Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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Ok, I just thought that I wouuld throw this out there becuase I think its possible. Meaning it is only a possibility!!

Ok, well, I posted earlier that Greg had nothing in any of the scripts for both Double Cross or Burnout.. well, that wasn't completely right. Now before you yell at me for starting a fight, just know that it is one teeny tiny line and the word "Greg" is barely visible due to someone crossing it out. But all it said was that Greg hurries over to Griss and Griss comes out of one of the lab rooms, and Greg gives him a DNA page....

Now, there are two possibilites: One of course, he just brought Griss the DNA sheet, OR maybe maybe maybe.. Greg is temporairly back in the lab... hmmm

Also, from all the sides that I read, the cases seem to be covered.. but Greg is not mentioned. Could help back up the fact that he is back in the lab because the sides are really only for extra characters and there really is no reason for another character to be in the lab with Greg.. so.. hmmm..?

Like I said, its possible. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I thought I should tell you guys so we could maybe discuss something else.

Just a thought :)
I'm sure if Greg is back in the lab it is only temporary until he recovers from his beating. Personally I think it should be that way. Good continuality for a change.
Greg back in the lab? Is it 4 years ago again? No, probably not, just kidding, he's probably doing another favor for Ecklie, or giving Grissom a DNA sheet that a lab tech gave to him. But at least he's there!

And as for everyone griping, I honestly think it's just because we haven't had any spoilers recently and are just bored and restless and need something to talk about. Which that shouldn't be a problem because we'll have something HUGE to talk about in a little over a week! I am very mad at my instuctor at school- he has us staying at practice until 9!!! Doesn't he know that CSI is on??? Maybe we'll end early... or maybe I'll make him end early *insert evil cackle*... or maybe I'll just skip all that effort and tape it.
He would only be back in the lab because he was unable to go back into the field due to recovery or something.

And I agree about the bickering.. haha
Tomorrow Entertainment Tonight will have a first look at CSI.
Check local listings for times.
eszmanda_luver said:
He would only be back in the lab because he was unable to go back into the field due to recovery or something.

And I agree about the bickering.. haha

I agree with you about Greg. It's my guess that Grissom will offer Greg some time working in the lab while he fully recuperates from the mental and physical ordeal after the attack, and again, my guess only , Grissom will tell Greg that he will have to start carrying a gun with him while on the job in the field. I'm thinking that Greg, who is a gentle man by nature, will balk at the thought of having to carry a gun, and that may be the reason why the spoilers in the TV Guide indicated that he will have a big decision to make regarding his future.

I personally think that it would be criminal to put him back in the lab permanently. Greg has proved his worth in both fields, but he just shines out in the field.

This scenario may also create a further schizm between Greg and Hodges. Hodges is always looking for a reason to humiliate Greg, and would jump on the opportunity to tease Greg unmercifully. This would be a good time for Greg to hone his self-defense skills so he can deck Hodges. Okay, that last line is just wishful thinking on my part. ;)

I wasn't bickering. It was, in my opinion, an honest and open discussion. Really.
I hope Greg doesn't go back into the lab permanently. It's been good to see his character develop while being in the field and away from his comfort zone. It'll be interesting to see what the writers do with this. I hope they'll use it to develop his character more.

The discussion thread for "Built To Kill Part 1" is now up, for discussion, please keep in mind that the thread does not pertain to Part 2 which we will put up after "Part 1" airs.

Since the new thread is up all discussions of that ep no longer belong in here, as this is for future episodes. Thank you. :)
From the Cheers & Jeers section of new issue of TV Guide, dated Sept. 18-24, 2006:

Jeer of the Week to CSI for casting Kevin Federline in an upcoming episode as a teenager who hassles Nick and Warrick at a crime scene. We know the CBS drama needs stunts to goose its ratings against Grey's Anatomy, but does that merit giving Britney's 28-year-old husband his first speaking role? Let's just hope K-Fed acts better than he raps.

Ouch! This got the "Jeer of the Week" over even some reality crap shows! I gotta say I agree with TV Guide this time. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this bit of casting.
OUCH! we can only hope he doesn't say much. I watched the Entertainment tonight featuring CSI, they said they'd be doing a countdown all next week until the season opener Thursday.
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