Grandmother is Spanish Catholic, raised by nuns in Barcelona, so, I'm probably going to try to make sure she doesn't watch... As a woman in her late-70's, I think it would be too much.

"Burnout" sounds compelling, thus far, though I worry about the amount of Sophia time being reported in the initial sides. Yes, I know it's subject to change, but, if this episode turns out to be Sophia heavy, there might be some evidence for those worried about screentime to grab ahold of. ;)

Personally, I don't worry about screentime. Yes, I'd love to see more of the boys, and even our beloved Brass! However, I have no control over screentime. So, I just watch and enjoy every single second my favorite character (Sara) and all the others have.
As for keeping every actor in every episode, it's almost impossible. Some actors have other projects going on during the usual shooting period of the season.

Good point. I know for a fact Archie won't be in every single episode this season, particularly ones that are going to be filmed during a certain period this fall... :cool: Look on the bright side - maybe they got this whole storyline going to accomodate a side project Eric may have in the works? I for one would lurrrrrrrve to see him on the big screen.

For Greg fans, I think what you're getting now is more than you used to. I know for fans who only came on in the last two seasons, it doesn't seem that way, but Greg used to be the Hodgins, in that, he was usually in a lot of episodes, but not for long.

True. Of course, he's my favorite of the "starting eight", but I guess "cast bloat" and screen time aren't as huge issues to me as storyline, and the quality of stories the characters I like best get. I didn't personally feel the writers made the best of what they potentially had last season - I thought some plot devices were absolute albatrosses around the show's neck, while others had great potential and should have been followed up more. But hey, that's just me...
Oh my gosh, guys, can we stop discussing screen time?

I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but we're allowed to voice our opinion on the subject of screen time if we want to.
I thought that the fall out from the attack last a few episodes. Am I wrong? Or have I just read one too many spoilers?
anne_wolfe said:
Oh my gosh, guys, can we stop discussing screen time?

I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but we're allowed to voice our opinion on the subject of screen time if we want to.

I never said you weren't allowed to. I made a request. I didn't order. I just made a request, backed up with well-thought out reasoning. I offered a suggestion. That's all. You can ignore it, I just thought I'd put it out there, as I have a right to.

korbjaeger: I agree with you on the importance of storyline, and that a lot of stories were really dropped last season. I understand that is why a lot of people are worried about the handling of Greg's events after "Fannysmackin'." I really am, too, but I'm trying to give TPTB the benefit of the doubt, hoping they've learned from their past mistakes. This show tends to stay away from story arcs, because story arcs can be difficult to follow, but I think they are also necessary to the survival of this show because story arcs keep us invested. If they show Greg growing from what he has gone through, maybe Grissom trying to show his boys more love, maybe Greg relating to someone further down the line... hey, I'm all for it. :)
Oh my gosh, guys, can we stop discussing screen time? Let's give TPTB the benefit of the doubt and watch a month or so of episodes before griping. I know, in the past, CSI has not done the best job of handling breaking up the screen time.

'scuse me, but it's my party and I'll gripe if I want to! (You have to be really old to know that that's a parody on an old Leslie Gore song. ;) As a matter of fact, CBS has done a lousy job at parceling out screentime for the actors. And I have given TPTB the benefit of the doubt several times. It didn't work then and it more than likely won't work now. I'm a pessimist by nature.

As for keeping every actor in every episode, it's almost impossible. Some actors have other projects going on during the usual shooting period of the season. And, often, this show tends to double shoot towards the end of the season. Rather than shooting a single episode at a time, they shoot two separate episodes at once. This makes it difficult for actors to be in every episode. It's one of those things that has to happen on a show that uses 8 business days to shoot an episode.

Or it could be just what it is - cast bloat! That's what I believe it is, especially with the addition of more scenes of Sophia and Hodges. Sorry, but it is what it is.

For Greg fans, I think what you're getting now is more than you used to. I know for fans who only came on in the last two seasons, it doesn't seem that way, but Greg used to be the Hodgins, in that, he was usually in a lot of episodes, but not for long.

True. But I want more, and how can I get more Greg and Grissom with the added cast bloat? Sorry, but if I want to throw a tantrum and shout to the highest hills for more Greg and Grissom, please skip over my irritating posts.

I think that a lot of us have voiced our problems with the cast bloat, and I want to wait a while before griping anymore, if only to build up evidence to lodge a proper complaint.

I have personally written to CBS and to Carol Mendelsohn. But to date I have not had the courtesy of receiving a reply. I know those people are very busy, but I'm holding down both a full-time job AND a part-time job. Those people aren't any busier than I am, but they sure as hell make a lot more money than I do.
I also sent a letter to the writers and Carol. ASking for more screen time for the CSI's and less of the other labrats. More screen time for Greg.

So far Eric is one of the few who have NOT re-signed his contract (the others being Gary & William), It would not surprise me if he moved on. It must suck being treated like you don't matter. Honestly if he leaves, so do I. :mad: Most Eric/Greg fans are fed up with it.
I'm with you Wojo , he goes, I go. And as for the "argument" going on about the complainging.. its getting old. We do have a right to voice our opinion, wether it is about the cast bloat, or screentime, or the fact that we need to stop complaining. So, lets not be mean, or act like we are ordering anyone around or making anyone seem inferior because of their opinion. Be nice... But I do see both points. I am not too happy with the cast bloat (as I consider it), but we (including myslef) have been going on about it a lot. So really, we are all right and wrong.. end of story... now bring on some more spoilers!!
"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to! You would cry too if it happened to you!"


I have a question: We know that Cath and Nick go out to the club before she gets slipped the magic drink, so, does Nick want to know any details?

I mean, the script may have changed drastically since we got the initial spoilers, but from what I remember, Cath calls in Sara to help. Did Nick see the guy Cath was with? If it's revealed this guy was involved in killing Sam, would Nick put the pieces together? I mean, Nick's a smart guy...
Wojo said:
So far Eric is one of the few who have NOT re-signed his contract (the others being Gary & William), It would not surprise me if he moved on. It must suck being treated like you don't matter. Honestly if he leaves, so do I. :mad: Most Eric/Greg fans are fed up with it.

Amen! I love Nick (who also gets treated like he doesn't matter sometimes), but it was Greg who made me first start watching. Eric is a damn fine actor who could do anything that is given to him. I think CSI needs to use that, and if they don't then he should find something where he can shine. The only reason I would still watch if he leaves would be for Nick/George.

Question: The contracts end after season 7, right?

As far as Nick putting together what happened with Cath, I think he will. He loves his friends and usually knows when something is wrong with them.
Don't make me come in here, *sigh* fine, Please read all of the following.

While it is true everyone has the right to their opinion, it also true that everyone has the right to disagree with said opinion. Adding in that everyone has the right to make what they believe to be a reasonable request backed up with their opinion, as folks are allowed to disagree with said request backed up with their opinion.

BUT, there comes a time when compromise is a better bet its calling agreeing to disagree, and moving on, this is turning more from the spoiler thread, into more of a gripe about cast bloating, dislike of character/s, not enough screen time. Granted in some respects its part of the show in the overall general, its not a complete, while it is not completely off topic, its not completely on topic either, that nasty fine line.

I do agree about spoilers and how they can change and that spoilers are a guide of what might come to pass but also what might not happen, something I have said so much I feel like a broken record, and again am asking that it please be kept in mind.

As to the Contract question yes orginially the contracts are up at the end of season 7, But we do not know, who has already started or finished negotations on any new contracts, alot of stars perferre to have it kept quiet for as long as possible. While some preferre to allow the public to know. Right now it could be they are in the middle and nothing to announce, or it could already have taken place and they are just not ready for anyone to know.
I just want to know if there are any Nick-centric stories coming up? Like another Gum Drops? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Sorry, you guys just made me laugh with all your fighting... :lol:

Cat fight! Hisssss...

But, seriously, D is right...Let's move on the the spoilers!
Sorry, Destiny. I'll be good now. As far as Nick-centic episodes, I haven't seen anything yet.
Personally I watch for Nick. Nick (since the 2nd season) has always been missing from 1 ep, and barely in several more. They always say he was at a conference. If Greg wants to advance as a CSI then he most likely has to learn new skills and attend confrences which will cause him to either not be, or barely be, in some eps. They have too many people in the cast and extended cast for everybody to be in every ep for much more than 5 minutes. That was actually the good thing about splitting them into 2 shifts - there were 2 story lines and you got to see each team. Since the teams back together we've seen predominately "all hands on deck" cases. Maybe we should complain to TPTB for more multi-case eps!

Like to add that I thought that Greg got more screen time as a lab rat. He's changed a lot from those eps. I'd like to get back to season 1 where it seemed like they all had different personalities and they had a little bit of fun while still doing their job. I'd also like to see some different cases. It doesn't have to be murder every week.
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